to agree with...


  • The present-day reader is more likely to agree with irving 's critics than with his admirers .

    现代读者很可能 同意 欧文的批评而不同意那些恭维话。

  • I 'm inclined to agree with them .

    我倾向 同意他们的 意见

  • I believe in the latter but you don 't have to agree with me .

    我相信,在后者,但你不一定 同意我的。

  • On the whole I 'm inclined to agree with you .

    总地来说,我倾向 同意你的 看法

  • I 'm disposed to agree with you .

    我倾向 同意你的 观点

  • Johnson was however the only one to agree with me .

    然而只有詹森一个人 同意我。

  • We don 't have to agree with it but we may have to respect it .

    我们不 同意它,但我们必须尊重它。

  • I had counted on him to agree with me .

    我满以为他会 同意的。

  • In this programme I want to look at how to agree with someone in a conversation .

    本期节目我将 大家看看在谈话中 怎样表达你 别人的 意见 一致

  • We have won him to agree with us .

    我们已争取 他的 同意

  • We feel inclined to agree with your agency of our products .

    我们感觉倾向 同意你作为我们产品的代理商。

  • I couldn 't bring myself to agree with your view .

    你的这番高论,我 不敢苟同

  • It will be very unwise to agree with me .

    你不 同意我这是不明智的。

  • To agree with a suggestion you can say OK .

    表示 同意某项建议,你可以说OK(好的)。

  • You dont need everyone to agree with you or even like you .

    你不需要让所有人 赞同抑或喜欢你。

  • If we are right then we will try to convince other people to agree with us .

    如果我们是对的,就要找机会说服别人 同意

  • I am disposed to agree with you as far as the selection of the location of the new theatre .

    就新剧院的选址问题我倾向 你的 观点

  • Derek I don 'd like arguing with you but I have to agree with Don .

    克莱夫.哈里斯:德里克,我不想跟你争论,但我不 同意 看法

  • I dont expect every nation to agree with the decision we have made .

    我并不认为每一个国家都会 同意我们做出的决定。

  • Personally I 'd be more inclined to agree with Mr Smith .

    就我个人而言,我更倾向 史密斯先生的 意见

  • And I have to agree with what you were saying before .

    并且我很 同意你在此之前所说的。

  • I am inclined to agree with Alan .

    我倾向 赞同艾伦的 观点

  • But I should say that the crucial point isn 't for you to agree with me .

    我要说的这个关键点,并不是 你们 赞同我。

  • I was watching and I had to agree with them !

    我看了他们的训练,我很 同意他们的 说法

  • We have no other choice than to agree with them .

    我们除了 同意他们之外,没有别的选择。

  • You 'd be very unwise not to agree with me .

    您要是不 同意我,那就太有明智了。