throw away

[θro əˈwe][θrəu əˈwei]


  • I 've got boxes of old clothes in the attic which I really should throw away .


  • It will be easier to keep the environment clean if we don 't throw away so much rubbish .

    如果我们不 扔掉太多垃圾的话,保持环境清洁就比较容易办到了。

  • They only need to throw away a small bag full of garbage !

    他们只 一小袋垃圾!

  • She 'll throw away her future over me .


  • We also like to throw away the umbrella feel the cool rain kiss our faces quietly .

    我们也喜欢 丢弃伞,安静地感觉凉爽的雨吻我们的脸。

  • I throw away all mail addressed to'resident ' .

    所有地址为‘居民’的邮件都 了。

  • We should have won . We threw it away .

    我们本该赢的,是我们自己 把握住机会。

  • It 's wasteful to throw away glass paper and metal .


  • Whatever you throw away it 'll go back to you .

    人们 出去 什么,但是它终会回来。

  • You 'll throw away all of your tomorrows .


  • You can throw away your glasses .

    你可以 扔掉你的眼镜了。

  • At first I thought that the heads had been chopped off to sell for soup or to throw away .

    一开始我以为砍下来的鱼头都被单卖出去做汤喝或 干脆 扔掉

  • I 'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance .

    我不是建议你 扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。

  • It is an asset which we must enhance and not throw away .

    这是个我们必须加强和不能 丢弃的资产。

  • I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we 've finished cooking

    现在我知道了不该在饭没做完之前 扔掉烹饪说明。

  • I 'll lock up my heart and throw away the key .

    我会将我的心锁住,然后 钥匙 丢掉

  • I think I 'll throw away these newspapers .

    我想我要 这些报纸。

  • Do you feel bad when you throw away paper cups and packaging ?

    当你 扔掉纸杯和包装物时感觉很糟吗?

  • If you think I 'm too tall I 'll throw away all my high-heels .

    你嫌我太高了,我 穿高跟鞋。

  • She throw away the clerical pamphlet pass out to her by someone on the street .

    扔掉 有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。

  • I broke Yajie 's pen by accident and in revenge she throw away my cellphone .

    我不留心弄坏了玛丽的钢笔,出于报复,她 我的手机。

  • Who would throw away such a cute little doodad ?

    谁会 这么可爱的小玩意儿给 了?

  • Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven 't had for a generation

    如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将 错过等了一代人才等来的机会

  • Just a stone 's throw away is the City Art Gallery .


  • No you are my garbage can throw away my garbage I can continue to fight .

    没有,就知道你是我的垃圾站,我能 垃圾继续战斗。

  • I never throw anything away

    我什么东西都不 舍得

  • You should throw away all those old clothes you never wear .

    你应该 那些你从来不穿的旧衣服 统统 扔掉

  • I found this television in a junkyard & it 's amazing what people will throw away .

    我在废品旧货栈找到了这台电视机&人们 的东西真令人吃惊。

  • To my surprise I suddenly heard him barking at me a stone throw away when getting home .

    但让我感到惊奇地是,当我进家门时我突然听到他在 远处对我 叫唤

  • Discuss with your partner what we should pay attention to when we throw away rubbish .

    和你的搭档讨论当我们 垃圾的时候应该注意什么。