to go

[tu ɡo][tu: ɡəu]


  • You just don 't want to go ; that 's all .

    你就是不 罢了。

  • I have to go I really must at once


  • You 're just mad at me because I don 't want to go

    因为我不 ,你就对我火冒三丈。

  • Excuse me but I 'll have to go now .

    对不起,我得 了。

  • He asked me to go to Cambridge with him

    他要我和他 一起 剑桥。

  • We 've got to go now . It 's getting late .

    我们 了。时候不早了。

  • It was time for him to go to work

    他该 上班了。

  • If you don 't mind I think I 'd like to go home .

    如果你不介意的话,我想我 回家了。

  • She asked me to go with you .


  • As for you I don 't think you have to go in person .

    你嘛,就不用亲自 了。

  • You don 't have to go now .

    你不必 了。

  • I think we need to go away and think about this .

    我认为我们有必要 走开下去考虑这件事。

  • I don 't ever want to go through anything like that again .

    我不 经历那样的事了。

  • I started to go off the idea .

    我开始 这一想法 失去兴趣了。

  • I 'd like to go with you ; however my hands are full .

    我很 和你 一块儿 ,可是我忙不过来。

  • It 's time for us to go .

    我们该 了。

  • I had a cold and couldn 't decide whether to go to work or not

    我感冒了,拿不定主意是否 上班。

  • I have to go and cook the dinner

    我得 做饭了。

  • I 'm going to go to bed


  • I sent word to her to go and look after you .

    我给她送个信儿, 照料你。

  • He finally consented to go

    他最终同意 了。

  • If they do close the local college I 'll have to go to Worcester .

    如果他们真把本地的大学关闭了,我就 伍斯特上大学了。

  • I 've been there already so I don 't want to go again .

    我早已去过那里了,所以我不 了。

  • I had an opportunity to go to New York and study

    我曾经有一个 纽约学习的机会。

  • Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct ?

    必须 经过我的医生呢,还是可以直接预约?

  • I shall advertise for someone to go with me .


  • I 've arranged to go with him to tomorrow 's football match .

    我已经和他说好了明天一 看足球赛。

  • If you do want to go please let me know .

    如果你真 请告诉我。