time switch

[taɪm swɪtʃ][taim switʃ]


  • It uses large IC as a switch network . This switch has the function of 8 inputs / 8 outputs . Operating as hand switch automatic switch or time switch it is suitable for television meetings .

    本文介绍了一种电脑控制的视音频切换器.它采用了大规模集成块作为切换网络,可实现8路输入/8路输出,具有手动切换、自动切换、 定时 切换及电视会议等功能。

  • Particularly a time switch is arranged ; therefore people can dry the towel only through opening the power source with convenient operation .

    特别是设置了烘干 定时 开关,人们只需启动电源即可达到烘干毛巾的目的,操作方便。

  • Therefore the focus on examination of the cold start injector circuit and found that the cold start injector then suspect the cold start injector time switch is faulty .

    来让发动机顺利的启动,因此,重点检查冷起动喷油器电路,如果发现冷启动喷油器 时间 开关有故障。

  • Time switch for tariff and load contro

    GB/T9092-1998费率和负载控制 时间 开关

  • This step explains how to use JDBC at design time and switch to JNDI at run time .

    这一步将会讲述如何在设计 期间使用JDBC, 转而在运行期间使用JNDI。

  • User facilities The time switch ( TSW ) is a main component for implementing the switching in time swtich SPC.

    时分用户程控 交换机中时间接线器(TSW)是实现交换的核心部件。

  • This indicates that the cold start injector time switch circuit so that the cold start injector is not always participate in the work leading to cold start problems .

    这表明,冷起动喷油器 定时 开关断路,使冷起动喷油器始终不能正常工作,导致冷启动困难问题出现。

  • Takes no time to switch .

    开关时不需要 时间

  • The Task view gets updated each time you switch editors or if you save the process definition .

    每次切换编辑器或者保存流程定义的 时候,Task视图都将随之更新。

  • Oil can be supplied automatically at a definite time and by a definite quantity so long as setting the on-off time and the on-off time space of the time switch as required .

    只要根据需要设定 定时 开关的通断时间及间隔,就可自动定时定量供油。

  • In this paper multiple fault detection of line concentrator time switch in SPC switching system is discussed .

    本文研究程控数字电话 交换机中用户集中器 时分接线器(LTSW)的多故障检测。

  • The switch is a time delay switch .

    所述开关为 延时 开关

  • When the frequent use of computer time to switch it is quite inconvenient .

    当频繁 切换使用电脑的 时候,显得相当的不方便。

  • Every time I switch on the TV there 's football . It 's overkill

    每次 打开电视都是足球节目,真是受不了。

  • This is a good time to switch to the classical notation .

    此刻是 用经典符号的好 时候

  • Double time-interval automatic time switch

    双倍时间区间自动 时间 开关

  • Customer : Do you have the one with a time switch ?

    你们有那种装有 定时 开关 的吗?

  • Sadowsky picked the right time to switch careers .

    Sadowsky选折了恰当的 时候 更换了职业。

  • Common form of the pressure switch volume switch time switch and flow switch that is to achieve the preset inspiratory pressure capacity time or flow rate is converted to breath .

    常见的方式有压力切换、容量切换、 时间 切换和流速切换,即吸气达到预置的压力、容量、时间或流速则转为呼气。

  • Packing station specially designs double valve with the different time switch mode which can effectively prevent the dust leakage during the packaging process reduce the environmental pollution and ensure the safety in production .

    包装工位专门设计双阀不 同时 开关方式,可有效防止包装过程粉尘外泄,减少环境污染,保证生产安全。

  • Even for a few days after the time switch motorists should exercise extra caution behind the wheel especially commuters who have worked a long day .

    即使在 夏时制结束后的数日 ,驾驶员在驾驶时也应当格外小心,尤其是工作了一白天的上班族。