to show for

[tu ʃo fɔr][tu: ʃəu fɔ:]


  • Many organizations have invested millions into SOA and they have little benefit to show for it .

    很多企业已为SOA投资了数百万,但是 可见的收益甚微。

  • It always amazed her how little she had to show for the amount she spent .

    她的付出那么多,收获却那样少,这一直让她 惊诧不已。

  • The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check .

    因为乐队的一个成员没 试音,这位歌手 大发雷霆

  • There is little to show for the two years of hard slog .

    两年的埋头苦干却没有 获得什么值得 炫耀的结果。

  • But it has little to show for its boldness .

    然而,新闻集团的大胆行动却 罕有回报。

  • If you have a lot of knowledge and practical experience in your field but no diploma to show for it life experience credits may give you some of the recognition you deserve .

    你知识渊博,在你的专业领域有很多的实践经验,但是这些不能通过证书 反映。生活经历学分会带给你一些你应得的荣誉。

  • I 've had nothing to show for all these thirty years of work .

    对于这三十年来的工作,没有什麽成绩 可言

  • There is little to show for this yet in terms of closer economic or political contacts with Japan South Korea and the West .

    然而没有迹象 显示 朝鲜和日本、韩国以及西方国家有更进一步的经济和政治往来。

  • But those who accept payment must have something to show for it no matter what means are employed .

    但是,受津贴的人多少得有些 成绩,不管用什么手段做出的成绩;

  • All that hard work and what have I got to show for it ? Nothing !

    那些艰苦的努力之后我又得到了什么呢? 一无所获

  • And I have nothing to show for it nothing .

    我却没什么可 展示 ,什么都没有。

  • But the problem of one 's being called to be a great poet is that one may have an inkling or some sense of a promise of future greatness but nothing really to show for it yet .

    但是一个人被召唤去变成伟大诗人的问题在于,他可能会有一丝感觉他将来必定是伟大的,但还没有什么 能够真正 表明这一切。

  • But what do we got to show for it ?

    我们怎么样 展示一下呢?

  • It has little to show for it and certainly no roads or schools .

    巨额资金并未带来多少 看得见 成果,肯定没有道路或者学校。

  • They had nothing to show for it .

    他们觉得没有任何成就 可言

  • ( Applause . ) We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas and the amount of renewable energy we generate from sources like wind and solar & with tens of thousands of good American jobs to show for it .

    (掌声)我们汽车用的1加仑天然气量可以让我们跑得比过去的两倍还多。我们通过风力发电和太阳能发电生产 出来的新能源创造了数以万计的优质美国就业岗位。

  • I 've only got 100 to show for all the stuff I sold .

    我卖了那麽多东西,只得到 区区100英镑。

  • There are no items to show for the selected document .

    所选文档无 显示项。

  • Don 't come back and see me until you 've got something to show for your efforts .

    不混 个人样儿 ,不要回来见我。

  • These international discussions have essentially taken place now for almost two decades and we have very little to show for it other than an increased acceleration of the climate change phenomenon .

    这样的国际讨论到现在已经进行了几乎20年,除了气候变化现象的加速,我们没有取得什么 结果

  • But not the grades to show for it .

    但是 成绩不是很好。

  • You 've had this job for five years and what have you got to show for your efforts ?

    你干这工作已有五年了,如此努力你能 展示点什么?

  • Yes my dear I am ill and mine is the sort of illness which spares no one ; but the concern which you are generous enough still to show for me greatly eases my sufferings .

    是的,我的朋友,我病了,而且是不治之症;但是您还是这样 关心我,这就大大地减轻了我的痛苦。

  • You can select metrics to show for each process instance along with a sort order and a format .

    您可以选择 每个流程实例 显示的度量,以及排序顺序和格式。

  • If you enjoy needlework or photography at home by yourself you dont have too much to show for this that you can put on a CV or use in an interview .

    如果你喜欢一个人在家做针线活或者摄影,那你也许不会有太多东西可以在面试或者简历中 展示

  • However all they have to show for their efforts after many years are a few trial projects .

    然而 多年后他们 展示 得出的成果只是几个实验项目。

  • The workers who gets a promotion the student whose grades improve the foreigner who learns a new language-all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for there efforts .

    得到了升迁的工人们,成绩进步的学生,学会了一门新语言的外国人一一这些都是那些有可衡量的结果宋 显示其努力的人们的例证。