tiled window

[计] 瓦片型窗口

  • The building was regular the roof was tiled the window shutters were not painted green nor were the walls covered with honeysuckles .

    它的建筑一般化, 盖瓦的屋顶,百叶 没有漆成绿色,墙上也没盖常青藤。

  • And besides as soon as the user moves neatly tiled windows he is thrust right back into overlapping window excise ( see Chapter 11 ) .

    另外,只要用户移动整洁的 平铺窗口,则必定要重新 面对层叠 窗口的附加工作(参见第11章)。

  • Usually both tasks require oodles of windows tiled on screen to keep a watchful eye & perhaps tail in one window less in another window and a command prompt in yet another .

    这些任务常常需要在屏幕上 显示许多窗口;例如,在一个 窗口中执行 tail,在另一个窗口中执行less,在第三个窗口中显示命令提示。