time slot

[taɪm slɑt][taim slɔt]


  • If I need to make calls I allocate a time slot to make all my calls .

    如果我需要打电话,我会安排一段 时间 专门打电话。

  • An algorithm of multi-carrier frequency estimation is improved and the multi-carrier frequency of time slot ALOHA network real satellite signal is extracted .

    针对目前提出的多载波估计算 存在的速度与精度的问题,基于模糊控制理论,改进和完善了多载波信号载频估计算法。

  • King beat the usual leader in cable news during that time slot Fox News Channel 's Sean Hannity to claim the top rating spot .

    由此,拉里·金打败了此时 有线电视新闻的一贯领头羊&福克斯新闻频道的 肖恩·汉尼提,从而成为收视率冠军。

  • We 'll need to schedule a time slot for our speaker .

    我们需要为我们的代言人安排 时段

  • We 're a smash ! Number one in our time slot !

    我们是最好的!这个 时段收视第一!

  • Can you put me down for that time slot ?

    你可以帮我安排在那个 时间 吗?

  • A set of consecutive digit time slots in which the position of each digit time slot can be identified by reference to a frame alignment signal .

    一组连续的数字时间片段,每一数字 时间 片段在组 的位置可参考帧同步信号来标识。

  • TDMA allocates each user a different time slot on a given frequency .

    TDMA在给定频率为每个用户分配不同的 时隙

  • Cards will expire half a year after issuing Two hours fixed time slot each week . Use data validation to display errors when users enter invalid data .

    2人自购卡之日起半年内使用有效,每周固定 时段2小时。使用数据验证可在用户输入无效数据时显示错误。

  • A : Thats right . I think I should be able to make it at 1:15 . Can you ____ ③ ____ for that time slot ?

    A:那好吧,我想我能在1:15前赶到.你能把我的名字记在这个 时间 吗?

  • Far too many presentations take up their entire time slot leaving no time for a decision to be made .

    不要在演讲上花去全部会议 时间,而没有为做决定 剩下时间。

  • Study on the Pattern of Slow Frequency Hopping Based on TDMA Time Slot

    基于TDMA的 时隙慢跳频图案的研究

  • The first option however has the advantage that different time periods for archiving can be scheduled since the time slot can be configured per CSLD task .

    但是,第一个选项也有其优点,它可以安排不同的归档时间段,因为可以为每个CSLD任务配置 时间

  • The network model effectively solves the problem of transmission direction as assigning time slot .

    该网络模型有效解决了分配 时隙 节点的传输方向性问题。

  • That is the only time slot I could get .

    基本就是确认信息,不过 电话 哪里买的。

  • LISA : I can take it then . I have that time slot free .

    丽莎:我可以修了。我 那段 时间有空。

  • The groups will meet for a4 hour time slot once each week .

    实验小组要每周做一 实验,每次4小时。

  • The time slot with highest hypoglycemia occurrence was around lunch time .

    午餐前后是发生 低血糖反应最为 集中 时间

  • Instead a token is assigned to a mediation flow for a time slot that represents the theoretical execution time of the target Web service .

    在这里,令牌在某一 时间 被分配给仲裁流,而该 时间 表示目标Web服务的理论执行时间。

  • When two or more balls happen to fall into the same box it means a collision would occur when the corresponding time slot arrives .

    当有多个球 恰巧落入同一个盒子中时,表明相应 时刻会有碰撞发生。

  • Given its subject matter and time slot A Bite of China was initially considered a weak player on TV .

    由于它的主题以及播放 档期,舌尖上的中国一开始被认为是电视节目中的弱者。

  • The counter 's outputs are normally low and go high only at their respective decoded time slot .

    计数器输出通常为低,只在各自解码 时间 变高。

  • The best way to accomplish what 's on the list is to give each task a specific time slot .

    完成单子上的各项任务的最好方法是给每项工作 留出一个专门的 时间

  • The7 o'clock time slot on the radio is usually filled with a news broadcast .

    广播电台七点的节目 时间通常播出新闻。

  • 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot .

    节目改变播送 时段后,90%的听众依然继续收听。

  • Practical Cooperative Diversity Time Slot Structure and Its Performance Analysis

    一种实用的协作分集 时隙结构及其性能分析

  • Participants will be kept busy : similar to last year there will be up to16 parallel events in each time slot .

    与会者们将会非常忙碌:跟去年类似,每个 时间 最多将会有16项活动同时进行。

  • Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance

    来访者可以提前一周或更早预约一个 时间

  • In TDM ( typically used for digital signals ) a device is given a specific time slot during which it can use the channel .

    在分时多任务(用于数字讯号),给设备一定的 时间 缝隙来使用信道。

  • Each student will be responsible for discussing or showing their work or ideas or presenting a summary of an assigned topic during a four-minute time slot each week .

    每名学生每周有四分钟的讨论 时段,展示自己的作品或想法,或陈述某个指定主题的概要。