


  • He had a heart attack when he was still trying to get thru her phone line .

    那天 晚上,当她的丈夫仍然试图 接通她的电话时,他心脏病突然发作了。

  • I would like to thank the authors whose works I have cited thru out my paper .

    感谢论文中引用 书目的作者,他们的著作 开扩了我的思路。

  • You now see your reality thru the eyes of the false god who tells you you are worth better .

    而现在,你是 通过虚假神的眼睛 看待你的实相的,它会告诉你你配得到更好的东西。

  • Now let 's go together thru lab # 1 .

    现在让我们进一步看 一下第一个实验。

  • The page view feature lets you look at multiple websites and documents by scrolling thru them one after another

    页面视图的特性可以让你以连续 滚动的方式查看多个网站和文档

  • After watching fireworks thru our balcony window last night the result is waking up late on New Year 's Day .

    昨天晚上站在阳台看新年 焰火,结果新年的第一天起来晚了。

  • His sword did no more thru stick a hole in his enemy 's shield .

    他的 宝剑只是把敌人的盾刺了个洞。

  • This will be available thru the developer portal in April .

    这些内容 直到 四月才能在开发人员门户中获取。

  • Ensure customer service level achieve brand standard thru retail training program to staff .

    参与 制定零售培训计划,确保下属员工的客户服务水平达到品牌标准。

  • We offer precision connecting project effectively thru professional management so as to implement our ambition .

    我们 高速 高效地提供精密连接方案,以专业化的管理执行我们的发展策略。

  • Any revenue earned the 1st thru the 15th of the month you will receive on the 22nd .

    你将在每月的22日收到你从第1日 第15日赚取的全部收益。

  • If we ever get lost on our way The waves would guide you thru another day

    假使我们迷失了方向,波浪将会指引着我们 穿越另一天的 曙光

  • Our job is to teach the children thru jesus to be happy .

    我们的工作就是 透过耶稣教给孩子快乐。

  • I actually ordered this thru northern tools and when it was shipped it was double boxed to help minimize chances of damage .

    其实,我 通过这个命令的工具和北部被运时是双盒装,以帮助减少损失的机会。

  • When painting cast shadows add holes where the light peeks thru otherwise the shadow will appear pasted on .

    当表现投射阴影时将光线扫过的地方加些小洞,不然阴影像是 上去的一样。

  • Stay in London Tuesday thru friday .

    星期二 星期五一 呆在伦敦。

  • Candace : This is thru Steve on the forum .

    坎迪斯:这则 消息 来自斯蒂夫的论坛。

  • We are working thru you and are handicapped if you do not respond as our hands should respond in this giving .

    我们 通过你而工作,如果你不回应工作会受到阻碍,作为我们的助手,应该回应这个给予。

  • ADB tool to access you device thru shell .

    亚行工具访问您 通过壳装置。

  • So the WAVE comes out the top and returns thru the bottom .

    因此 巨浪从顶部 发出,返回到底部。

  • I don 't want to say I miss you though deep inside I do coz I 'm afraid you might see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you .

    我不想说我想你,尽管在我的内心我是如此地 渴望;噢,我担心你会看到并且知道我是多么地害怕失去像你这样的人!

  • Why did you go thru the debris field ?

    你什么要 穿越飞机残骸区?

  • Data flowing thru a live connection .

    数据流 通过一个Live连线。

  • In this article we looked at making PHP code more testable thru several examples of classically found untestable code in PHP applications .

    在本文中, 通过PHP应用程序中一些典型的不可测试代码示例,我们了解了如何改进PHP代码的可测试性。

  • Particularly the sales of first album Life Thru A Lens were disappointing .

    特别是 他的第一张专辑“ 透过镜头所 看到的生活”的销量令人失望。

  • The wheels on the bus go round and round all thru the town .

    车子上的 轮子 ,一直到城里。

  • Autocratic China has grown to the size of today thru its not-so-open economic social and military policies .


  • K-Fed follows thru Britney Spears assistt served court papers !

    钾馈 通过以下 布兰妮助?k?送达法庭文件!

  • There are quite a few readers of AH that fully expected this big show and tell and if it was on MY orders it would have been put out thru Candace .

    有相当多的AH读者十分期待这次大型显现和告知;如果它是我的命令,它将 通过 Candace被发布。