to speak of

[tu spik ʌv][tu: spi:k ɔv]


  • She has saved a little money but nothing to speak of .

    她存了一点钱,但少得 不值一提

  • You are not to speak of my whereabouts understand !

    你不得 说出我在哪儿知道吗!?

  • Then the article goes on to speak of the truly indescribable and bestial conditions of life in the swollen London slums .

    文章接着 谈到不断膨胀中的伦敦贫民窟无限悲惨的非人生活情况。

  • To rent a seven-room flat not to speak of owning it is considered a luxury !

    租了一个七个房间的公寓已算是奢侈的事情,更不 自己拥有一个七个房间的公寓了!

  • This is nothing to speak of .

    这没 了不起。

  • At that time they could not afford the ordinary comforts of life not to speak of luxuries .

    那时他连普通生活都不能维持,更 不要 奢侈品了。

  • They have no weaponry to speak of

    他们没有什么武器值得 炫耀

  • To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us not to speak of profit .

    如接受你方现报价格,对我方来说是一个重大损失,更 不要 利润了。

  • I believe the dead are at peace : but it is not right to speak of them with levity .

    我相信死者是太平了,可没有权利 轻贱他们。

  • He knows french not to speak of english .

    他懂法语,更 不用 英语了。

  • Not all has been very well for me to speak of .

    不是所有的已经非常好了我的 发言

  • Not to speak of in English Corner when facing more people .

    不用 在英语角了,面对着更多的人。

  • They have three fine sons not to speak of their two lovely daughters .

    他们有了三个好儿子,而且 还有两个可爱的女儿。

  • He knows latin not to speak of english .

    他懂得拉丁文,英文 自不待言

  • If we are made to speak of a goal it mostly is ambiguous and illegible .

    如果一定 一个目的来,我们的答案也大都是含糊不清的。

  • This move caused consternation among universities and the government not to speak of the students affected .

    这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更 不用 受到影响的学生们了。

  • Mary 's injures were nothing to speak of just a few scratches .

    玛丽的伤 不值一提,只是擦伤了几处。

  • You must swear not to speak of this to anyone .

    你得 发誓保守这秘密。

  • He used to speak of work as'the great anodyne ' .

    他常 工作是“最有效的镇痛剂”。

  • ' Any fresh developments ? ' — ' Nothing to speak of . '

    “有什么新进展了吗?”——“ 不上什么新进展。”

  • I 'm too old to get a job and I have no family to speak of .

    我年纪大了,没法找到工作,也没有 家人

  • I say virtual habits because none of us have any real habits to speak of good or bad .

    我说虚拟的习惯,是因为没有哪个人有真正的 出来的习惯,不管是好习惯还是坏习惯。

  • She can speak German and French not to speak of English .

    她能说德语和法语,更 不用 英语了。

  • They are afraid to speak of the extinction of classes state power and parties .

    他们怕 阶级的消灭,国家权力的消灭和党的消灭。

  • He didn 't allow himself to show his satisfaction of course let alone to speak of it .

    当然,他没有让自己流露出满意的神色,更 不会 说出这种心情了。

  • Second without the correct policies there can be no economic development to speak of .

    第二,没有正确的政策,就 不上经济建设。

  • She can 't afford to buy a silver watch not to speak of a gold watch .

    她连银表都买不起,更 不到买金表了。

  • I wasn 't raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of .

    我不是用财富和资源养大的, 也谈不上有什么社会地位。

  • How can I allow you to touch my dirty feet what to speak of washing them ?

    我怎能让您触碰我这肮脏的双脚呢,更 不用 洗它们了?