time loan

[taɪm lon][taim ləun]


  • The rules of Song legislation on the official ruling usury must be clear in capital source time limit for repayment of loan interest calculation method .

    宋代立法对官营高利贷规定必须明确 贷款资金来源、偿还 期限、利息计算方法等。

  • At the same time the bad loan of the personal housing credit is climbing with the rapid development of the personal housing credit in commercial bank and the risk of the personal housing credit appeared gradually .

    与此同时,随着我国商业银行个人住房信贷的快速增长,个人住房信贷不良 贷款率也在逐步上升,且有加速的迹象,个人住房信贷风险逐步显现。

  • The one-year program at IE Business School in Madrid initially appealed to Jeff Taylor who enrolled with plans to switch from education to human-resources without taking too much time or loan debt .

    杰夫•泰勒(JeffTaylor)最初对马德里IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)的一年制项目很感兴趣。他的计划是在不花太多 时间贷款的情况下从教育工作转到人力资源工作。

  • The private enterprise in China because of its small scale the management time short the loan risk higher reason suffers the bank to its loan discrimination .

    我国的民营企业由于自身的规模小、经营 时间短、 贷款风险高等原因而遭受银行对其贷款的歧视。

  • Such credit checks will be time consuming thus increasing the time within which loan proceeds will become available for use .

    这种信用将会检查费时,从而增加了 贷款 期限内,将可供。

  • The microfinance to farmers has solved the problem of the asymmetric information and high fixed costs between the financial institutions and farmers in long time loan game in a certain extent .

    而农户小额信贷作为一种金融创新,一定程度上解决了金融机构与农户 贷款博弈中 长期存在的信息不对称和小额信贷的高固定成本问题。

  • Now its high time they repaid the loan and many are facing great finance crisis .

    近一 时期高校 陆续进入偿 高峰期,面临巨大的资金压力,部分高校出现财务危机。

  • At the same time through assisting loan clients to settle problems of production or management process by micro-loan users achieve win-win situation . In a word Micro-credit is a useful complement of rural financial in china .

    同时,通过协助解决 贷款农户在生产或经营中遇到的问题,从而实现多赢的产业局面。总之,小额信贷是我国农村金融的有益补充。

  • At the same time the bank loan and GDP in our country have realized the swift growth .

    同时,我国银行 贷款和GDP都实现了快速增长。

  • To see how many loans were originated by officer and by year double-click a bar in the chart again and this time select the Loan Officer dimension .

    要按信贷员和年度查看贷款数量,再次双击图表中的一个栏, 这次选中 LoanOfficer维度。

  • The same time loan pricing is also a large and complex systems engineering but also the overall performance of the commercial bank risk management influenced by many factors .


  • When I asked him for longer time to pay back the loan the boss just laughed in my face .

    当我要求缓期归还 贷款时,老板 当即轻蔑地拒绝了我。

  • Excessive overestimation and long time financial mortgage loan bring the financial institution more and more bad debt loss in the future which influence the financial institution ' real property .

    房地产过高估值和 长期大量的金融抵押 贷款给金融机构带来越来越多的呆账坏账,影响了金融机构的真实资产。

  • They 're just making time until their loan goes through .

    贷款落实之前,他们只能 等着。

  • It takes some time to complete a mortgage loan transaction .

    要完成抵押 贷款的交易是得花点 时间

  • For a long time China 's loan quality is divided into normal and unsound categories in terms of the time limit .

    长期 以来,中国银行按期限将 贷款质量划分为正常 贷款和不良贷款。

  • They ask for more time to repay the loan .

    他们请求有更多的 时间来偿还 贷款

  • This system can be used to handle in real time savings accounts and mortgage loan transaction .

    这种出纳系统可以用来 实时处理储蓄帐户和抵押 借款业务。

  • The paper analyses the amount and time and limitation of capitalizing loan cost for enterprises .

    对企业 借款费用资本化的金额、 时间及限度进行分析。

  • Used the method a decision analysis for the project of introducing natural gas from Russia was carried out by introducing total cost redemption time for loan and sale quantity of natural gas etc as objective function .

    应用该方法以 投资总额、总成本、 还贷 年限、销售气量等作为考核指标,对我国从俄罗斯引进天然气工程方案进行了决策分析。

  • It can take tons of time to fill out loan applications and you might ask yourself why they need such detailed information ?

    它能以吨 时间填写 贷款申请书,你可能会问自己为什么要这样详细资料?

  • Now is the time to touch him for a loan .

    现在是向他 时候了。

  • Attractive people also have an easier time getting a loan than plain folks even as they are less likely to pay it back .

    迷人的人也比长相普通的人更容易获得 贷款,即使他们不可能还。