


  • This assumption simplifies data coherency issues and enables high throughput data access .

    这一假设简化了数据一致性问题,使高 吞吐量的数据访问成为可能。

  • Concurrency and throughput also have to do with when you release the locks .

    并发性和 吞吐量还与您释放锁的时间有关。

  • There are also graphs for bandwidth usage and corresponding transaction throughput .

    这里还提供了图片来显示带宽使用情况和相应的事务 吞吐量

  • User scalability improved three times and network bandwidth and user throughput ( transactions per second ) improved .

    用户扩展性提升了三倍,网络带宽和用户 吞吐量(每秒事务数)也已经改善。

  • This involves determining the amount of disk type ( speed ) size and throughput .

    这涉及到确定磁盘的数量、类型(速度)、大小和 吞吐量

  • Is a network technique where multiple network connections are used together for redundancy and throughput optimization .

    是一种网络技术,其中结合使用了多个网络连接来实现冗余和 吞吐量优化。

  • Horizontal scaling of our application clearly improves overall throughput and lowers average response time .

    我们的应用程序的水平扩展明显改善了总体 吞吐量,并降低了平均响应时间。

  • Scalability describes how an application 's throughput behaves as its workload and available computing resources increase .

    可伸缩性指的是一个应用程序在工作负载和可用处理资源增加时其 吞吐量的表现情况。

  • This leads to improved response times and throughput .

    这将改善响应时间和 吞吐量

  • This might be based on throughput rate or on the concurrency .

    可以根据 吞吐率或并发性执行截断。

  • This reduces the disk I / O and significantly improves the performance and throughput .

    这会减少磁盘I/O并显著提升性能和 吞吐量

  • CEP offers a high throughput and low latency solution for processing large amounts of monitoring data .

    CEP为处理大量的监测数据提供了一个高 吞吐量及低延迟的解决方案。

  • Blocked application server worker threads can negatively impact the server 's capacity and throughput .

    被阻塞的应用程序服务器工作线程可能会对服务器的容量和 吞吐量造成负面影响。

  • High performance market data distribution : Provides throughput and routing capabilities .

    高性能市场数据分发:提供 吞吐量和路由功能。

  • Predictions of the backbone throughput were made and the results were compared with the practice .

    对主干的 流量进行了预测,并将预测结果与实际情况做了比较。

  • We have capacity and capability do we have throughput ?

    我们有能力和资源,但是我们有 产出么?

  • Through structure folding and module reuse the resource utilization was reduced and the throughput was increased .

    通过进行结构折叠和算法重用,有效地减小了资源占用,提高了 吞吐

  • It minimizes the amount of database connections thus improving overall database performance and throughput .

    减少数据库连接的数量,提高了数据库的整体性能和 吞吐量

  • There 's still a reasonable throughput of business .

    业务 仍然可以。

  • Multipath I / O may be used to improve storage throughput and to provide redundancy .

    多路径I/O可用于改进存储 吞吐量和提供冗余。

  • XML has provided significant advantages but these advantages come at the price of performance and throughput .

    XML提供了重要的优点,但这些优点是以性能和 吞吐量为代价的。

  • This was a gradual throughput degradation problem .

    这是一个 吞吐量逐渐降低的问题。

  • Two collaborative communication solutions are compared and analyzed in terms of the network throughput and system outage probability .

    从网络 吞吐量和系统中断概率的角度进行了理论分析与比较。

  • Memory and CPU based access can provide much lower latency and greater throughput than disk and network based access .

    相比基于磁盘和网络的访问,基于内存和CPU的访问能提供更低的延迟和更高的 吞吐量

  • This behavior degraded networking throughput CPU utilization and overall networking performance and scalability .

    这种行为会损害网络 吞吐量、CPU利用率以及总体网络性能和可伸缩性。

  • By employing multi-priority before data transfer it increases system 's throughput and reduces the network latency .

    采用多种优先级对数据进行裁决并传输,能提高系统的 吞吐量,降低网络延迟。

  • TCP transport communication on JXTA is fully NIO enabled providing scalable message handling and throughput .

    JXTA上的TCP传输通信完全是基于NIO的,因而能够提供可伸缩的消息处理和 吞吐量