to be precise

[tu bi prɪˈsaɪs][tu: bi: priˈsais]


  • You need to be precise and informative .

    需要 提供 精确有效的信息。

  • The restaurant in which we ate that night had more people in it at 11pm 51 more to be precise than it did at 10pm .

    那天晚上我们去吃饭的那家餐馆晚上11点时比10点时人更多, 准确 多了51人。

  • But for one group of not-so happy campers doomsday is a lot sooner * May21 to be precise .

    但有一个不那么 乐观的组织却认为世界末日近在咫尺 &5月21日!

  • Sardines to be precise .

    准确 沙丁鱼。

  • To be precise we owe them money and they want us to pay them in high techs .

    确切 ,我们欠他们钱,他们想要我们的高科技来付账。

  • If you need to be precise with your colors this is a must have .

    如果您 需要 精确的与您的颜色,这是一个必须。

  • More than a week ago Thursday evening to be precise Susanne was at her evening class

    一个多星期以前, 确切 周四晚上,苏珊在夜校上课。

  • Being precise ( or appearing to be precise ) without also being accurate provides little value .

    准确(或者 貌似 准确)而不精确是没有价值的。

  • No one can give vent to their feelings on the short-term market momentum to be precise estimate we are no exception .

    没有人可以宣泄对短期市场的势头他们的感受 准确的估计,我们也不例外。

  • Eight years younger to be precise ; he has only just turned 39 .

    确切 比我小8岁;他刚刚39岁。

  • We 're going a field trip ! A dairy farm to be precise .

    我们要外出了, 参观一个奶 农场

  • Size to be precise don 't be afraid in addition to determine the businessman trouble whether there is a customized gowns if not satisfied with the conditions to improve the processing and again .

    尺寸 精确,不要怕麻烦,另外要确定商家是否有定做婚纱礼服的条件,如果不满意要进行再加工和改进。

  • Mine from the past few days to be precise & and they are totally absurd .

    准确来说, 我过去几天里做过的梦&它们都很荒谬。

  • But it 's well beyond the reach of the most lovestruck men - 50 light years to be precise .

    但是这颗钻石是绝大多数热恋中的男人怎么也够不着的& 精确的说距离 50光年。

  • To be precise the sale completes prior to the payment and gives rise to the obligation of payment .

    得到 准确的销售完成之前支付和产生的义务付款。

  • The dictionary explanation should manage to be precise and complete .

    词典的解释应 力求 准确完备。

  • She is not a vampire yet to be precise . She won 't even be aware of it .

    准确 ,她现在还不是一个吸血鬼。她自己甚至还不会感觉到。

  • To be precise : the namespaces of the node passed into the method examineNode by the constructor .

    准确的说法 :此节点的名称空间被构造函数传递 了方法examineNode。

  • This testimony has to be precise enough to reveal the immense triteness of each life .

    这些证据 必须 足够 精确,以便揭露每个生命广袤的平凡。

  • However their relative simplicity makes it much easier to be precise about their semantics and the corresponding rules regarding being well-formed .

    然而,它们相对的简单性使得它们在其语义和形成的规则上 更加 精确

  • He 'd choose sometimes to go sideways when it would be better to be precise .

    有时候,他 应该走线 精确,可是他会选择上路肩。

  • It follows that machines can – and soon will in 2029 to be precise – replace human intelligence .

    从这一点可以得出结论,机器智能 可以取代人类智能,并且这一天很快就会到来, 准确 ,就在2029年。

  • Installment electric eye tracing causes to print design of position the bag to be precise .

    装置电眼追踪使印刷袋之图案位置 精确

  • There was a good turnout for the meeting & twelve of us to be precise .

    出席会议的人不少& 确切 有我们12个人。

  • To be precise the profile can be applied to any package in the model including the model itself .


  • But such functional fashion does come at a price – up to 600 a pair to be precise .

    但是这种功能性的时尚女鞋售价, 准确 来,每双至少600英镑。

  • So you need to be precise about what sort of slippers you 'd like .

    因此,你 必须 非常 确定自己究竟喜欢什么样的拖鞋。

  • We talked for a long time or to be precise I listened for a long time for in fact there 's nothing I could say .

    我们谈了很久, 准确 我听了很久,因为我实在没有什么可说的。

  • Big rocks on top of other big rocks to be precise .

    确切 就是 大石头放到其它大石头上。