


  • Study of Impact on Soil Physical Properties and Soil and Water Losses under Conservation Tillage in Sloping Fields

    坡耕地保护 耕作对土壤物理性状及水土流失的影响研究

  • Effect of Tillage and Mulch on Soil Properties and Maize Growth and Development & Yield

    耕作 方式与覆盖物对土壤特性和玉米生长发育及产量的影响

  • Frequent tillage can often destroy the organic balance of soils resulting in soil degradation and poor productivity over time .

    频繁的 耕作往往会破坏土壤的有机平衡,逐渐导致土壤退化和生产力不足。

  • Effect of Different Tillage Managements on Organic Matter and Aggregates in Black Soil

    不同 耕作方式对黑土有机质和团聚体的影响

  • Effects of wheat straw returning and soil tillage on CH_4 and N_2O emissions in paddy season

    麦秸还田与土壤 耕作对稻季CH4和N2O排放的影响

  • In all other respects fertilization of crops grown under reduced tillage is comparable to fertilization under conventional tillage .

    在所有的其它方面,少 下的作物施肥和传统耕作制下的均类似。

  • Contour tillage reduces water erosion .

    等高 耕作可以减少水侵蚀。

  • Effects of Tillage on Soil Temperature of Plough Layer in Spring of Black Soil Regions of China

    春天到了。该耕种了。黑土区 耕作 措施对春季耕层温度的影响

  • Effect of Different Conservation Tillage Ways on Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Maize

    保护 耕作措施对夏玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响

  • Other than conservation tillage conservation agriculture is a new ideaistic revolution in the development history of world agriculture .

    与保护 耕作 不同,保护 农业是世界农业发展史上一次全新的思想革命。

  • Effect of Tillage and Mulching on Enzyme Activities of Apple Orchard Soil


  • Effects of Fertilization Mulch and Tillage on Crop Yields and Soil Quality in the Semi-arid Loess Plateau of China

    施肥、覆膜和 耕作 方式对半干旱黄土高原地区作物产量和土壤质量的影响

  • This paper analyses the benefits to soil and water conservation of tillage measures with reference to rainfall influences .

    从径流能量入手,在室内人工降雨试验的基础上,分析了坡面 耕作措施对径流 能量 削减作用。

  • Forests have given place to tillage and pasture .

    原先的森林已被 耕地和牧场所取代。

  • Effects of Conservation Tillage on Soil Microbe and Its Mechanism

    保护 耕作对土壤微生物的影响及机制

  • Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe .

    靠精细的 耕耘和老式的锄头来控制杂草。

  • Studies on Effect of Soil Tillage and Straw Returning to Field in Multi-Cropping Paddy Field

    多熟复种稻田土壤 耕作和秸秆还田的效应研究

  • Mechanized conservation tillage technique has been studied in Linfen Shanxi province for many years .

    机械化保护 耕作技术在山西临汾开展研究已经有多年了。

  • Effects of Winter Conservation Tillage in Paddy Field on Rice Yield and Grain Quality

    冬季保护 耕作对后茬水稻产量和品质的影响

  • Effect of Fertilization and Tillage Measure on Soybean Yield and Its Composition Factor

    施肥和 耕作措施对大豆产量及其构成因素的影响

  • More use of conservation tillage can assure that available water reaches the plants in drought-prone rainfed areas .

    如果更多地采用保墒 耕作 方式,可以保证可用水资源为干旱频发和雨浇地区的农作物所用。

  • Controlled traffic tillage and its current research were introduced .

    介绍了 固定 作法及其目前的研究情况。

  • The Effect of Different Tillage Methods on the Nutrition of Tobacco Plants and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

    不同 耕作方法对烟株营养和烟叶产质量的影响

  • Conservation tillage could reduce soil wind erosion effectively on farmland .

    保护 耕作能够有效减少农田土壤风蚀。

  • The effect of different tillage on soil water and soil temperature of winter-wheat field

    不同 耕作 措施对冬小麦农田土壤水分和温度的影响

  • And the fifth way that the study found may improve sorghum production is to reduce crop tillage .


  • The scientists introduced zero tillage also known as conservation tillage to farmers in the region .

    科学家们向这一区域的农民们介绍 免耕 &也可理解为保护性耕作。

  • The effective management of stubbles and residues is the key to successful conservation tillage .

    而其中有效的留茬和秸秆的管理是保护 耕作成功的关键。

  • Effects of Soil Moisture and Tillage Methods on Water Consumption Characteristics and Grain Yield in Wheat

    土壤水分和 耕作方式对小麦耗水特性和产量的影响

  • Effect of long-term fertilization and tillage system on soil enzyme activities ;

    研究不同土壤中, 菊酯降解变化和对土壤酶活性的影响。