time marker

[taɪm ˈmɑrkɚ][taim ˈmɑ:kə]


  • Immune quantitative results showed that the expression of neuron specific markers neuron specific enolase ( NSE ) and neurofilament ( NF ) were increasing with time until 14 days after birth . Expression of the neuroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein ( GFAP ) was not affected .

    免疫定量结果表明:在小鼠生 14d,雌三醇可增加神经元特异性标记物神经元特异性烯醇化酶及神经丝的表达,而神经胶质细胞 特异标记物神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白不受影响。

  • On the basis of the analyzed and identified results of 25 faults in the area including the newest activity active time activity and fracturing segmentation and combining with their tectonic marker of strong earthquakes the risk of seismogenic faults is classified .

    根据区内25条主要活动断裂进行最新活动 时代、活动性质、活动性分段、破裂分段的分析与鉴定的结果,结合断层本身的强震构造 标志,对发震断层进行危险性分类。

  • Judicial use of the lithologic time marker makes it possible to identify the type of sandstone body .

    审慎地应用岩性―― 时间 标志层,可以鉴定沙岩体的类型。

  • Approximation Theorem of Continuous Time Marker Chains

    参数连续 马尔科夫链的逼近定理

  • Through computer simulations this paper demonstrated that the likelihood value of a given order of markers based on HMM is effective as an objective function in multiple locus ordering . In the mean time the computing time for ordering marker loci was summarized under different environment .

    本文基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的多位点连锁分析方法,通过计算机模拟验证了极大似然值作为目标函数在 多位点排序中的有效性,并总结了不同计算环境下所需的计算 时间

  • Methods Using liquescent time of suppository in vitro as marker full factor design method was used . The ratio of PEG 4000 / PEG 6000 in prescription and warm-up temperature of water bath were selected as observing factors .

    方法采用满因子分析设计法,以栓剂体外溶化 时间指标,选定处方中聚乙二醇(PEG)4000/PEG6000的比例和栓剂制备时水浴加热的温度作为考察因素。

  • The growth curve the doubling time of MSCs and the surface antigenic marker present on MSCs were investigated .

    MSCs生长状态良好 ,测定细胞的生长曲线。

  • At this time the value of the EMPNO is not known so a parameter marker (?) is used as a placeholder .

    此时,EMPNO的值是未知的,因此一个参数 标记(?)被用作占位符。

  • As it turns out a general terrain warning MSAW was generated at approximately the same time the airplane joined the final approach course outside of the outer marker .

    调查结果显示,通用的地形警告MSAW几乎就在飞机切入 远台五边进近航道的 同时触发。

  • Accumulation and time marker significance of Chernobyl-derived ~ ( 137 ) cs in lake sediments from Jiangsu-Anhui

    切尔诺贝利核事故泄漏~(137)Cs在苏皖地区湖泊沉积物中的蓄积 及时 意义

  • If a new kind of marker which could be recognized much more rapidly can be designed the delay time of the tracking of marker can be shortened and the speed threshold of drift phenomenon can be raised .

    如果能够设计一种识别速度更快的新标记,则能减少 标记跟踪 注册的延迟 时间,从而提高漂移发生的速度阈值界限。

  • Timeline milestone interval time marker elapsed time

    时间线,里程碑,时间间隔, 时间 标记,运行的时间

  • Local time is no longer the meaning marker of events .

    当地 时间已不再是一个有意义的时间 标志

  • The process can prepare mass samples in a short time and fit for molecular marker detection of F 2 segregant population and screening of breeding materials .

    该方法可在短 时间 制备大量样品,适于进行遗传连锁性分析时对F2分离群体的单株检测和分子 标记辅助选择时筛选育种材料,操作简单,实用性强,值得推广。

  • At the same time the screening of SSR molecular marker of HB-gene was also conducted .

    同时,进行了HB红花基因片段的SSR分子 标记筛选。

  • The expression abundance of NSE protein increased obviously with the time expand contrary to Nestin which is a marker of nerve stem cell could be found in the induction group and both were no expression in the blank control group .

    诱导组NSE蛋白的表达丰度随诱导 时间延长而增高,而神经干细胞 标志 Nestin的表达相反,空白对照组均无表达。

  • During the same time period the marker returned to starting levels in the subjects who had been asked to focus on other thoughts .

    而在此 期间,那些被要求集中注意力想其他事情的参与者 体内 C反应 蛋白水平却回到了起点。

  • In recent time the advanced molecular genetic technique microsatellite DNA marker was commonly applied for entomological researches . This technique could provide the high-rating performances of polymorphism reproducibility and codominance for entomological researches .

    微卫星DNA 标记作为一种多态性和稳定性高、重复性 、呈共显性的分子遗传 标记技术,目前已被广泛应用于昆虫学的研究中。

  • Conclusion Most of the patients with CD44s strong expression are classified into early stage of NSCLC and have lower rate of metastasis with a longer survival time . CD44s strong expression may be a better prognostic marker of NSCLC .

    结论CD44s强表达的NSCLC病人多为早期,发生转移可能性较少,生存 较长,可能是NSCLC一个预后良好的 指标

  • It was found that the amount of time spent watching television was a significant marker of the likelihood of death from .

    发现称花费 更多 时间看电视是死于心脏病的最大 原因

  • Any event happens at a certain time so the information of this time is attached to the code of the event as its temporal marker .

    任何事件都发生在某个特定的历史时间,因此在对事件编码时,就附着上了 时间信息作为其时间 标记

  • When the first time tumor marker rising number is 0 tumor marker rising rate has clear correlation with tumor prognosis .

    在第一 肿瘤 标记 物增高为O时,肿瘤标记物增高速率与肿瘤预后明确相关。

  • Assessment of redistribution of erosion material and soil organic carbon using fly ash as a time marker at a sloping field in black soil region

    利用燃煤飞灰作为 时间 标记 评价坡耕地黑土侵蚀物质和有机碳的再分配

  • Both types of traps are identified and analyzed best in the subsurface by relating them to time marker .

    根据其与 时间 标志层的关系极 对这两类圈闭进行地下的鉴定与分析。

  • Methods : HL-60 cells influenced by all-trans retinoic acid ( ATRA ) capable of inducing differentiation at different time were used as subjects . The differentiation marker on the cell surface and the cell volume were analyzed by using flow cytometry .

    方法:以分化诱导剂全反式维A酸(ATRA)影响下不同 时间点的HL-60细胞为检测对象,流式细胞术分析细胞大小及细胞表面的分化 标志

  • It is the first time to analyze the genetic diversity of Crataegus germplasms with molecular marker techniques and the results indicated that the genus Crataegus had abundance genetic diversity .

    首次利用分子 标记技术对山楂属植物资源进行遗传研究,表明山楂属植物存在较高的遗传多样性。

  • As a result we propose that strategies for crop breeding with MAS include mapping and breeding at the same time determining molecular marker type and number simplifying the DNA extraction methods and stepwise selection of background selection with a suitable scheme .

    并提出育种和定位同步进行、选择 合适分子 标记类型和数量、简化DNA提取方法、背景选择的逐步选择法、确定合适选择方案等MAS发展策略。