through phrase

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[计] 通过短语

  • Through X-ray diffraction analysis the ceramic material obtained by the sintered nano powders has the chief crystal phrase of La_2Ti_2O_7 and the second chief one of BaLa_2Ti_4O_ ( 12 ) .

    X-射线(XRD)分析表明,用此类粉体烧制的陶瓷材料其主晶相为La2Ti2O7,副相为 Ba-La2Ti4O12

  • Through analyzing redundant words and Phrases in the titles of Sci-tech papers the authors classify the words and phrase into four types such as modest inflated meaningness and repetitive types etc.

    经过对科技论文题名中多余词语的归类分析,常见的多余 词语大体可分为谦虚性、夸张性、无意义性和重复性四种类型。

  • Through these angles of analysis we can clearly see a lot of reason of sentence construction characteristics of the BA type appearance phrase .

    通过这些角度的分析,我们可以推出BA式状态 很多构成方式和句法特点的成因。

  • Government Technology Procurement ( GTP ) impels national technology innovation industry development and prop up national enterprises through direct or indirect procurement for vital products and technology that effect national economics and civilian living in its early or developing phrase of product life cycle .

    政府技术采购 通过直接或间接地对处于产品生命周期的形成期或发展 、对国计民生或经济起重要影响的行业和技术进行采购的方式来推动国家技术创新和产业发展,以扶植民族工业。

  • Based on the building fire hazards evaluation methods home and abroad experts ' discussion and the building standards define the value of every factor and through the fire damage model and risk evaluation methods make the research on the danger of fire in every phrase .

    结合国内外建筑火灾危险评价法、专家评议法及建筑标准,对各影响因素危险性赋值, 通过火灾伤害模型、风险评价方法,分析计算了每个 阶段火灾危险性;

  • A Study of the Metaphor 's Systematic Quality through an Analysis of the Ontological Metaphor in Chinese Modifier-noun Phrase

    汉语偏正 短语中的实体隐喻看隐喻的系统性

  • You 're cherry picking through your phrase book learning how to say practical things in your target language and rehearsing all those precious phrases as though they were your part in a play .

    你的 短语书籍中筛选词汇,学习那些生活中很实用的内容,并像是在演戏一样来练习它们。

  • We analyzed the structure of sulfuric chitosan through IR spectrum and primarily determined this esterify reactive method of quasi-homogenous phrase .

    应用红外光谱谱图对硫酸酷化/ 磺化壳聚糖衍生物的结构进行了分析,初步分析了准均相反应的反应机理。

  • If HP can help me go through the difficulty I would imagine the bright future of the AST standing on the shoulder of a giant . Tuyecheng has already become the pet phrase of mine .

    HP能够帮助我 渡过这道难关,就等于我站在巨人的肩膀上,能看到人造土壤产业的光明前程,我早已把“土业成”三个字当成我的 口头禅了。

  • Focusing on the aim of Frame semantic analysis through analyzing practical corpus this paper presents the definition of noun phrase for the frame semantic analysis .

    针对框架语义分析的目的, 分析真实语料的基础上,提出了适合于框架语义分析的汉语名词 短语的定义。

  • Vocabulary Teaching Through Lexical Phrase Approach

    运用 词组进行词汇教学

  • Through analyzing characteristic of maximum entropy and transformation rules we present the method that recognizes noun phrase based on combining both them .

    经过分析最大熵与转换规则方法各自的特点,提出基于两者相结合的名词 短语识别方法。

  • Then through extraction time and place phrase extraction news content ;

    然后, 通过抽取的时间和地点 短语抽取新闻的内容;

  • Through the research of the paper the author obtained the results as following : for the very large oil tanker the vibration of the pipe system should be forecasted in the design phrase and make some change for the structure which will vibrate .

    通过本文的研究,对于大型油船及浮式储油船等管道较多的船舶来说,管道系统的振动应在设计 阶段进行预测,并对可能出现的振动问题进行改进。

  • Through the overall study of the policies on private capitalism we can get several enlightenments : making full use of capitalism must be a basic policy of our country in the primary phrase of socialism ;

    通过对1949-1956年党对私人资本主义政策的全面研究,可以得到很多深刻的启示:(1)利用资本主义是社会主义初级 阶段必须长期坚持的基本国策;

  • Significance of nominalization lies in the fact that it reorganizes small sentences and the information structure of discourse through the changes of participants and environment constituents and the changes of the small sentence level and phrase structure .

    名物化的意义在于可以使得小句、语篇中的信息结构, 通过参与者和环境成分的变化、小句层次和 词组结构的变化,重新组合。

  • After many years their grown up walking in the rough life on the road gone through many ups and downs but magical ear like mother 's echoing phrase : August is the season of harvest fruit sweet !

    多少年过后,自己长大了,走在人生的坎坷之路上, 经历了许多风风雨雨,耳畔却神奇般的回响着母亲的那 :八月是收获的季节,果实很甜!