


vt.& vi.蜂拥而至挤满群集

  • I disentangled myself from the merry throng .

    我由那欢乐的 人群中脱身而去。

  • Some of the throng sniggered .

    人群中发出了一阵 窃笑

  • Mike dashed through the throng of people on the street .

    麦克冲过街上的 人群

  • Across the square they joined the growing throng outside the red temple .

    穿过广场,他们加入了 红庙外不断增长的 人群

  • A throng of pupils issued out into the street .


  • With tears in our eyes we saw her disappear amidst the throng of people .

    含着泪水的眼睛,我们看到她消失在 人群之中的人。

  • The air was vibrating with music and the hubbub of a huge throng assembled for the May Day fireworks .

    空中回荡着音乐和为五一烟火晚会聚集起来的巨大 人群发出的喧闹声。

  • All the past as if by sound in such a way that come in a throng .

    一切往事,仿佛都以声音这样一种方式 纷至沓来

  • Visitors will then throng through the75 tents and public spaces on a31-hectare site in the west of the city .

    然后游客们将 至城市西部31公顷土地上的75个帐篷与公共场所里。

  • Nowadays groups of customers come in a throng and projects settle down one by one .

    如今,一 客商 纷至沓来,一个个项目 纷纷落户。

  • Come to thine own heroic throng .

    来到你自己的英雄 群众

  • The jubilant throng is like the waves of the sea .

    欢腾的 人群 宛如大海的波涛。

  • The people throng to see the king .

    人们 蜂拥 前去一睹国王的 雄姿

  • The bride blushed proudly the throng of guests roared its approval .

    新娘自豪地脸红了,宾客 人群高呼着它的赞同。

  • Relieved team-mates flung themselves on him in team throng halfway inside Watford 's half .

    舒一口气的队友们在沃特福德的半场中间, 纷纷 蜂拥而至扑向他。

  • The crowds thronged into the mall .

    人群 涌进大厅。

  • A quiet life ; a quiet throng of onlookers ; quiet peace-loving people ; the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years .

    平静的生活;安静的 旁观人群;安静的和平爱好者;派系斗争几乎保持了十年的安静。

  • The first comer seizes a current of the throng and leads it whither he wills .

    第一个见到的人可以抓住 群众 共同 趋势并牵着他们跟他一道走。

  • Reducing electric vortex throng optimizing the design of magnetic loop is discussed from theory and experimentation .

    本文从理论和试验论述了通过磁路优化设计减少涡流 损耗

  • On the square there was a wildly cheering throng .

    广场上有一 大群欢呼雷动的 人群

  • By degrees the throng dispersed ; the carriages drove off .

    人群 渐渐 散光了;车辆也驶走了。

  • THE streets of Germany 's main cities still throng with shoppers ;

    德国主要城市的街道上,购物的 人流依然 不断没有商店 关门 停业

  • Squeals of delight pealed through the throng of children and adults as I burst out of the door .

    欢乐声在小孩子和大人中环绕 冲出了病房。

  • He was the prey of a throng of novel sensations .

    他被一 大堆新的感触 控制 了。

  • An official pushed through the throng .

    一名官员 费力 挤过 人群

  • The pre-Christmas sale attracted a throng of shoppers .

    圣诞节前的 减价销售吸引了大批顾客。

  • She has to press through the throng to reach the stage .

    她不得不穿过 拥挤 人群走上舞台。

  • They throng the beaches between late June and early August .

    6月底到8月初,他们 在海滩上。

  • Amid this closely pressing throng there must be Roberta 's father and mother .

    拥挤 人群 中间,一定有罗伯塔的父母。