time was when...


  • Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea .

    他们两个还没 来得及意识到究竟发生 什么事情 就被猛地抛入了海里。

  • The first time I saw TV was when I arrived in the US in 1956

    我第一 看到电视机 我1956年到美国的 时候

  • The time was not long when Martin ceased patronizing the Japanese restaurants .

    不久 以后马丁就停止上日本料理了。

  • Time was when firms modelled themselves on the armed forces with officers and chains of command .

    企业 模仿军队的指挥官和指挥链。

  • The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty and that was possible in spring or the beginning of the lunar new year .

    人们最好的庆祝 时间 就是 他们能得到食物丰盛的 时候,也就是春天或是元月初的那段时间。

  • So the first time I really met George Osborne was when I interviewed him for a job at The Economist in 1997 .

    所以我第一 真正见到乔治奥斯本 在1997年,当时他来应聘《经济学人》(theeconomist)的一份工作, 我是面试官。

  • But he failed to leave in time and was caught in the blast when the house was blown up .

    但他 未能 及时离开,并在房子被炸毁 陷进火海。

  • I knew it would be very different from the last time I was in London & when I was working at the warehouse .

    我知道今非昔比,现在跟 当初我在伦敦的 时候不同 &我那时在一家仓库打工。

  • US bank shares rebounded from a plummet on Monday after soothing statements from Citigroup and Bank of America and as analysts stepped into argue that this time was different from 2008 when leverage was much higher .

    因花旗集团(Citigroup)与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)发布了令人宽慰的公告,且分析师纷纷表示 这次与2008 不同,杠杆率要低很多 美国银行股在周一的暴跌后出现了反弹。

  • The only time I got their attention was when I brought home straight A 's on my report card .

    我唯一一 引起他们注意 我把全优成绩单带回家的 时候

  • The only time I ever got by her was when I faked a fever by putting a wet face cloth over the heating vent and then putting it on my forehead right before Mom took my temperature .

    唯一的一 我假装发烧 把一块湿的面巾放在加热口上,然后刚好 妈妈给我量体温之前把它放在我的前额上。

  • Time was when people in poor countries were too hungry and hardworking to be obese could not afford cigarettes and mostly died before the ailments of ripe middle age kicked in .


  • He had hardly had time to realize what was happening when she pushed him out of the room .

    他还来 不及弄清发生 什么事, 突然她把他推出房间去。

  • Penny : Well last time you bought a new shirt was when we were dating .

    上回你买新衬衫, 就是咱俩约会的 时候

  • The first time we traveled together was in1978 when we just got married .

    第一 在1978年我们刚结婚 一起去旅游过。

  • She had quite forgotten the Duchess by this time and was a little startled when she heard her voice close to her ear .

    爱丽丝想得出神,完全忘记了公爵夫人, 公爵夫人在她耳边说话 吃了一惊。

  • Time was when the US was the only country that had more than 100 billionaires .

    曾几何时 只有美国才拥有100位以上的亿万富翁。

  • The time was fast approaching when I would have to leave .

    我不得不动身离开的那一 时刻 眼看了。

  • The best time to start this attack was when Germany was weakest which was in December .

    反击的最佳 时机 就是德军最为虚弱的12月。

  • The last time she saw her father was when he cupped his hands and shouted I 'll see you in New York .

    她和父亲永别 ,父亲紧握住她的双手喊道:我会在纽约见你。

  • They remained in the room for a long time . It was nearly sunset when they left .

    他们在屋里停了很长 时间,直到太阳落山 才走

  • The first time I ever saw him was when he stopped and asked directions to Roseman bridge .

    我第一 见到他 他停 门口问去罗斯曼桥的方向。

  • The time was not far off when he would regret this decision .

    不久 之后他就要懊悔做出这个决定了。

  • Now when much time was spent and when sailing was now dangerous because the fast was now already past Paul admonished them

    走的日子多 ,已经过了禁食的节期, 行船又危险,保罗就劝众人说

  • Every time she was present when with the scenario is implementation eyes but I left the city of quirks .

    儿时 每次有她 在场逗乐的情景还一一浮现眼前,我却阴差阳错的离开了这个城市。

  • But a time was coming when he learned to change his opinion .

    不过,一个偶然的 机会 改变他的看法。

  • The second time was when I told her I am gay .

    第二 我告诉她我是个同性恋的 时候

  • Time was when every student who qualified for financial aid was able to get a $ 7-an-hour work-study job .

    同学符合财政援助的条件 ,通过勤工俭学,每小时可以得到7美元。