


  • You have to sleep now ? Does that mean having a threesome ?

    你们现在要睡觉?意思就是 你们一起 了?

  • I guess they were having a little threesome .


  • The threesome insist their relationship is like that of any normal couple : having breakfast with one another watching TV after work and sharing a bed together .

    坚持说她们彼此之间的关系和其他普通情侣之间 什么两样:一起吃早饭、下班后看电视、同住一张床。

  • Had a threesome with a guy and another girl ?

    和另一女孩还有一男人 同时 一起 做爱

  • The world 's only ' married ' lesbian threesome are expecting their first child .

    3名女同性恋结婚了,她们 现在正等待第一个孩子 降临,这是世界上首例 女同 家庭

  • Wait do you mean like a threesome ?

    等等,你是说像 叁人 那样

  • THE mortified father of Wayne Rooney 's threesome hooker Jenny Thompson was in hospital last night after a heart attack .

    “鲁尼 事件 主角 之一的珍妮。汤普森的父亲昨晚因心脏病发作住院了。

  • While Brynn and Kitten are legally married Doll is handfasted to both so the threesome are as equally married to each other as legally possible .

    布林和 基腾合法结婚,多尔与二人都有婚约,所以 在现有法律条件下、已经达到彼此之间在婚姻中尽可能地位平等。

  • But you must go threesome day to have a look for yourself .

    不过你哪一天一定要去 中国 亲眼看看。

  • We went around in a threesome .

    我们 个人 一起走了

  • Daimler is edging towards a threesome with the Renault-Nissan alliance .

    戴姆勒公司正靠拢着雷诺- 尼桑联盟形成 家结盟。

  • Maybe people were never meant to do it with only one other person it did happen and threesome became the relationship of the future .

    如果说 酒后 真言是千古 不变 寓言那么我宁可相信这 所有的一切都不曾发生。

  • In the black magic school Harley Rowen and the hertz are continuing threesome 's study sensitively ;

    在魔法学校,哈利、罗恩和 赫敏继续着 小组的学习;

  • Never underestimate the power of a faux threesome .

    永远不要低估 三角 的力量。

  • After a rough start in which the two men try and ditch the persistent Mattie the threesome set out across the plains to find Chaney .

    一开始旅途并不顺利,两个大男人一直试图撇下固执的 玛蒂自己行动。

  • The many economist fans of the winning threesome say their analytic framework helps address such key policy issues as the level of unemployment benefits and the structure of employment contracts .

    获奖 的许多经济学家粉丝表示,他们的分析框架有助于解决诸如失业救济 金水平和雇佣合约结构等关键的政策问题。

  • That 's quite a hot threesome you arrived with .

    和你一 起来的是一个很