


  • Actuality and optimal policies of tillable field protection

    当前 耕地保护形势及政策优化分析

  • Study on the policy flaw of the tillable field protection and its countermeasures relationship between consumption of tillable field and economy growth


  • The dynamic analysis on tillable field resource and the sustainable utilization countermeasure of reservation resources of tillable land in Hebei Province

    河北省 耕地资源动态分析及耕地后备资源可持续利用对策

  • Our innovation aim in construction field is to replace conditional clay solid brick with new wall material in order to protect tillable field save energy and protect environment .

    我国建设领域的改革目标是用新型墙体材料取代传统实心粘土砖,达到保护 耕地、节约能源、保护环境的目的。

  • The scale of fertile soil projects shall be expanded thus to enhance the quality of the tillable land .

    扩大沃土工程实施规模,不断提高 耕地质量。

  • There are multitudinous policies about tillable field protection in our country but the effect of the policy is far from the policy anticipated target .

    我国 已经 出台了众多 耕地保护的政策,但是政策 运行效果与政策的预期目标 之间仍然存在着 一定的差距。

  • The distributions of tillable field and population are used as the economics index to zone the hazard risk caused by flood .

    耕地和人口为经济 因素指标, 考虑洪水造成的灾害, 制作 洪灾危险 程度区划

  • The aim is to ensure no net loss of tillable fields .

    举措旨在 防止 耕地 进一步流失。

  • Relationship between consumption of tillable field and economy growth

    耕地 资源消费与经济增长相关性 探析