to do the shopping

[tu du ði ˈʃɑpɪŋ][tu: du: ðə ˈʃɔpɪŋ]


  • Sometimes I surf online shops to check out what they have and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping .


  • I got my parents to do the shopping for me and to be honest ;

    我让我妈 食材,结果可想而知,还是有些 东西买的 我预期 那样

  • When we were together she used to cook and do the shopping and continued to after the split .

    我们离婚前,常常是她做饭和 购物,离婚后也是 如此

  • Every afternoon she sallied forth to do the shopping .

    她每个下午都精力充沛 外出 购物

  • My parents are away so I have to do the shopping .

    我的父母不在家,所以我 一些 东西

  • You think I have time to do the shopping ?

    你认为我有时间 购物

  • And we can know how to develop our own apparel e-commerce and do e-commerce business successfully according to the American GAP company and online shopping in our own country .

    通过对美国GAP服装公司的网上 成功案例以及国内的一些 网上 商店成功案例的详细分析。为我国今后 如何发展服装电子商务提供了借鉴。

  • Alex came home from work early today and he decided to do the grocery shopping for his wife Sarah She 's been busy lately .

    今天亚力士提早下班回家,他决定 妻子莎拉 采购日用杂货。她最近太忙了。

  • He was beefing about having to do the shopping .

    他正为 不得不 购物而抱怨。

  • She thought it such a chore to do the shopping every day !

    她认为每天 上街 东西真烦人!

  • I said to him to go home ; she ordered him to do the shopping .

    我让他回家了;她让他 东西了。

  • According to current prominent problems existing in large shopping malls ' accidents and deep contradictions shown in the safety assessment and management we propose to do the research on the evaluation system in large shopping malls .

    针对目前大型商场事故中存在的突出问题以及安全评价和管理中显现的深层次矛盾,提出大型 商场安全评价体系 研究课题。

  • IT continues to grow and mature and making the online shopping platform also been developing rapidly people are not familiar with from the original do not understand now more and more accustomed to the operation mode of this online shopping platform .

    信息技术的不断壮大和成熟也使得网络购物平台也得到迅速发展,人们从原来的 熟悉和持有怀疑态度,到现在变得越来越习惯这种网络 购物平台 操作模式。

  • In the meantime as a new way to do shopping Shopping Online has been emerging with the fast developing of E-commerce . As a result many web sites for Shopping Online came out which provided a new field of application for CBIR .

    与此同时,电子商务技术 迅速发展催生了一种新的购物方式&网络 购物,各种类型的网络 购物平台层出不穷,这为基于内容的图像检索技术提供了一个崭新的应用领域。