time sheet

[taɪm ʃit][taim ʃi:t]


  • The tail probability estimates for the occupation time of Brownian sheet are discussed . It is verified that N-parameter d dimension Brownian sheet with d > 2N also possesses the property called as the localization phenomenon just as transient Brownian motion does .

    讨论瞬时(即d>2N情形)的N指标d维布朗 逗留 的尾概率估计,证明了瞬时的布朗单同样具有瞬时(即d≥3情形)的布朗运动逗留时所具有的局部化现象的特征。

  • The examinee can find their answers when they land the examine system at second time by using same paper style sheet file and the answer XML file .

    利用同一个试卷样式 文件和考生答案XML文件,可以让考生在二 登陆考试系统时,仍然可以看到自己所做的答案。

  • High creep aging temperature and long time could restrict the springback of sheet material . It is found that the springback could be controlled by reasonably regulating of temperature and time while the alloy performance without prejudice .

    蠕变温度越高、蠕变时间越长 板材的回弹量越小,在不损害合金性能的同时,合理的调控蠕变温度和 时间可以控制回弹量。

  • Later I got to know that she had charged that hour to a client of hers in the time sheet .

    后来,我得知她把那个小时 算进了她的一个客户的 时间表里。

  • Allow the braided dough to rise one last time upon a baking sheet until it is the desired size .

    允许辫成 麻花状的面团发酵 起成为希望的尺寸。

  • Sometimes the best way to capture time sheet data is just to open a local spreadsheet .

    有的时候,获得 timesheet数据最好的方式就是打开一个本地的电子数据表。

  • In order to assure that you will be paid properly it is extremely critical that you complete your time sheet carefully .

    仔细填写工作 时间 记录 非常重要,这样你才会收到应得的薪水。

  • Before leaving he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet .

    离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常 考勤

  • Just filling out my time sheet .

    记录 工作 时间 卡片填写好。

  • The decorated tree then comes into play at transformation time to drive the style sheet processing .

    然后在转换 ,装饰树开始进入角色以驱动样式 处理。

  • By this time he had drawn the single sheet of type-written letter out and spread it open .

    这时他已抽出那张用 打字机打出的信,展开了。

  • When did you fill out your time sheet ?

    你什么时候填写 考勤 的?

  • In order to optimize the production process the relationship between temperature time the sheet resistance and diffusion uniformity is researched .

    然后,论文从理论指导实验出发,以优化生产工艺为目标,设计实验研究温度、 时间方块电阻和扩散均匀性的关系。

  • As time goes by a sheet gets thinner like a paper since the nutritive substance the mask sheet contains will be permeated into a skin .

    随着 时间的推移,面膜中所含的营养物质渗入肌肤, 面膜会变得像纸一样薄。

  • Fill in the monthly summery time sheet .

    填写月 时间统计

  • During the early morning session the Changan Ford drivers went out in formation and utilizing the already warmed up tires immediately jumped to the front of the time sheet .

    在早上的练习赛中,长安福特车队的车手们利用热身胎,形成一个小集团,并很快地占据前三的 位置

  • Thus after sizing the yarn maintains a high elongation rate at the same time optimum separation of the yarn sheet on the splitting rods is ensured .

    新型浆纱设备中有不同的张力区,这样经过上浆的纱线有较高的伸长率, 同时保证分 顺利。

  • After being chemically processed and laid-aside for a long time some sheet surface of Ti and Ti alloy would suffer from etching trace .

    前言:钛及钛合金薄板在经过碱、酸洗工艺处理后,经长 时间放置 板材表面经常会出现“酸斑”现象。

  • Main Outcome Measures The time of reaching a confluent sheet of CE on DM / stroma three-dimensional structure and ultrastructure of tissue engineering corneal donor .

    主要指标角膜内皮细胞在脱水保存角膜基质/后弹力层载体上形成 单层 时间和生长特性,组织工程化角膜内皮细胞移植膜的三维结构和超微结构。

  • One time Brother handed a sheet of paper to everyone .

    有一 ,他又给了我们每人一 纸。

  • It is the first time in China that steel sheet piles are used in the Yangtze River 's dikes .

    钢板桩应用于长江堤防在我国属 首次,大部分的设备和钢板桩等材料均由日本无偿提供。

  • With colleague gazing at embarrassing expression and blush emerge at his face lowering his heard ; at the time he take up a sheet of newspaper optionally to cover the face .

    在同事们的凝视下,他神情尴尬,满脸通红,低下了头,他 随手拿起一 报纸,用它遮住了脸。

  • If anything now would be a good time to expand its balance sheet .

    要说真有什么的话,现在反而应该是扩大该行资产 负债 的好 时机

  • To save time by limiting calculation to the active sheet choose options from the tools menu then choose the calc sheet button on the calculation tab . shortcut : shift + f9 .

    如果为了节省 时间而限定只重算活动文档,可选择“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,在“重新计算”选项卡中单击“重算活动工作 ”按钮。捷径:shift+f9。

  • In the in-vivo experiment bleeding time was measured by cutting mouse tail and clotting time was measured by glass sheet method .

    体内实验采用断尾法测定出血时间, 玻片法测定凝血 时间

  • One way or another the taxpayer will have to help plug this funding gap for the time being leaving the public balance sheet to substitute for the shortfalls in the damaged financial system .

    不管怎样, 眼下纳税人将不得不帮助堵上这个融资缺口,由公共资产负债 来填补受损金融体系中的短缺。