to one's mind


  • Reluctance or an inability to make up one 's mind ; irresolution . I really can 't decide what to do . No more can I.

    “我真的不能决定 什么。”“我也不能。”

  • The essential theory of Health Qigong is to exercise and regulate one 's body breathing and mind by unifying body movements breathing rhythms and Chinese medical principles .

    健身气功是中华民族的传统体育项目,以 自身形体活动、呼吸吐纳、 心理调节相结合为主要的运动形式。

  • When taking a test at school it helps to have one 's mind at ease .

    当走在学校的测试,它 在轻松 心境

  • This is an important part of Hatha Yoga because the yogis of old times believed that the secret to controlling one 's mind can be unlocked by controlling one 's breath .

    这是哈他瑜伽的一个重要部分,因为古时代的瑜伽修 行者们相信,通过控制人的呼吸,可以揭开控制人 思想的秘密。

  • One needs adequate sleep to recharge one 's tired mind and body .

    我们需要适当的睡眠 使疲惫 心身 再度获得充电。

  • According to Davidson there are three varieties of knowledge or three'different mode of access to reality ' : knowledge of one 's own mind knowledge of other minds and knowledge about the world .

    依照 戴维森的说法,知识有三种: 自我知识、他心知识、与有关外在世界的知识。

  • Sring is a special season it is easy to flap one 's heart some strange ideas coming across my mind but it is difficult to come true in fact

    春天特别容易撩动 心玄,仿佛,我会突然萌发好多好多奇怪的 念头,但实施起来就没想的那么简单了

  • The Art of Memory is the effort to align one 's mind with the harmony of the Universe following the rules which the Divine Mind created for it .

    掌握记忆之术 必须使 头脑对应于宇宙的和谐,宇宙的和谐依据一定的法则,而那法则是由神的头脑创造的。

  • One needs to put one 's heart and mind into one 's work . Please pay more attention to the shooting position when shooting .

    吾人 必须心思投注在工作上。投篮时要特别注意投篮位置。

  • Culture means trying to perfect oneself and one 's own mind .

    修养意指努力 自己和 自己 心灵趋于完善。

  • Li : yes but to open up one 's mind one needs to prepare .

    李:是的,但 思想开阔也需要有所准备。

  • One needs to put one 's heart and mind into one 's work .

    吾人 必须心思投注在工作上。

  • In narrating a story or making a statement some facts have to be stored in one 's mind .

    在叙述一个故事或发表声明时,一些事实是 必须存放在 个人 心理的。

  • It is early days yet to make up one 's mind .


  • A thousand confused thoughts come to one 's mind .

    千头万绪 心头

  • Train a student to diligently devote one 's mind express with by hand habit of designing .

    培养学生 用心专注,用口表达,用手绘制 习惯。

  • It is easy to think to oneself that one 's emotions used to be more vivid than they are and one 's mind keener .

    人总是暗自思量,觉得自己的情感失去了旧日的热烈, 心智也不如从前 般灵敏。

  • Good administration and an honest or bona fide decision must as it seems to me require not merely impartiality nor merely bringing one 's mind to bear on the problems but acting fairly ;

    我认为,开明的行政管理以及正直或真诚的决定必须不仅不能有偏心,也不仅 考虑到所有应该考虑的问题,还有公平行事之义务。

  • And no chance to change one 's mind .

    一旦跳楼 没机会改变 主意了。

  • Its function is to satisfy the incompletion of one 's mind and is to promote the emergence of cultivation aestivation aesthetics .

    其功能表现 心灵缺失 满足与美学理想的生成。

  • Cause to go crazy ; cause to lose one 's mind .

    致使发狂;致使 某人失去 精神

  • There can be no doubt that to close one 's mind on marriage against all the approaches of love from elsewhere is to diminish receptivity and sympathy and the opportunities of valuable human contacts .

    无疑, 如果认为 了婚姻就 不能从别处得到爱的亲近,就大大削弱了人 感受力、同情心和与有识之士接触的机会。

  • Though they 're challengeable and great to one 's mind they 're discussing .

    虽然它们富有挑战性, 心智成长很有利,但是它们还是很难缠的。

  • For this reason it has realistic significance to maintain one 's health of mind and body to learn the techniques of the self-control of one 's unhealthy emotion by distracting his attention consoling himself and expressing his discontent to himself .

    因此,学会通过转移注意、自我安慰、自我发泄等自我调节不良情绪的方法, 对于维护 自我 身心健康具有重要的现实意义。

  • It 's a bit late to get one 's mind round a puzzle like that .

    像那样的 个谜 现在 明白过来,未免嫌晚了。

  • It is a very important link to summarize knowledge in one 's mind .

    概括 思维中极重要的环节,学生学习和运用知识的过程 就是概括过程。

  • Moreover it would surely defeat the quintessence of education which is to open up one 's mind to develop potential and creativity and not merely to slog relentlessly for better grades at all costs .

    更何况,教育的本质 在于启发 人们 思想,发展他们的潜能和创造力,而不是不断的埋头苦读,不惜任何代价争取好成绩。

  • Not to do any evil to cultivate good to purify one 's mind this is the Teaching of the Buddhas .

    不做坏事、多做好事、洁净 思想:这就是佛陀的教义。

  • Appear to one 's own mind or opinion .

    某人看来 好象表现 某人自己的 观点或思想。