to a hair

[tu e hɛr][tu: ə hɛə]


  • I used to be a hair stylist myself .

    我自己就曾是 发型师。

  • The writer has hit off the character of a miser to a hair .

    这位作家把 守财奴的性格描绘得 惟妙惟肖

  • The promise that I will try my best to keep a beautiful hair has not been fulfilled till now .

    有没有这样一 男孩, 想尽办法留住你 秀发

  • If you want to have a hair set or any other needs you can contact me anytime .

    如果你 想要头发,或者有别的什么需要,可以联系我。

  • All Employees working in areas where there is danger of product contamination resulting from the presence of human hair in the product shall be required at all times to wear a hair net .

    如果区域中头发出现会导致产品污染,所有在该区域工作的员工应要求始终戴 套。

  • The utility model relates to a hanging electric hair drier with a storage box .

    带收藏盒的壁挂式电 吹风

  • He poured out a large bumper of brandy exhorting me to swallow a hair of the dog that had bit me .

    他倒了一大杯白兰地,劝我喝下这杯解 醉酒

  • I started to lose a bit of hair since I turned forty .

    我过了四十岁之后,就 开始头发了。

  • Helping a good fellow in a pinch is what suits me to a hair .

    在困难中帮助一个好人,我 乐意

  • No one is asking you to put on a hair shirt and give up all your luxuries .

    没人要跟你过不去,非 你放弃那些 奢华的享受。

  • This arrangement suits us to a hair .

    这样的安排 我们 完全合适。

  • The dollar fell to within a hair 's breadth of its all-time low

    美元差 了最低点

  • To see the Great Wall of China from the Moon you would have to be able to discern a human hair from two miles away .

    想要从月球看到中国的长城,你的视力必须得能从两英里外看清楚人的 头发 儿。

  • Not to touch a hair on Ur head .

    别触摸你 头发

  • Guest : I 'd like to try a new hair style .

    客人:我 发型

  • After bathing be used to first makeup change good reoccupy sirocco to blow a hair ?

    洗完澡后,是不是习惯先把妆化好再用热风吹 头发

  • You want to make a hair barrette with Bluetooth ?

    装有蓝牙的 发卡

  • Spectators in back rows stood up not to miss a hair of him ;

    后排的观众站起了身,连他的 头发也不 放过;

  • A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant .

    毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺 ,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成。

  • To find a hair in one 's soup

    在汤里发现 毛线

  • If you have decided to use a hair straightener put your hair into sections again and run over your hair with the straightener .

    如果您已决定使用 直发器,把你的头发再次到章节,并运行了你的头发与夹板。

  • You have described him to a hair .

    你已将他描绘 丝毫不差。

  • Beautiful memorandum book : Use Wen Shui to wash a hair thoroughly first next reoccupy cold water rinses the hair can make a hair brighter lustre more stick take .

    漂亮备忘录:先使用温水彻底清洗 头发,然后再用冷水把头发冲洗一遍,能使头发更亮泽、更贴服。

  • No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying .

    似乎没有人对离异的公主再婚感到 丝毫地吃惊。

  • Tang Song and Yuan Dynasties blood soft Jian capture method supplemented by righting understanding the scope has been expanded to a more deepening hair cut herbs .

    隋唐 宋金元时期,活血、软坚、攻下法为主,辅以扶正,认识范围有所扩展, 法方药 较为深化。

  • The utility model relates to a negative ion hair absorbing pet comb which comprises a handle a mounting seat connected with the handle and a comb arranged on the mounting seat ;

    负离子吸 宠物梳,包括:手柄、连接手柄的安装座及设于安装座上的梳齿;

  • The vocation will fit you to a hair .

    这种职业 你再 适合不过

  • About how you wanted to become a hair dresser since you were young .

    说你从小就 成为 发型设计师。

  • She knew how to hit to a hair 's-breadth that moment of evening when the light and the darkness are so evenly balanced that the constraint of day and the suspense of night neutralize each other leaving absolute mental liberty .

    她知道怎样抓住傍晚时分 极短的那个时刻,那时候,光明和黑暗恰到好处地得到平衡,白昼的拘束和黑夜的紧张相互得到中和,留下来的只是心灵上的绝对自由。

  • The utility model relates to a hair drier particularly a foldable hair drier with a comb .

    本实用新型涉及 吹风机,具体说是一种带梳子的可折叠式风机。