


  • Splenectomy often relieve the symptoms of patients with mechanical pressure but splenectomy related mortality is high can accelerate liver and extreme thrombocytosis .

    脾切除常可减轻患者的机械压迫症状,但脾切除的相关死亡率高,可加速肝大和极度的 血小板 增多

  • The percent of thrombocytosis is 53.3 % in all patients .

    血小板 增多 ,占53.3%。

  • Effects of Sodium Ozagrel in Primary Thrombocytosis Combined with Thrombosis

    奥扎格雷钠干预治疗原发性 血小板 增多 合并血栓形成的研究

  • Clinic diagnostic value of thrombocytosis in patients with lung cancer

    血小板 升高对肺癌的临床诊断价值

  • The expression of VEGF and thrombocytosis were related to the tumour size depth lymph node metastasis vessel invasion and TNM stage ( P < 0.01 ) The prognosis of patients with thrombocytosis and expression of VEGF was poor .

    血小板 增多、VEGF表达与肿瘤大小、浸润深度、淋巴结转移、TNM分期、血管癌栓密切相关(P<0.01),血小板增多、VEGF阳性表达与胃癌预后呈 相关。

  • PV was characterized by erythrocytosis but in most cases there were erythrocytosis guanulocytosis and thrombocytosis in bone marrow .

    尽管临床上PV以红细胞增多为主,但骨髓分析显示 此病有红系、 系、巨核细胞系三系增生。

  • However in primary thrombocytosis especially if there are other risk factors for thrombosis .

    然而,原发性 血小板 增多 ,尤其是有血栓风险时, 需要 接受治疗。

  • Coronary artery damage risk factors include age thrombocytosis application of IVIG time .

    冠状动脉损害高危因素包括年龄、 血小板 升高、应用丙种球蛋白时间等。

  • Results According our statistic result there were about 35-41 % thrombocytosis in patients with lung cancer .

    结果根据我们的统计,肺癌患者中有 35&41%的有 血小板升高。

  • The correlation coefficient between thrombocytosis and t bone metastasis is 0.336 ( p0.001 ) . 5 .

    病程中首次出现 血小板 增多的程度与骨转移的相关系数为 0.336(p0.001)。

  • Poor prognosis associated with thrombocytosis and cyclooxygenase-2 ( COX-2 ) expression in aged patients with gastric carcinoma

    血小板 增多、环氧化酶2在老年胃癌中表达及预后

  • Clinical studies on relation between ovarian malignant tumor and thrombocytosis

    卵巢恶性肿瘤与 血小板 增多关系的临床研究

  • Thrombocytosis is correlated with bone metastasis in patients with NSCLC : the rate of bone metastasis is higher in patients with thrombocytosis than that in those without thrombocytosis . 5 .

    在NSCLC, 血小板 增多与骨转移有关:血小板增多的患者发生骨转移的比率增高。

  • The clinical appearance laboratory examination and treatment in 19 cases of primary thrombocytosis are reported in this paper .

    本文报告了19例原发性 血小板 增多 的临床表现、实验室检查及治疗。

  • Clinical manifestations of CML include splenomegaly extreme elevation of peripheral white blood cells increasing of immature granulocyte macrophage alkali eosinophilia anemia and thrombocytosis .

    临床表现为脾脏肿大、外周血白细胞极度升高并 出现幼稚粒细胞,嗜碱、嗜酸粒细胞增多, 有贫血、 血小板 增多

  • Correlation between thrombocytosis and prognosis in patients with osteosarcoma

    骨肉瘤患者 血小板 血症与预后的相关性分析

  • Conclusions There was a close relationship between platelets and lung cancer thrombocytosis may be used as a prognostic reference indication in patients with lung cancer so anti-platelet treatment is prerequisite to the patients with lung cancer in multidisciplinary synthetic therapy .

    结论血小板与肺癌的发生、 发展 转移 有关血小板 增多可作为一个预后判断因素,抗血小板治疗是肺癌综合治疗所必须的。

  • Correlation between thrombocytosis and clinicopathologic factors in esophageal carcinoma

    血小板 计数 增高与食管癌临床病理因素的相关性分析

  • This paper presents the clinical application of venin in coronary heart disease cerebral vascular disease cor pulmonale dermatosis diabetes mellitus primary thrombocytosis peripheral vascular disease nephrotic syndrome etc.

    介绍了蝮蛇毒在冠心病、脑血管疾病、肺心病、皮肤病、糖尿病、原发性 血小板 增多 、周围血管疾病、肾病综合征等疾病中的临床应用。