time of departure

[taɪm ʌv dɪˈpɑrtʃɚ][taim ɔv diˈpɑ:tʃə]

[化] 发送时间

  • He specified the time of departure and arrival of the flights .

    他说明了航班 起飞和到达的具体 时间

  • When the time of his departure approached he resolved to chant a te Deum pontifically .

    到了 离开时,他决计用主教的仪式做一场大弥撒。

  • For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand .

    我现在被 奠,我 离世 时候到了。

  • What 's the estimated time of departure ?

    火车大概是什么 时候 离开

  • He had secretly become more and more solicitous from day to day as the time of his departure drew more near that all the house should like him .

    随着他 离别 时间愈来愈近,他心中暗暗地日益渴望屋子里所有的人都喜欢他。

  • Research on the Calculating Method About Necessary Buffer Time of Sheaf of Trains on the Basis of Dense Departure

    密集 发车条件下列车束缓冲 时间确定方法的研究

  • At the same time for the routing policy of DHT dynamical node departure and arrival bring instabilities to the system which call for a further research .

    分布式结构化网络的 DHT路由策略、节点的动态 离开与加入给系统带来的震荡也是需要深入研究的问题。

  • The total number of rays power of rays delay time angle of arrival and departure are analyzed as well .

    对仿真中接收射线总数、射线功率、射线传播 时间延迟、 到达角分布也进行了统计分析。

  • A few days later we received our tickets telling us our flight number and the time of departure from our city and arrival at our destination .

    几天后我们收到了告知我们航班号和从我们城市 离开和到达目的地 时间的机票。

  • Turn-around time of ships in port Departure Report

    船舶港内装卸进出 时间出口报告书 报告

  • By using this system the navigation time of schedule routes can be simulated and the optimal departure time and routes can be given .

    利用该系统可以模拟预定航线的航行 时间,从而可以确定最佳 出航时间和航线。

  • Name and nationality of vessel and scheduled date and time of departure ;

    船名、国籍、预定 开航的日期和 时间

  • Detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure .

    船或运货车厢或者其他 船货超过了预定 时间的滞留。

  • From a competition point of view to consider under exercise stress analgesia in a short time and with the athletes to participate in the competition maintain a good state of departure specific acupuncture analgesic effect is significant .

    运动员参加比赛需要在短 时间 镇痛并且承受运动负荷,保持良好的状态,特异针刺 止痛康复效果显著。

  • Sire they are the results of an examination which I have made of a man of Marseilles whom I have watched for some time and arrested on the day of my departure .

    陛下,我是在审问一个马赛人时知道的,我对他已经注意到了好 时间,他是在我 离开的那一天被抓起来的。

  • Guests can now use the lockers shower and changing facilities as well as the facilities of a luxurious lounge until their time of departure .

    客人可以利用储物柜更衣室、淋浴设施以及豪华休息室,直到他们 离开 时候

  • By bus travel time prediction methods and operational model of departure time intervals put forward for the actual operation of Jinan transit bus departure time interval implementation methods and ultimately resolved by the model validation method is feasible .

    通过对公交行程 时间的预测方法及运营 发车时间间隔模型的 研究,提出了适合济南公交实际运营的公交车发车时间间隔实施方法,并通过模型解析最终验证方法的可行性。

  • What is the time of departure ?

    出发 时间是几点?

  • Expected time of departure

    预计 开航 时间预计 离开 时间

  • A charge required as compensation for the delay of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure .

    运输船只或车辆的延迟或货物未能 如期发出而付出的补偿费用。

  • According to the departure and arrival time intervals passengers favour in a great deal of questionnaire survey the convenience coefficients of various departure time intervals are ascertained .

    摘要在大量问卷调查的基础上,根据旅客对不同到 时间域选择的偏好,确定了各 发车 时间域旅客出行的方便系数。

  • Some children need time to prepare of a departure or a change in activity .

    有些孩子需要 时间来准备一个 离境或变更的活动。

  • I asked the guard the time of the train 's departure .

    我向列车员问了火车的 发车 时间

  • At the same time this paper also studies the influence of other important variables in the model on the departure interval and total net income .

    同时,本文还研究了模型中其他重要的变量对 发车间隔和总净收益的影响。

  • Firstly the paper considers the passengers waiting to leave on their own after a certain time and generate dissatisfaction ; the bus travel time stochastic volatility combined with the modeling of passenger satisfaction for bus departure interval is optimized .

    本文首先考虑乘客在等待一定时间后会自行离开并产生不满,将公交车行驶 时间的随机波动与乘客满意度相结合建模,对公交车 发车间隔进行了优化。

  • Official status estimated time of arrival / departure are analyzed to determine some obvious delays .

    分析官方情况、预计抵港/ 时间来判断一些明显的航班延误。

  • The average time intervals of the buses departure the average number of buses needed in a working day ;

    一个工作日内平均 发车 时间间隔和平均所需车辆数;

  • It shows that the pulse width is the main factor that affects the temperature curve and vapor bubble behavior . When the pulse width goes up the growth time of large vapor bubble and its departure diameter decrease but its growth velocity changes little .

    结果表明:激光参数中,脉宽是影响温度曲线和汽泡行为的主要因素,随着激光脉宽增大,大汽泡的长大 时间 脱离直径减小;

  • Students who receive visitors must sign the visitor 's name and exact time of arrival and departure in the registration book .

    探访完毕,被访者应在登记本上签字并注明探访者 离开 时间