throughput of system

[ˈθruˌpʊt ʌv ˈsɪstəm][ˈθru:put ɔv ˈsistəm]

[计] 系统吞吐量

  • Making full use of each link to transmit information can improve total throughput of the system .

    两个 节点之间根据信道状况非 对称的传输信息可以充分利用各链路, 系统的总 吞吐量将有进一步提升。

  • The emerging high performance network servers with the InfiniBand Architecture ( IBA ) can take the advantage of IBA and improve the I / O throughput of the system .

    采用InfiniBand体系结构(IBA)的高性能网络服务器可以充分发挥InfiniBand结构的优势,改善 系统的I/O 吞吐 能力

  • As an important component of system software job management system provides centralized management and scheduling of hardware and software resources according to the users requirements ensuring that computer resources are available to all users jobs and increasing the utilization and throughput of the system .

    作为系统软件的重要组成部分,作业管理系统可以根据用户的需求,统一管理和调度系统的软硬件资源,保证用户作业合理地使用机器资源,提高了 系统利用率和 吞吐

  • Three-tier architecture improves the scalability fault tolerance and throughput of the system .

    三层架构的设计提高了 系统的可扩展性、容错性和 吞吐量

  • In order to making the communication throughput of the system up to the maximum under the interference requirement of the primary system we propose a joint optimization of power allocation and channel allocation scheme .

    为了 保证在认知用户对主用户干扰可 容忍的前提下使得通信 系统 可达 吞吐量最大,提出了一种联合优化功率分配和信道分配的方案。

  • This system improves the utilization ratio of resources decreases the waiting time of clients enhances throughput of the system .

    这一系统在提高资源利用率、减小用户等待时间、增加 系统 吞吐量方面取得了良好地效果。

  • You may get guaranteed response time but this will come at the cost of overall throughput of the system .

    你可能获得了响应时间的保证,但它却会影响到 系统的总 吞吐量

  • The simulation results illustrate that the proposed algorithm decreases the interference to the cognitive users and increases the total throughput of system as well .

    仿真结果表明,该算法减小了对授权用户的干扰,提高了 系统吞吐量

  • The throughput of this system is much better than a parallel search implementation .

    系统 吞吐量比并行搜索实现要好很多。

  • First for the purpose of improving the saturation throughput of 802.11n system in non-ideal channel the thesis proposed a algorithms which can adjust the length and number of aggregate frame dynamically according to the bit error rate of wireless channel .

    综合分析所得结果,以提高在非理想信道下,802.11 系统的饱和 吞吐量为目的,本文提出了一种依据无线信道误比特率不同,动态调节聚合帧长的思想。

  • The highly efficient and accurate classification has improved the grinding-classification efficiency of the tertiary grinding thus raising the run-of-mine ore throughput of System 321 .

    德瑞克细筛的高效、精确分级,提高了三段磨矿的磨矿分级效率,提高了321 系统处理 原矿 能力

  • Simulation and analytical results show that the average throughput of the system can achieve maximum value regardless of the channel conditions so the system performance under bad channel conditions was improved .

    仿真与分析结果表明: 系统平均 吞吐量在不同信道质量情况下均获得最大值,改善了在信道状态不佳时的系统性能。

  • However the performance of PFS is reduced in a great many application because of load imbalance mostly . It makes some components to be the bottleneck and limit the throughput of system .

    然而,在很多应用中并行文件系统的性能受到削弱,其重要原因就是负载不均衡,使得某些部件成为瓶颈,制约了整个 系统 吞吐量

  • The simulation results show that this solution can fit the dynamic change of the wireless environment and improve the throughput of the system and effectively balance the load .

    实验结果表明该算法能动态感知网络环境的变化,有效提高 网络 吞吐量和均衡网络负载。

  • According to the results of simulation comparison it is found that the throughput of the system has been significantly improved .

    通过仿真比较发现 系统 吞吐量有了明显的提高。

  • In ALOHA protocol the relative position of contention slots and reservation slots within a frame should affect the throughput of the system .

