to put it mildly


  • Mrs took 's lessons were uninspiring to put it mildly .

    客气 ,土克女士的课很枯燥。

  • Banking union to put it mildly is not a German priority .

    委婉 ,德国并不 银行业联盟放在心上。

  • The benefits are to put it mildly uncertain ; the costs all too clear .

    了, 奥运会的益处是 确定的;而害处则太明显了。

  • To put it mildly converting food crops to biofuels w_1005 is foolish to put it strongly it is a crime against humanity Mr Chidambaram said .

    奇丹巴拉姆表示:说 温和,(将粮食作物转化为生物燃料的做法)是愚蠢的,说得重一些,这是对人类的犯罪。

  • But not all the money to put it mildly has been used wisely

    但是 委婉一些,并不是所有的钱都花得很明智。

  • The American presidential election of 2000 was to put it mildly controversial .

    美国2000年的总统大选 委婉 点儿是有争议的。

  • Mr Joyce 's drastic move got to put it mildly mixed reviews .

    经过理性的分析, 乔伊斯先生激进的行为得到 不同观点的评价。

  • Allowing a determined seller to book a 300m profit on disposal seems charitable to put it mildly .

    委婉 一些卖意已 的卖家 因为这笔交易净赚3亿欧元似乎很是仁慈。

  • It quickly raised $ 1.5 million and was valued at as much as 10 times that despite having to put it mildly extremely limited utility .

    虽然 的实用价值, 委婉 ,极度有限,但却很快吸引到150万美元投资,身价据估计更是这个数字的十倍。

  • I was skeptical to put it mildly having seen the Chinese make such promises numerous times before .

    委婉 ,我很怀疑她的观点,因为中国在此之前已经承诺过很多次。

  • To put it mildly Mammaw 's whipping her was an unusual reaction for a poor southern white woman in the1920s .

    婉转 ,对于20世纪20年代一个南方穷苦白人妇女来说,外婆责备我母亲是一种非同寻常的反应。

  • For most people the belief that free money doesn 't exist is acquired through unpleasant circumstances to put it mildly .

    对于大部分人, 天下没有免费的午餐这个信念是通过不愉快的方式 得到的。

  • The events of the last year have exposed excesses and flaws that are to put it mildly humbling .

    去年发生的事件暴露出的无节制和缺陷, 委婉 ,让人羞愧。

  • If the question of what people eat is a moral one she looked as if she hadn 't always been good to put it mildly .

    如果询问他人的饮食是一个道德问题的话, 委婉 ,这位女士的状态 似乎并不总是十分良好。

  • China 's recent record of historical preservation is to put it mildly poor .

    婉转 ,中国最近在历史保护方面的记录很差。

  • It is to put it mildly a highly controversial issue .


  • The British and Americans are prone to regard their interventions as well-intentioned and their impact as beneficent . This is not to put it mildly how it has looked to the rest of humanity .

    英美人倾向于认为自己的干涉出于善意,造成的影响是有益的。 客气 点儿,在其它民族看来,事实并非如此。

  • There is now a lively debate - to put it mildly - about whether an economic model in denial of a financial market can still be useful in the 21st century .

    目前正在进行一场激烈的争论& 温和 说法,争论的题目是:一个 排除金融市场的经济模型是否仍适用于21世纪。

  • ' Unfortunately the investment climate in our country to put it mildly leaves something to be desired 'he said .

    他说,不幸的是,我们国家的投资环境 好听 是让人不满意;

  • The Fed will probably be in no hurry to reverse the policy so inflation will be allowed to build up in the US – and this will weaken the dollar further to put it mildly .

    美联储大概不会急于转变上述政策,因此通胀在美国将得以积聚& 婉转 ,这将推动美元进一步走弱。

  • We have to evaluate the life of a person 's level of social behavior and abilities we put it mildly : Well this is an intellectual !

    生活中我们 评价一个人的社会行为水平和能力的时候,我们 委婉 :咳,这就是个知识分子!

  • To put it mildly she 's just a bit inquisitive .


  • Neither area is comfortably integrated into the rest of the country to put it mildly .

    婉转 两个地区都没有与中国其它地区很好地融合。

  • Or to put it more mildly are criticisms of the shortcomings of environmental education in Asia justified ? More specifically what should we as educationalists do about it ?

    更加 适度 ,对亚洲环境教育缺点的批评是合乎情理的吗?

  • And both firms face big engineering challenges to put it mildly .

    即使 轻描淡写 ,两家公司也都面临着巨大的技术挑战。

  • To put it mildly I didn 't know a Gantt chart from a PERT chart .

    好听 ,我不知道甘特图和网络图有什么区别;