time table

[taɪm ˈtebəl][taim ˈteibl]


  • Improved Algorithm of D_ - Time Table and Application in Practice

    改进后的D- 时刻 算法及其在实际中的应用

  • This paper design the generic arithmetic about the Time Table Problems give out the matrix coding and generic arithmetic operators base on matrix row line . A example is given .

    通过对 时间表问题的认识,设计了求解该问题的遗传算法。给出了矩阵编码,和针对矩阵行、列操作的遗传算子并给出了一个实例。

  • In the stylus printer the printing effect and capability are directly affected by the time table of acceleration and deceleration .

    在针式打印机中,加减速 时间表的参数设置直接影响其打印效果及性能。

  • Research on Bus Time Table Arraying Algorithm in Intelligent Transportation Scheduling

    公交智能调度中行车 时刻 编排算法研究

  • I don 't have regular time table . I may work all day or just play around .

    没有固定的 时间表,可能整天工作,也可能终日玩耍。

  • R_ - time Table in Temporal Planning Problem and Its Application

    时间规划问题中R- 时刻 及其应用

  • God works on His time table .

    上帝有他工作的 时间表

  • Consequently we have changed our setting time table already including production and recruitment .

    最后,我们改变了原本所规定的 时间表包括生产和招募。

  • I shall set y face against any alteration in our time table .

    我坚决反对我们的 时间表作任何改动。

  • You can pick up a free time table around campus .

    你可以在校园周围 随时观看 时间表

  • It is a railway time table .

    这是一张列车 时刻

  • The purpose of the study on university courses arrangement is to obtain a reasonable time table efficiently .

    高校排课问题的研究目的是高效率地获取合理的排 方案

  • The train comes andes go more frequently since being used the new time table .

    自从采用新的 时刻 以来列车来往更频繁了。

  • If yes do you have a time table ?

    如果有的话,有 时间表吗?

  • Based on the mechanical CAD and using the methods of logical taxis simplified modeling gridding diagram and dispersing time table simplifying movement path . This method is an approach to achieve efficient interposition checking .

    该算法是在机械CAD中,利用合理排序、简化建模、网格图和离散 时间表、运动路径简化等方法从而实现快速干涉检查的一种方法。

  • Write your time table on weekdays in english .

    用英文写一个你自己工作日的 时间表

  • Then trajectory-recognized method which is based on the theory of the minimum velocity and its built-up time is analyzed and the workout process of the opening time table of the brake drag mechanism is described later .

    分析了基于弹道速度最小值及其出现时间的弹道辨识方法,建立阻力机构展开 时间表的编制过程;

  • This system implements the following functions : the inquiry about hospital dynamic clinic time table on the net ;

    该系统实现了以下功能:医院动态门诊 时间表网上查询;

  • NOTE : This thread is only use for event time table do not reply any message in this topic !

    注意:此帖 只限 发表宣传 行程,勿回复任何帖子!

  • The Human Fetal Development Time Table of the Major Limb Bones-Ultrasonic Bone Age

    胎儿主要肢骨发育 时间表&超声骨龄

  • I 'll have to consult the plane time table first .

    我得先查阅飞机 时刻

  • Investigation on Parameters Optimization Algorithm of Time Table of Acceleration and Deceleration

    加减速 时间表的参数优化算法研究

  • Are you ready in flexible working time table ?

    你可以接受灵活的工作 时间

  • When you are pleased with what you are watching you directly transfer various times to the time table and voila !

    当你满意你的查看结果时,你直接将时间程序移植到 时间表中就完啦!

  • I want to ask about the train time table .

    我要查询一下火车 行车 时间表

  • These projects in their own right set a demanding time table for the IASB and the FASB .

    基于这些项目自身,IASB和FASB也制定了相应的 时间表

  • Note : detailed arrangement see the appointed time table .

    注:具体安排 届时将有详细 日程表

  • The results of this application indicates that the Near Earthquake Travel Time Table of South China Area is not only suitable to Guangdong area but also better than the J-B Table in the accuracy .

    结果表明,华南地区近震 走时 不仅适用于广东地区,而且在精度和准确度方面均优于J-B表。

  • Research on Self-Supervise Automatic Array Algorithm on Bus Time Table

    公交 行车 计划半监督自动排列算法研究