to the view

[tu ði vju][tu: ðə vju:]


  • To use this new layout in a view pass the layout name to the view 's setupHtml () method as an additional argument .

    要在一个视图中使用这个新布局,将布局名称作为一个附加参数传递 视图的setupHtml()方法。

  • Once the user has finished the edit and goes back to the view mode onview () is invoked again .

    一旦用户完成编辑并 返回 查看模式,则再次调用onview()。

  • One function of the Controller object is to keep the model agnostic with regard to the view technology .

    Controller对象的其中一个功能是保持模型 对于 视图技术不可知。

  • There are a few problems with the approach I 've just shown to running the view .

    我刚才展示 运行 视图的方法有几个问题。

  • Crews stray outside to film the view from the pavement

    工作人员移 人行道上拍摄 景色

  • It now refetches the course object before continuing to the view .

    现在它在 继续呈现 视图之前重新提取该课程对象。

  • My experience inclines me to the view that he is not to be trusted .

    我的经验使我 觉得,他 这个人靠不住。

  • I incline to the view that he is right .

    我倾向 认为他是正确的。

  • Updates to the view should almost always be the result of notification from the model .


  • The last line of the save method is used to return back to the view mode of the widget .

    onSave()方法的最后一行用于返回 小部件 视图模式。

  • In addition to this view you need a $ $ viewtemplate form that correlates to the view .

    除此视图外,您还需要一个与 视图相关的 $$viewtemplate窗体。

  • Today the media drive athletes to the view that the important thing is to gain worldly success .

    现在,媒体使得运动员 认为追名逐利是很重要的。

  • Making changes to the view definition may take some planning and time .

    视图定义进行修改 需要进行计划并花费一些时间。

  • Lastly you need to give a name to the view .

    最后,您需要 视图提供一个名称。

  • But there 's much more to the view story than the intuitively obvious directory name .

    但是 视图远不止直观的目录名称这么简单。

  • Return to the graphic view of the data flow design .

    返回 数据流设计 图形 视图

  • I 've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other .

    我个人从来都不 同意性别有优劣之分 观点

  • We change the existing main menu action to open the view .

    把现有主菜单操作更改 打开 视图

  • The objective of the Cancel button is to return to the view mode without saving the preferences in the ItemSet .

    Cancel按钮的目标是返回 视图模式,并且不保存ItemSet中的首选项。

  • The business layer should operate on business objects & not on a particular data representation tied to the view .

    业务层应该对业务对象进行操作,而不是对 视图相关 特定数据表示进行操作。

  • You can add the Attachments folder to the Explorer view using the same technique .

    您可以使用相同的技术将Attachments文件夹添加 Explorer 视图

  • The index action gets a list of posts and makes them available to the view .

    index操作将获取posts列表并使其 视图可用。

  • Commands like bzr commit bzr add and bzr ls restrict operation to the current view .

    bzrcommit、bzradd和bzrls等命令把操作范围限制 当前 视图

  • The chairman inclined to the first view .

    主席倾向 第一种 意见

  • And speaking of that posts controller we need to modify the readAction to retrieve the comments for each post and assign them to the view .

    对于posts控制器,还需要修改readAction才能检索每个post的评论并将这些评论分配 视图中。

  • Next I write the JSP code for the page that propagates TestForm . java 's information to the view layer .

    接下来,我要编写页面的JSP代码,把TestForm.java的信息传递 图层。

  • Just as @ Out is used to push variables out to the view @ In can be used to recapture them on a postback .

    就像使用@Out将变量推 送到 视图中一样,可以使用@In在回发时重新捕获它们。

  • The goal of the controller is to act as the glue from the model to the view .

    控制器的目标是充当从模型 视图的粘合剂。

  • But it adds credence to the view that even if China 's economy has turned a corner this isn 't translating yet into higher profits .

    不过这进一步印证了 以下 观点:即便中国经济有所好转,也尚未转化成更高的企业利润。

  • For the UI the main application file ( main . mxml ) contains only the reference to the main EventMap and to the view .

    对于UI,主程序文件(main.mxml)只包含对主EventMap和 视图的引用。