to conclude

[tu kənˈklud][tu: kənˈklu:d]


  • I would like to conclude by saying that I do enjoy your magazine .

    最后,我 说我的确很喜欢你们的杂志。

  • So I want to conclude by speaking directly to the people of Libya .

    所以,我 结束讲话时,希望直接对利比亚人民说话。你们可能面临崭新的任务;前面的道路可能充满艰辛。

  • The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise .

    去年12月份贸易谈判中止可能 因祸得福

  • I hope to conclude some substantial business with you .

    希望 与您 下大笔生意。

  • I mean I got nothing to conclude .

    我的意思是,我没有得到什么 结论

  • The study also seems to conclude that a happy sex life can help you live longer .

    研究也 似乎 断定:快乐的性生活能够帮助你活得更久。

  • We agreed to conclude the meeting then .

    然后我们 同意 总结会议。

  • The time has come to conclude my affairs .

    下我的 遗嘱的时候了。

  • He also hopes to conclude free-trade agreements with New Zealand and Singapore this year .

    他还 希望 今年内与新西兰和新加坡 签订自由贸易协定。

  • But it is too simple to conclude that Westerners are more direct speakers than the Chinese .

    但是,下 定论说西方人比中国人说话更直白,那就太简单了。

  • We appreciate your co-operation and hope to conclude this transaction with you as soon as possible .

    我们感谢你方的合作,并 希望与你方尽早 做成这笔交易。

  • In order to conclude the transaction we accept your price .

    为了 达成交易,我们接收你方的价格。

  • Patience and dedication are an essential quality in order to conclude a bargain .

    耐心和让步是 达成协议的基本素质。

  • The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony .

    选手们慢跑进入竞技场, 闭幕式画上了 句号

  • And we are forced to conclude that .

    所以我们 被迫 得出 结论

  • This meeting will be an important milestone as the 12 countries work intensively to conclude this landmark agreement .

    在12个国家紧张工作 达成这项具有里程碑意义的协议之际,这次会议将成为重要的里程碑。

  • Any cursory review of this issue has to conclude that we have to change welfare as we know it .

    粗粗检讨这个问题的任何 结论,我们要改变我们所知道的福利。

  • You can specify how many reviewers assigned at this step must approve or reject to conclude this step .

    可以指定要指派多少审阅者必须批准或拒绝 才能 结束此步骤。

  • They agreed to conclude negotiations as soon as possible .

    他们 同意尽快 结束谈判。

  • In this way we may be able to conclude the business .

    这样便可以 成交易了。

  • I hope to conclude some business with you .

    希望 与贵公司 成一些贸易。

  • We expect to conclude business with them at our price term .

    我们 希望按我们的价格条件与他们 成交

  • To conclude this rather long line of reasoning let us first sum up the main points .

    作为这一段相当长的说理的 总结,让我们先归纳一下主要之点。

  • To conclude the presentation we have seen that Big Boss can succeed in the American market .

    请让我 这句话 结束本次演示:我们知道“大老板”可以在美国市场获得成功。

  • The implementation results are also provided to conclude this paper .

    最后 结论中提供硬体实现的结果。

  • Let me tell you how to conclude negotiations very effectively .

    让我来告诉你 如何有效地 终结一个谈判。

  • Mr Nixon famously said : I think you would have to conclude that this is a great wall .

    尼克松有一段著名的话:我认为你只会 得出 这样 结论,这是一道伟大的城墙。

  • The broad working masses were undaunted and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists .

    广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府 不敢公然和帝国主义 续订新约。

  • To conclude this series on HC here 's a short how-to guide .


  • This may be bad morality to conclude with but I believe it to be truth ;

    得出这样的 结论可能是不道德的,但我相信事实如此。