time transaction

[taɪm trænˈsækʃən][taim trænˈzækʃən]

[经] 定期交易,期货交易

  • Explanation : the amount of time that transaction log history information will exist before being deleted .

    解释: 事务日志历史记录信息在被删除之前将存在的 时间

  • Design and implementation of real time transaction concurrency control mechanism

    实时 事务并发控制机制的设计及其实现

  • At the time of transaction the accounting profits will not be affected nor will the taxable amount ( or the deductible loss ) be affected .

    (二) 交易发生 既不影响会计利润也不影响应纳税所得额(或可抵扣亏损)。

  • However as time goes by more and more customers and items are accumulated on the E-commerce system . At the same time transaction information access logs and other business data increases rapidly .

    但随着时间推移,电子商务系统上积累的用户和产品越来越多, 交易信息、访问日志等业务数据量 急剧增大。

  • A new real time transaction scheduling policy

    一种改进的 实时 事务调度策略

  • The Bancassurance system is a kind of application system that supports real time online transaction between banks and insurance companies .

    银保通业务系统是一种在银行和保险公司之间进行 实时联机 交易的应用系统。

  • The time first transaction is delivered .

    传送第一个 事务 时间

  • The Main Memory Database Technology Supporting Active Real Time Transaction

    支持主动 实时 事务的内存数据库技术

  • Average network time per transaction is the amount of time spent waiting on network I / O.

    每个 事务的平均网络 时间是等待网络I/O的总时间。

  • Finally the management mechanism of active real time database transaction of ARTS I a prototype system being developed is introduced .

    最后介绍了我们研制的一个主动实时DBMS原型系统 ARTS-I中主动 实时事务的管理机制。

  • This larger number of transaction log files requires additional time for transaction log replay during recovery procedures .

    事务日志文件数越多,恢复过程中重播 事务日志的 时间就越长。

  • In this paper a three phased pre analysis strategy is presented for real time transaction processing . In the static pre analysis phase the system obtains the static information of transactions ;

    提出了一种 事务预分析处理的三 法:数据说明阶段的静态预分析提取事务静态信息;

  • The study has shown that five aspects such as utility and effectiveness of the health from many factors are mostly concerned with the consumers and we should mainly focus on these aspects from the mobile business promotion activities . Next real time transaction behaviour research .

    研究表明,在众多移动商务影响因素中,消费者实际最为关心的是效用、对身体健康影响等五个方面,应主要从这些方面重点开展移动商务推广活动。其次, 实时 交易行为研究。

  • Overall average response time per transaction shows the average times for completed transactions .

    每个 事务的总平均响应 时间显示了完成事务的平均时间。

  • Timestamping a record is done many times throughout the life of a transaction for recording the time a transaction was created was last modified was last accessed and so on .

    在一个事务的整个生命周期内,需要多次记录时间戳,以便记下创建、最后一次修改、最后一次访问某一 事务 时间

  • Its characteristic is that the candidate set is adopted by the key word identifies and at the same time transaction data is compressed by transaction and item .

    该算法的特点是:项目集采用关键字识别, 同时事务数据进行事务和项目压缩。

  • The time the transaction entered the distribution database .

    事务进入分发数据库的 时间

  • In this paper we propose a broadcast scheduling strategy for real time transaction based on the BoD ( Broadcast on Demand ) model .

    提出一种基于需求广播模型的 实时 事务 数据的广播调度策略。

  • In addition IACM associates with the real time transaction model based on function alterative so IACM suits for embedded real time database systems .

    另外,IACM建立在基于替代的 实时 事务模型上,适用于嵌入式实时数据库系统。

  • Average response time & Indicates the average response time of transaction executions .

    平均响应时间:表示 事务执行的平均响应 时间

  • The Option Pricing Model under Discrete Time and Transaction Cost and Its Application to Financial Product Innovation

    离散 时间下有 交易成本的期权定价模型及在金融产品创新中的运用

  • The middleware development team provided additional performance metrics to isolate the elapsed time for host communication message parsing and the middleware elapsed time for transaction processing .

    中间件开发团队提供另外的性能度量,将用于主机通信、消息分析的耗用时间与用于 事务处理的中间件耗用 时间隔离开来。

  • Analyzing the costs of E-commerce enterprises the paper points out that the variable costs are turned into fixed costs and at same time transaction costs production costs and management costs are relatively shrunk .

    通过对电子商务企业的成本分析,指出企业可变成本大量地被沉淀为固定成本, 同时企业 交易成本、生产成本、管理成本相对收缩。

  • The maximum amount of time the transaction can exist before it is aborted .

    事务在中止之前能够存在的最长 时间

  • Research Real Time Data Transaction and Gigabit Transmission Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的 实时数据 处理及数据千兆传输的研究

  • Your time administrators in the Human Resources department use the Maintain Time Data transaction to check and complete employees'time data centrally .

    人力资源部门使用维护 时间数据 事务来集中检查和完成雇员的出勤数据。

  • The emergence of Internet technology which made it possible for people to widely use internet engage in electronic trade of commodities services via internet . This not only expanded the trade range but also effectively shortened the trade time transaction cost .

    尤其是Internet技术的出现,使人们借助互联网络广泛地从事商品与服务的电子化交易成为可能,这不仅大大扩展了交易范围,而且可以有效地缩短交易 时间,降低 交易成本。

  • Average data server time per transaction & The average time spent on the data server for completed transactions .

    每个 事务的平均数据服务器 时间:已完成事务花费在数据服务器上的平均时间。

  • In the local trust calculation the four factors : the trade time transaction amount trading evaluation and time window are considered .

    在局部信任值的计算中,会引入交易 时间交易金额、交易评价和时间窗口T这四个因素。

  • CICS technology is used in the first part & online real time transaction it can well support multi-user multi-thread concurrence transaction .

    使用CICS技术进行在线 实时 事务 处理,它可以很好的支持多用户多线程并发处理。