time opening

[taɪm ˈopənɪŋ][taim ˈəupəniŋ]


  • The class of situation and policy is one of compulsory courses as ideology education and it plays an important role though the time for opening is not long .

    形势与政策作为一门高校大学生思想政治理论必修课程,虽然 开设 时间不长,但其作用不容忽视。

  • Since the time of opening and reform the economy in Pan-Pearl River Delta has increased enormously . However some issues are merging in many aspects such as low incomes per capita and extensive pattern of economic growth .

    改革 开放后,泛珠三角区域的经济获得了极大的增长,但是存在人均收入低、以粗放型增长为主等重大问题。

  • At the same time of opening up the government allowed private banks enter in financial industry .

    对外 开放 同时,金融业也对内开放,允许民营银行准入。

  • Exploring the demographic character ( age sex educated level and so on ) and customer 's purchase behaviors ( amount of bank account time of opening an account and so on ) influences the service quality .

    研究顾客人口统计特征(年龄、性别、受教育程度等)和顾客的交易行为(开户银行的个数、 开户 时间 长短等)对服务质量的影响。

  • The academic bases of optimal control method are developed . We study time of opening air valve or closing air valve in detail . On the application of the air vale clutch for the displacement type craft with water-jet propulsion

    推导了最佳控制方法的理论依据,对关闭气阀 时刻 开启气阀 时刻的选取进行了深入的理论研究。排水量型喷水推进艇应用通气阀离合器的研讨

  • This equipment completes the opening work automatically does not need ahead of time the opening the efficiency enhancement .

    该设备自动完成开孔工作,无需 提前 ,效率提高。

  • This is called every time an opening tag is encountered in the XML document .

    在XML文档中 每次遇到 开始标记时都会调用它。

  • It is the first time the opening ceremony of a big athletic meeting is held outside stadium and water will be an important and innovative element of the ceremony .

    水与火的交融,将是广州亚运会 开幕式展现给世人的最大神韵。

  • If an administrative institute wants to develop for a long time it must have a heading group of going forword with the time and opening up with advance ;

    行政学院要想长足发展,必须有一个 与时俱进开拓进取的领导班子;

  • The common directly-acted descaling valve and pilot overflow descaling valve suffered from a defect that a greater pressure percussion produced at the time of opening and closing or the opening and closing time can not be adjusted .

    常用的直动式除鳞和先导溢流式除鳞阀存在 产生较大的压力冲击,或启闭时间不可调的缺陷。

  • The hands are used for opening the umbrella at the time of opening and one hand is used for closing the umbrella at the time of closing .

    自合伞在开伞 用双手 撑开,合伞时用单手就可使伞合拢。

  • The door was not a long time opening but there was no hurry in the way it moved on its hinges .

    开门的过程并不长,但是 打开门上的铰链的动作 不紧不慢的。

  • Hemodynamic changes the time to opening eyes on commond and recovery from anesthesia were better in B group than in A group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    B组血流动力学变化幅度,呼 睁眼和术后苏醒恢复状况均优于A组(P<0.05)。

  • The Application of PLC in Measuring the Undergoing Time from Opening to Closing the Table of High Level Palletizer

    PLC在高位码垛机 关门 时间测量中的应用

  • Take your sweet time opening the paper .

    就在这愉快的 时光 打开报纸。

  • Through the analysis of the work condition of the circuit breaker summarizes the operation of the common fault circuit breaker when determined the key monitoring parameters such as points off average speed route closing time and opening time .

    研究通过深入分析ZN42-27.5型真空断路器的工作状态,总结断路器运行时常见故障,确定了真空断路器分 合闸平均速度、行程、分合闸 时间等关键监测参数的提取方法。

  • When you see that meeting request from your manager you don 't have to waste time opening the message to respond .

    当您看到经理发来的会议请求时,不必浪费 时间 打开邮件进行回应。

  • However in some mountain tunnel with small traffic volume in the absence of vehicular traffic time still opening lamps there are still a waste of energy .

    但在一些交通量不大的山区隧道,在无车辆通行的 时段依然 着灯具,还存在着电能浪费。

  • The time of opening of pubs is regulated by law .

    酒店的 开始 营业 时间由法律规定。

  • Palazzi sent me a small sample of Paul-Marie et Fils devant la porte Grande Champagne Cognac which I took my time about opening but finally broke down .

    宫殿送我的保罗,玛丽等菲尔斯小样本“德旺拉波特”大香槟干邑,我 我的 时间花了,但最终破裂。

  • The existence of unsteady flow during opening sluice gate and during a long time after opening sluice gate was proved through studying the flow in the process of opening sluice gate by using physical model .

    利用物理模型对闸门开启过程中水流进行研究,证明了闸门开启过程中和 全开之后一段 时间内非恒定流的存在。

  • The results show that in the tubular pump start the process the delay time of opening gate and the speed of the starting gate are significant influence the transition process .

    计算结果显示,在贯流泵站起动过程中,闸门 开启延时 时间以及闸门 开启速度对起动过渡过程均有明显影响。

  • In addition all customers who are present at the time of opening will receive a rain check for one Black Friday promotional product if they purchase at least $ 100 worth of other products .

    除此之外,如果大爷们当天至少买超过100美元产品,我们会发给这些顾客绝对可以买到特价商品的凭证,让大家都可 安安稳稳的买特价产品。

  • Globulars transport us mentally through time opening our eyes to the rich layering of history in the heavens .

    球状星团运载著我们的心智,穿越 时空,为我们 开启了探究宇宙丰富历史的眼睛。

  • The earth crust in Nanling experienced three time opening closing with different scales ;

    南岭地区地壳经历3 不同规模的南北 开合活动;

  • Consequently in the time of opening the capital account this country should focus on the basic conditions for the economic development and carry out the steady gradual implementation .

    因此,一国在进行资本账户 开放 过程中,首先要着力发展经济基础条件,实施稳步、渐进式的开放。

  • In this posting we are going to compare the Metro at the time of opening with the Metro at the moment of Soviet government change .

    在这个贴子,我们要比地铁的 开放与地铁的那一刻,苏联政府改变。

  • The best method increasing the production efficiency of the platen press was to reduce its auxiliary operating time that is the time for the rise and decline of the bolster and the time for opening and closing molds .

    提高平板硫化机生产效率,最有效的方法还应是快速硫化,减少平板硫化机辅助操作时间,即可动平台上升、下降时间和 开模、合模 时间