    在随机接入协议中,竞争时隙与预约时隙在一帧中的相对位置(帧模式)对 系统 吞吐量有很大的影响。

  • The traffic and topology adaptive routing algorithm conbined with topology structure and operating rules is proposed in this paper which can increase the throughput of the system .

    结合卫星网路的拓扑结构和运行规律,提出了一种通信量和拓扑自适应的路由算法,可以增大 系统 流量

  • This optimization transmission scheme can for one thing guarantee the reliability of communications for another it can significantly reduce the amount of feedback and increase the effective throughput of the system .

    这种传输方案可以在保证通信可靠性的基础上显著地减少 系统的反馈量,增加 系统的有效 吞吐量

  • An weighted interference canceller for MIMO-OFDM is presented in this paper to reduce the guard interval . It can be used to overcome the problem of error propagation and to improve the throughput of the system .

    提出了一种MIMO-OFDM系统中采用加权多径干扰抵消(W-MPIC)来减少保护间隔开销的方法,可克服多径干扰抵消中误差传播问题,进一步提高OFDM 系统 传输 容量

  • The experiment results show that with MC-backfill policy even in the case of inaccurate estimation of job running time by users the average waiting time of jobs can decrease and the throughput of system is improved . 4 .

    系统测试表明,MC-Backfill策略可以在用户对作业执行时间估计不准确的情况下较好地减少作业平均等待时间,提高 系统 吞吐

  • Scheduling algorithm directly affects the delay and throughput of the system which are the key indicators of QoS .

    调度算法直接影响着QoS的两个重要指标&时延和 吞吐量

  • In this situation one of the main goals in system optimizing is to raise the total throughput of system without wasting anymore precious spectrum resources .

    在此情况下,如何在节约宝贵的频谱资源的同时提高 系统 吞吐量便成为了优化系统设计的一个主要目标。

  • Analysis results show that throughput of WPAN system can be obviously increased when channel state changes not very frequently and the number of bad channel is not excessive .

    理论分析的结果表明,在大多数无线个域网应用环境下(即信道状态改变不是太快以及坏信道不是太多),所提 方案能够显著地提高无线个域 系统 吞吐量

  • All these design features not only increased the throughput of the system and shortened the response time to system but also improved the overall running efficiency .

    提高了 系统 吞吐 ,缩短了系统的响应时间,使整体效率得以提升。

  • The basic principle and characteristic of three traditional ARQ protocol are analyzed and compared . The throughput performance of system is analyzed . The basic principle and characteristic of frame length adaptation and the effect on improving wireless transmission link are introduced in detail . 3 .

    分析和比较了传统的3种ARQ协议的基本原理和特点,分析了其 系统 吞吐量性能;并详细介绍了帧长自适应的基本原理和特点,以及对改善无线传输链路所带来的影响。

  • Based on the signal control of the isolated intersection a dynamic optimization and control method for urban artery is presented whose objective is to maximize the throughput of artery system during the whole control period .

    在单交叉路口信号动态优化控制研究的基础上,针对饱和交通干线的信号控制问题,提出了以控制周期内饱和交通干线 系统的车辆通行 最大为目标的交通信号动态优化控制方法。

  • The simulation results show that the UF based algorithm can guarantee the proportional fairness of the throughput between every users and evidently increase the total throughput of the system .

    仿真结果表明,基于效用公平的算法,可以保证各用户间的吞吐量符合比例公平原则,并能明显增加 系统吞吐量

  • With the increasing of the number of parallel channels the throughput of system can be improved and the transmission delay can be decreased .

    而且通过增加并行操作的 信道数,可以做到提高 吞吐量,减少传输时延的作用,同时还能降低 接收 缓冲 容量的要求。

  • Under the premise of guaranteeing system fairness and QoS of multi-traffic the strategy can improve the overall throughput of the system . 2 .

    该策略在保障系统公平性和多业务QoS的前提下,提高了 系统的总体 吞吐量