to give audience to...


  • Pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience a chance to think over what you 've said .

    偶尔稍做停留, 你的 听众足够的时间 考虑你说的话。

  • The Onion wanted to give its audience as much flexibility as possible and will allow features that are popular on video-sharing sites such as allowing Web publishers to embed clips into their blogs .

    《洋葱》 希望 观众通过尽可能灵活的方式观看其推出的短片,它将容许其产品在其他共享视频网站出现,例如允许一些网站 博客中转载他们的短片。

  • It is our wish to give our audience a review of such cause at this time so that each may come to a better understanding of what your creation is currently working upon in it 's own evolution .

    我们 希望此时 我们的 读者一个有关这个原因的概貌,以让每个人可以更好理解你们的创造物目前在其自身提升中所做的工作是什么。

  • Even after you have captured the attention of your audience and told the topic you have to give the audience some reason to want to listen to the rest of your speech .

    即便你已经抓住了听众的注意力,也阐明了演讲的话题,你也 必须 告诉 听众为什么 接着听下去。

  • At first the wonderful lecture needs people to make a good appearance thus he will give the audience a good impression and it will help him to : succeed .

    出色的演讲首先形象 美,这样才会 观众留下美好的第一印象,为演讲成功打下良好的基础。

  • Stop for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said .

    不时地停顿几秒钟 以便 听众能有时间 一想你所说的话。

  • The things to be seen and observed are : the courts of princes especially when they give audience to ambassadors ;

    远游者在所游国度应观其皇家宫廷,尤其当遇到君王们 接见 各国使节的时候;