time sequencing


  • A cast starting time based mathematical model considering both machine allocation and heat sequencing is established for the steelmaking-continuous casting scheduling problem in DHCR ( direct hot charge rolling ) and CCR ( cold charge rolling ) environment .

    针对连铸连轧和冷装热轧并存环境下的炼钢-连铸生产调度问题,建立了基于浇次开浇 时间的炉次指派和作业 排序模型。

  • Because the method of long span fractional steps of constructing the stone arch bridge is affected by the time sequencing of forming the structure the stress and the displacement among the structure change at any time .

    大跨度分步施工石拱桥,由于受到结构组成 时序的影响,结构各部位的应力与变位随时都在发生变化;

  • Time sequencing correlation analysis between pollen fertility daily mean temperature and day length of 25-5d before heading indicated that all 10 sterile lines were sensitive to day length and temperature .

    对花粉育性与抽穗前 25~5d逐日日平均温度和日照长度的相关分析表明,10个不育系均为光温互作型不育系。

  • The design methods of the software systems are introduced the working time sequencing and the procedures of the outside devices of the MCU are given and the processing judging and the controlling of the signals are realized through the cooperation of the outside devices and the modules .

    介绍了系统软件的设计方法,给出了单片机片上外围设备的工作 时序和流程,实现了单片机在各个外围设备和模块的配合下对信号的处理、判断和控制等功能。

  • The time sequencing of formation of the embryo attachment system is determined by the behavior of females the activities of cement glands as well as changes of egg membrane ultrastructure .

    胚胎附着系统的形成 雌蟹的行为、腹肢粘液腺分泌的粘液、卵膜的超微结构及各层的变化有关。

  • A job stream represents a container for related jobs and organizes them in terms of run time sequencing concurrency limitations and repetitions .

    作业流代表的是相关作业的容器,并按运行 顺序、并行限制和重复性组织这些作业。

  • Probability window of safty / reliability for the parameters of the explosive NULL gate is given and the time sequencing relationship of the asynchronous AND gate is also discussed .

    还给出了爆炸零门工作参数的安全性/可靠性概率窗,讨论了异步与门内部的 时序关系。

  • The alteration of the temperature and time of the denaturation annealing extension facilitated sequencing of some of the DNA templates .

    改变变性、退火、延伸的 时间和温度对特殊DNA模板的 序列 测定有较好的效果。 测序反应产物的纯化有几种方法,以70%乙醇沉淀 最经济、方便。

  • Hydraulic retention time of sequencing batch reactor

    批式反应器的水力停留 时间的理论探讨

  • Based on analysis of the characteristics of pulse phase-comparision method currently used for selective detection of the leakage faults on power lines this paper presents a new method named as time sequencing phase-comparision .

    在分析了目前采用的选择性漏电故障判别方法脉冲比相法的特点后,提出了一种新的判别方法 时序比相法。

  • The time of different mating type has obvious sequencing One of mating type concentrated in the early stage And another concentrated in the late .

    在原生质的再生实验过程中,发现不同交配型的单核菌株的萌发情况不同,而且萌发 时间存在明显的 先后 顺序,一种交配型集中在前期,另一种则集中在后期。

  • The Time Shift marked the time in history when the planet entered a new sequencing of energy that after a magnetic pole shift in 2000 will be complete in December 2012 .

    时间替换标志着2000年 磁极转换后行星进入新的 时间频率里,会在2012年12月完成。

  • 1 time management : analysis of the Song Chinese IDC decomposition and sequencing project activities the use of WBS AOA charts were analyzed and described the project time management application including the progress of planning progress control and so on .

    时间管理方面:分析了歌华IDC项目活动的分解与 排序,运用WBS、AOA结构图进行了分析,并介绍了项目中时间管理的应用包括进度计划的制定、进度的控制等等。

  • The Shortest Ready Time Sequencing

    最短准备 时间 排序

  • In this paper we prove that the shortest ready time ( SRT ) sequencing minimizes the total completion time and analyse properties of the one-machine sequencing problem with ready time to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs .

    本文证明了最短准备 时间(SRT) 排序使总的完工时间取得最小,并进一步分析了带有准备时间的带权误工工件数排序问题的一些性质。

  • A comparative study on it and shortcut nitrification-denitrification under traditional SBR process with real-time control and alternating oxic / anoxic shortcut nitrification-denitrification under fixed time control mode was made in sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) .

    并对其与实时控制传统 SBR法短程硝化反硝化脱氮和预先设定 时间控制交替好氧缺氧短程硝化反硝化脱氮工艺进行了比较研究。

  • The second to the eighth chapters discuss the specific use of degree adverb in the seven stages and make a pairwise contrast according to the time sequencing .

    文章第一章为引言,论述了选题的意义和研究的方法,第二至八章中分别讨论了程度副词在这七个阶段的具体使用情况,并从 时间 顺序上,把各阶段两两进行对比。

  • In the first phase of the genome-sequencing revolution researchers gathered genetic data one person at a time because of the great expense of sequencing .

    在基因测序革命的第一阶段,由于基因 测序的巨大成本,研究人员在收集基因数据时总是一 收集一个人的。

  • The characteristics of the single phase current leakage faults in small current ground system are analysed . A new method of selectively examining the faults is proposed and it is named as time sequencing phase comparison method .

    分析了小电流接地系统单相漏电故障的特点,提出了一种新的选择性漏电判别方法& 时序比相法。

  • The results show that the computer-based time sequencing controller has a universal applicability to sequencing control .

    实验证明,用计算机组成的 时序控制器在顺序控制系统中具有通用性。

  • Development of the selective leakage protection device based on time sequencing phase comparison

    一种基于 时序比相方法的选择性漏电保护装置的研制

  • The results of calculation examples show that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the time for generating sets restoration and the factors which constrain the start-up sequencing of generating sets are found .

    算例结果表明,该算法能有效地缩短发电机组恢复的 时间,并找到了制约发电机组启动 排序方式的因素。

  • Is there a time sequencing delay between the 1m segment blasts or is it one instantaneous blast .

    请问:对于1 米高的分段,是进行微差爆破,还是进行瞬间爆破?

  • Results sequencing time can be shortened with optimization of sequencing methods and reaction conditions and operation of instrument .

    结果对 测序 模板、测序条件和仪器操作的优化,可缩短测序 时间

  • The working time sequencing and data processing method to realize conductance measurement are designed .

    设计了并给出了利用主动附加激励实现电导测量的工作 时序及数据处理方法。

  • Thanks to difference of producing process and operation time to different product on mixed-model assembly line production sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly line must be considered in order to guaranteeing regular work of mixed-model assembly line .

    由于混流生产线上不同产品所需的加工工序和作业 时间存在差异,为了保证混流生产线的正常运转,混流生产线必须考虑投产 排序问题。

  • PWM rectifier using a time sequencing method in the current control loop

    电流环 时序方法在PWM整流器中的应用

  • At one time Each S gene of 18 PCR-produced clones was sequenced . The results of sequencing were completely in accordance to those of fluorimetry PCR .

    18株HBV克隆标本S基因 测序结果与 本分型法完全一致。

  • Vertical atmospheric refraction and spectral analysis of time sequencing vertical angles

    大气垂直折射与 时序垂直角值的谱分析