time translation

[taɪm trænsˈleʃən][taim trænsˈleiʃən]


  • At this time translation enters the post-faithful period .

    这时 翻译逐渐走向成熟,进入后忠实时期。

  • For a long time translation quality assessment ( TQA ) has been a problem bothering translation teachers .

    翻译质量的评估问题多年来 一直是困扰翻译教师的一大难题。

  • For a long time translation studies had been approached mainly in terms of the comparison between language structures in an ontological way .

    长期 以来翻译研究主要是从语言结构层面的比较展开。

  • From the principle of symmetry law of conservation of energy is proved . And have a simple geometric express for time translation symmetry and conservation of energy .

    从对称性原理出发,证明了能量守恒定律,并对 时间 平移对称性与能量守恒作了简单的几何表述。

  • I am one in the school undergraduate student has contacted many South Korean and talks unimpededly also has very many time written translation experience .

    我是一名在校本科生,接触过很多韩国人,并且交谈无阻,也有很多 笔译经历。

  • Contrastive analysis provides the theoretical bases for the research of translation and guides the practice of translation . At the same time translation provides plenty of language bases and analytical bases for contrastive analysis .

    对比分析为翻译研究提供理论依据、指导翻译实践, 翻译为对比分析提供丰富的语料和分析依据。

  • At the same time translation is also one of the means of the exchanges of ideas and contacts between the nations using different languages .

    翻译 同时也是使用不同语言的民族之间交流思想、进行交往的一种手段。

  • Hence in the course of English translation of Chinese idioms we should choose suitable methods better to convey Chinese culture . However up to the present time translation researches in this field are still rather limited .

    这就需要在汉语习语的英译中选择合适的方法更好地传达中国的文化,但就 目前翻译理论与实践发展趋势而言,对汉语习语英 问题研究相对较为薄弱。

  • When the meaning of the idioms is the surface meaning the literal translation is available but at the same time the translation may be much longer .

    当成语所含意思就是其表面意思的时候,直译比较自然,但是 同时不可避免的是 译文会变得冗长。

  • The vocabulary translation includes time noun translation quantifiers translation loan words translation new vocabulary translation abbreviation translation .

    词汇翻译包括 时间名词 翻译、数量词翻译、外来词语翻译、新词语翻译、缩略语翻译。

  • In translation activities the techniques of translation variation could make the translation texts brief clear and logical and also can save time in translation as well .

    在翻译活动中,变译的几种策略能够使得译文更加简洁,明了和富有逻辑性,同时还能够节省 翻译 时间

  • China is in the fourth prime time of translation in the history which contributes greatly to the development of Chinese economy .

    而中国的经济也像一条巨龙,腾空而起,世界各国为 震撼。在这之中, 翻译为中国经济的发展也做出了重要的贡献。

  • Time translation symmetry and conservation of energy

    时间 平移对称性与能量守恒

  • While translating into Chinese trademarks should be chosen to cater to the aesthetic psychology of Chinese consumers at the same time translation principles and methods should be paid attention to .

    商标汉译时在注意 翻译的原则和方法的 同时,应选择适合中国消费者审美心理的 标。

  • The savings in time and translation costs are especially evident when you build large applications such as mail and pubnames .

    当构建大型应用程序,例如mail和pubnames时,节省的 时间 翻译成本特别显著。

  • A long time the translation of The Bible holds an important position especially in the late ancient Rome as well as the process of the development of the national language of the Middle Ages . The translation of The Bible plays a most important role .

    长期 以来《圣经》 翻译的地位举足轻重,特别是在古罗马后期以及中古时期各民族语发展过程中,《圣经》翻译扮演着最为重要的角色。

  • At the same time semiotic translation approach absorbed language function theory from linguistics .

    同时符号学 翻译理论借鉴了语言功能理论。

  • Complier time translation algorithm is adopted for instruction and data region this algorithm only access the address translation table in the translation state to eliminate the complex address translation in the execution state .

    对于指令区和数据区访问采取编译 地址 转换算法,该算法仅在翻译态时访问地址转换表实现地址转换,消除运行态时复杂地址转换操作。

  • At the same time translation ethics is also a multi-dimensional concept .


  • At the same time translation theories also have influence on socio-ideology .

    同时,译者的 翻译思想,也会操控和影响所处社会的意识形态。

  • For a long time translation criticism has not been taken seriously in China .

    但是,长期 以来翻译批评在我国都未得到足够的重视。

  • Our algorithm was used to bijective mapping and pretreating before the run time translation .

    该算法将XML-TO-SQL查询转换分为两个主要阶段:预处理阶段和运行 翻译阶段。预处理阶段通过识别双射映像,计算最小可辩识祖先进行 翻译前准备;

  • The parameters describing the properties of the space-time cross-correlation of dynamic speckles are given under some special conditions as spatial correlation length correlation time translation distance and correlation distance .

    给出了几种特定情况下描述动态散斑时间-空间相关性质的参数&动态散斑的空间相关长度,动态散斑的相关 时间,动态散斑的 平移距离和相关距离。

  • However after so many years of English learning and some time of translation training the students ' performance in translation is still far from satisfactory .

    但是学生们尽管学了很多年的英语并受了一些 翻译训练,他们的翻译仍然不尽如人意。

  • Chinese and English number and time expression recognition method is proposed . Number and time expression translation method from Chinese to English is presented .

    设计了数字和 时间表达式的汉语和英语识别方法,提出了汉英数字和时间表达式 翻译方法。

  • At the same time translation is not only the bridge between different languages but also the inter-cultural communication between different cultures .

    同时 翻译不仅是语言之间的转换更是跨文化的交流。

  • All these led to the lacking of creativity in translation activities . At the same time translation studies attached itself to linguistics which prevented its own development .

    所有这些导致翻译活动缺乏创造性, 翻译研究也 长期依附于语言学研究之上,停滞不前。

  • According to Lefevere the most important factors that determine the image of a literary work as projected by the translation are the translator 's ideology and the poetics dominant in the receiving culture at the time the translation is made .

    根据安德烈·勒菲弗尔的理论, 译作的形象受两种因素的制约:译者的思想意识和 当时在接受 文化中占主导地位的诗学。

  • For a very long time translation equivalence is the focus of discussion in circle of the science of translation at home and abroad .

    长久 以来翻译等值概念一直是中西翻译理论界争论的焦点。

  • The values are automatically improved and upgraded each time a translation is accepted by an Expert or an Administrator .

    专家或管理员每接受一份 译文,会自动将这些点数加到目前 积分内。