till the cows come home


  • Yes if we wait for him we 'll be here till the cows come home .

    ,我们如果等他,不知道要 等到 何时

  • I 'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you .

    除非你把借我的钱还我,要不然我会 一直站在这。(实习编辑: 顾萍

  • They can get glammed up enjoy a good meal and gossip till the cows come home .

    她们可以一起去做个美容,享受一顿美味的大餐,然后 尽情 闲聊

  • You can talk till the cows come home : you 'll never make me change my mind .

    你就是说出 大天 ,也休想改变我的主意。

  • You can sit there till the cows come home but the boss will never see you without an appointment .

    你坐在那儿 等到 天黑也没有 ,没有预约,老板是不会见你的。

  • If I don 't tell him when to stop he 'll keep on reading till the cows come home .

    如果我不叫他停止,他会一直读 下去

  • Stu : Till the cows come home is just an expression .

    史都:“ 等到 回家”只是种说法。

  • You can wait till the cows come home but I won 't change my mind !

    你可以 没完没了 下去,但我不会改变主意。