to scale

[tu skel][tu: skeil]


  • Is the current application able to scale to handle present and future demands ?

    当前的应用程序 伸缩成可处理目前和将来需求的吗?

  • One solution to this problem is to use a functional language designed to scale .

    对于这个问题,一个解决方案是使用专门 针对 伸缩设计的函数语言。

  • Carmakers in Japan and America have had to scale back production .

    日本和美国的汽车制造商已经 不得不 缩减生产量了。

  • Despite current price advantage UK manufacturers are still having to scale back production .

    尽管目前在价格上占据优势,英国生产商还是 不得不 减少产量。

  • Elasticity is the ability to scale up and down the infrastructure based on need .

    灵活性是指根据需要自动 上和向下 扩展基础架构。

  • To scale a Web application means to grow it so that it can handle more traffic .

    扩展Web应用程序的 容量意味着让它能够处理更多的通信流。

  • As the amount of data increases we need to scale the database to handle new tenants .

    随数据量的增多,我们 需要 扩展数据库以处理新的承租者。

  • One factory has had to scale down its workforce from six hundred to only six

    一家工厂 不得不 员工人数从600名裁减至 仅剩6名。

  • The ITF should include the ability to scale up the number of parallel requests .

    ITF应当具备 比例增加并行请求数量的能力。

  • This integration solved a major strategic challenge for the company and enabled the company to scale internationally .

    这次整合解决了SCVNGR的一大战略挑战,使得该公司 实现国际 规模 扩张

  • These are the points that you need to scale and calculate from the data set .

    这就是 需要 缩放和计算的点。

  • The ability to scale predictably and without limits is a key criterion for a Business Intelligence platform .

    可预见的 伸缩能力以及没有限制是商业智能(BusinessIntelligence)平台的关键标准。

  • So the developers had to create a caching mechanism to scale the application .

    因此开发人员必须创建缓存机制 扩展该应用程序。

  • This poses a problem if you want to scale an application to thousands of clients .

    如果您 想要 一个应用程序 应用到数千个客户机,这将会出现问题。

  • But there were many more and obviously we needed to scale up our work .

    但是还有更多这样的企业,很明显,我们需要扩大工作 规模

  • Easy to scale and integrate .

    易于 伸缩和集成。

  • The application must be able to scale efficiently .

    应用程序必须 能够有效地 扩展

  • If you anticipate that you may need to scale your application up create a scalability plan in advance .

    如果您预计可能需要 应用程序进行 扩展,请创建可伸缩性计划。

  • They are determined to spare no efforts to scale the peaks in science and technology .

    他们决心 全力 攀登科技高峰。

  • You have to scale the fish before cooking it .

    你在烧鱼之前得刮 鳞片

  • More importantly the key advantage of JFS2 lies in its ability to scale .

    更重要的一点是,JFS2的关键优势在于其 扩展能力。

  • The Swift architecture is distributed to prevent any single point of failure as well as to scale horizontally .

    Swift架构是分布式的,可防止所有单点故障和进行水平 扩展

  • Overlapping measurements have been used to scale when the measurements were taken on a new System z model .

    当在新的Systemz上进行度量时,将覆盖这些 度量 进行 调整

  • My Zero Hunger Challenge initiative aims to scale up efforts to eliminate hunger through sustainable agriculture and food systems .

    我的零饥饿挑战倡议 旨在 扩大努力,通过可持续农业和各种粮食体系消除饥饿。

  • To me and to my administration falls the responsibility of leading Hong Kong to scale new heights .

    我和香港特区政府有责任带领香港 再创高峰。

  • To scale up adaptation projects that would limit the impacts of climate change on health ;


  • Sites have also learned how to scale to keep pace with demand .

    站点也知道了 如何 扩展来跟上需求的步伐。

  • First of all I want to point out that this is not to scale .

    首先,我想指出来的是,这不是 针对 尺度而言。

  • Being able to scale horizontally or vertically is mostly a function of application design .

    纵向 扩展和横向扩展大部分是应用程序设计的一个功能。