time of the act

[taɪm ʌv ði ækt][taim ɔv ðə ækt]

[法] 行为时间

  • At the same time investors recognized that it was wrong that they only concerned the result of financial statements without concerning controls and processes which produced the result of financial statements . But this situation has changed since Sarbanes-Oxley Act enacted .

    同时,广大投资者也认识到只关注财务报表结果而忽视产生结果的过程和控制是错误的。但是《萨班斯&奥克斯利 法案 (以下简称SOX法案)的生效,使得这一情况发生了变化。

  • Where the assured has no interest at the time of the loss he cannot acquire interest by any act or election aftr he is aware of the loss .

    如果被保险人在灭损 当时不具有利益,他不能在他知晓该灭损后,通过任何 行为或选择而获取利益。

  • With regard to the second issue the reference factors includes the time 、 place and the purpose of the act .

    第二个问题,具体参考因素的研究,包括 行为 时间地点、目的利益等。

  • However each time the implementation of measures seemingly to the point the major shareholder of an act of usurpation is always in quiet comeback after some time .

    但是,在每一 看似切中要害的措施实施之后,大股东侵占 行为却总是在沉寂一段时间后卷土重来。

  • Railroad managers seemed eager to abide by the law for a brief time after the adoption of the act of1887 .

    在1887年 法案通过后的一个 时期内,铁路公司经理们似乎极愿守法。

  • At the same time some deep-seated issues have been exposed and were : the largest shareholder with control over the interests of minority shareholders against the act .

    但历经发展的 同时,许多深层次的问题也逐渐暴露出来,其主要表现为:少数拥有公司控股权的大股东 多数中小股东利益 侵害 行为

  • At the same time despite the subjective aspects of the act of taking a picture the aura of machine objectivity clings to mechanical and electronic images .

    同时,尽管拍相片 行动的主观方面,机器可观性气氛紧贴对机械和电子图象。

  • Article 9 The time limit for the re-assessment prescribed in Paragraph 2 Article 13 of the Act is 30 days .

    第9条(重新?定之期限) 第十三条第二项所定重新?定之 限期为三十日。

  • 6 ) With the increase of the speed of movement path-number change time will be shorten . The azimuth in the direction and close to unanimous or opposite of the direction of the locomotive movement will act on longer time .

    随着运动速度的增加,径数变化 时间间隔缩短,方位角与机车台运动方向接近一致或相反 入射波将 作用较长的时间。

  • In this paper the view of substantial objective doctrine is applied to the criminal act under special circumstances so that to avoid uncertainty of the old standards emphasizing the essence of danger at the beginning time of the perpetrating act .

    本文把实质客观说的观点应用于犯罪特殊情形下实行行为的认定之中,避免了众多特殊情形下原有实行着手认定的不确定性,强调了 实行 行为开始 时间的实质危险性要求。

  • At the same time the effect of the specific administrative act administrative act and the abstract definition of practical significance and the problems were discussed .

    同时,本文还 具体行政 行为与抽象行政行为界定的现实意义以及存在问题进行了探讨。

  • At the same time because of the seizure and delivery not equality between civil main body agree not the meaning of the fluid but delimiting in criminal procedure normalization standardization act but individual citizens under the condition of autonomy for criminal compulsory to body .

    同时,由于扭送不是平等的民事主体之间的意思契合,也不是拘囿于刑事程序中的规范化、标准化 行为,而是公民个体意思自治条件下针对犯罪人采取的身体强制。

  • At the time the Commission reported compelling evidence of dumping and the trade commissioner said : It is important that we act against unfair trade while encouraging legitimate and competitive trade from emerging economies .

    当时,欧盟委员会报告称,有令人信服的证据证明存在倾销,而 欧盟贸易专员表示:我们有必要在鼓励来自新兴经济体的正当而且具有竞争力的贸易的同时,对不公平贸易 采取 行动

  • Secondly statistics are used for the first time to analyze synchronically the adoption of the speech act of Chinese criticism its pragmatic strategies frequency and patterns .

    然后,从共时角度 首次用统计数据说明了汉语批评言语 行为的实施情况、批评语用策略类型、使用频率和批评模式。

  • To solve the time and space conditions for attempted or termination of complex act crime putting forward the views to attempt or termination of complex act crime .

    从而解决了复合行为 成立未遂或中止的 时空条件。

  • The time has surely come to recognise the reality of the Greek predicament and act at once on the wider ramifications for its partners .

    现在无疑已经到了承认现实的 时候了:我们应该承认希腊陷入了困境,并立即 采取措施应对此事对其伙伴造成的更广泛影响。

  • The Activated coagulation time ( ACTs ) and the efficiency of extracorporeal coagulation were observed .

    监测全血 ACT(活化凝血 时间)、观察体外循环凝血情况;

  • After a long time of usage and development the act of drinking tea has been sublimated to the level of spiritual enjoyment entailing with a variety of cultural phenomena and social functions and thus leads to the birth of tea culture .

    当茶被人们 长期使用,发展到一定阶段,人们 饮茶升华为某种精神享受,产生了各种文化现象和社会功能以后,茶文化应运而生。

  • From the concept and principle of the time of purse of illegal possession we look into the impact of the act in the qualitative . and it provide the basis for sentencing for the specific crime of conviction .

    以非法占有目的的产生 时间概念、认定原则等概述出发,研究以非法占有为目的产生 时间罪中对 行为定性的影响,为各罪的具体定罪、量刑提供依据。

  • There is a prodromal period of tension with a feeling of release at the time of the act .

    在前驱期有一段紧张感,在 实施 行动 有一种轻松感。

  • The initiative to raise interest rates for the second time in four months comes amid renewed enthusiasm for investment in China by international institutions seeking to take advantage of the so-called qualified foreign institutional investors Act ( QFII ) .

    中国进行4个月来第二 加息之际,适逢希望利用所谓的合格境外机构投资者( qfii)机制的国际投资者,重新燃起在华投资的热情。

  • For a period of time whether Member States should hold the responsibility for the consequences of the wrongful act of an international organization are still fueling some controversy .

    长期 以来,成员国应否对国际组织 不法 行为的后果承担责任,存在较大争议。

  • At the same time this paper discusses the question of Apparent Agency on the composition of elements about Apparent Agency has been analysed and the liability of the limited partner when his act is considered as Apparent Agency .

    同时本文对有限合伙人 表见代理进行了探讨,分析了表见代理的构成要件以及有限合伙人的 行为构成表见代理时的责任承担问题。