to excess

[tu ˈɛkˌsɛs][tu: ˈekses]


  • However abstinence may be difficult for you as you are prone to excess .

    然而,禁食对你来说可能有点困难,因为你总是喜欢 极端

  • Rains that filled the reservoirs to excess .

    大雨使水库的水 超过了蓄水 容量

  • Record inflow of capital into China this year has contributed to excess domestic liquidity compounding the task of curbing inflation .

    中国今年创纪录的资本流入,已造成国内流动性 过剩,加大了抑制通胀任务的难度。

  • Acrid : Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur .

    辛辣的:形容一个粗糙或苦的味道又或者是由于 过量的硫磺而产生的刺激性气味。

  • I was reasonably fit played a lot of tennis and didn 't smoke or drink to excess

    我相当健康,经常打网球,不怎么吸烟,也不 酗酒

  • You could call it energy and candour great American virtues carried to excess .

    你可以称其为将活力和坦率这些美国人的伟大优点发挥 过度的表现。

  • We business governments consumers submitted to excess ; we got too greedy .

    我们商业、政府、消费者屈服 过剩;我们变得过于贪婪。

  • But there is a serious cost to excess certainty .

    然而 过度的确定性有一个严重后果。

  • He started drinking to excess after losing his job .

    他失业后便开始 酗酒了。

  • When carried to excess it leads to hyperinflation .

    如果执行 过度,这种政策就会导致恶性通胀。

  • Researchers at Columbia University 's Health Services point to excess caffeine and alcohol consumption as the reason for foul-smelling body odor ( not to mention bad breath ) .

    在哥伦比亚大学的健康服务部门研究人员指出, 的咖啡因和酒精的消费是恶臭狐臭的主要原因(更不用提口臭了)。

  • Something in the economy goes to excess and the correction depresses production jobs and incomes .

    经济体中某些东西 过度了,然而这个“矫正”却降低了生产量,工作以及收入。

  • The answer comes back once again to excess risk taking and leverage in the banking sector .

    答案再次归结 银行业 过度承担的风险和它们所采取的杠杠率。

  • The study reported in the journal Sleep does not prove that too little or too much sleep directly leads to excess fat gain .

    该研究结果刊载于医学杂志《睡眠》中。研究并没有证明睡眠过少或过多会直接导致 过量脂肪增加。

  • People are reminded that drinking even if not to excess could be harmful .

    人们被提醒道,即使没有 过量,喝酒也是有害的。

  • This practice can lead to excess levels since little reliance is placed on the natural vitamin content of feedstuffs .

    这种实践结果,由于很少注意饲料中天然的维生素含量,就能出现含量 的问题。

  • Do everything in moderation and nothing to excess was his motto for a happy and healthy life .

    凡事节制勿 过度,这是他追求愉快、健康生活的座右铭。

  • A person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess .

    专于 过度吃和饮的人。

  • Exposure to excess aldosterone results in cardiac damage in hypertensive states .


  • It is harmful to drink to excess .

    饮酒 过度是有害的。

  • Fourth it is hard to believe that the soaring savings in Asia and the oil exporters are passive responses to excess demand from outside rather than deliberate choices .

    第四,很难相信,亚洲和石油输出国储蓄的飙升是 外界 过剩需求的被动反应,而非刻意的选择。

  • Drinking alcohol is a real health hazard if carried to excess .

    饮酒如果 过量健康造成真正的危险。

  • Given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink .

    特别是在食物或饮料的消费方面 惯于 过度

  • Drinking and smoking to excess is not the only potentially harmful way of coping with stress .


  • As with anything carried to excess daydreaming can be harmful .

    任何事情做 过分都可能有害,白日做梦也是一样。

  • Red meat eaten to excess is very high in fat and calories .


  • Debt is a little like alcohol very powerful stuff but deadly if used to excess .

    债务这东西有点儿像酒精两者都非常“ 劲儿”;但如果摄入 过量,也都会致命。