Neither of us had any formal business education and we learnt by trial and error trusting we would make enough good decisions to outweigh the bad .
我们两人中谁也没有受过任何正规的商科教育,我们通过试错学习,而且相信我们会做出足够多的正确决策, 来压倒 那些 错误决策。
So develop a good habit to replace the bad habit .
因此要养成一个好习惯 来替代 坏习惯。
Try to forget the bad things about C-based languages .
试着忘记基于C的语言 的 坏习惯。
Owing to the recent bad weather the work is several weeks behind schedule .
由于最近天气 不 好,工作延误了几周。
Aiming to the bad environmental adaptability and the unideal recorded image quality in the airborne video recording system I have put up two effective solutions .
针对机载视频摄录系统存在的环境适应性 差和记录图像质量不理想等主要问题,给出了解决这两个问题的有效方法。
The only solution is to remove the bad command binary and copy the new binary .
唯一的解决 办法是删除 坏的命令二进制并复制新的二进制。
That glass belong to the bad guy 's car ?
那片玻璃是 从 那 坏蛋的车上掉下来的吗?
Owing to the bad weather the match was cancelled .
由于天气 不 好,比赛取消了。
Imagine walking into a branch of RBS or Citi seeking a loan pointing out that you have shifted a mountain of your existing credit card debt to the bad part of your balance sheet and asking the manager to focus on the good bit .
试想:你走进RBS或花旗的一家分行寻求贷款,言明你已经将堆成山的现有信用卡债务转移 到了资产负债表 的 不良部分,要求信贷经理只关注好的部分。
I 'm sorry to hear that the boy has gone to the bad turning criminal so young .
这男孩已经 堕落下去,这么年轻就成了罪犯,我听了非常难过。
Companies are hungry for a new market due to the bad financial situation in the rest of the world said one Italian consultant in Tehran .
一位驻德黑兰的意大利顾问表示:由于世界其他地区金融形势 欠佳,各公司都渴望开拓新市场。
Run sample delete statements to reproduce the bad application logic that deleted all rows in two tables .
运行示例delete语句,模拟删除两个表中所有行 的 错误的应用程序逻辑。
The boy was never in trouble before ; he only went to the bad after his father died .
这男孩以前是从不惹事的;自他父亲死后,他就 变坏了。
But unfortunately one month has passed some of them has been surprisingly found that they are back to the normally bad life habits which has been frustrated and annoying .
但是真的很不幸,一个月过去了,有一些人很吃惊地发现,他们又 回到了 原来的生活轨迹,这样的事情真的很让人沮丧,恼怒。
Due to the bad traffic I was late for work this morning .
由于交通 不畅,今天早上我 上班迟到了。
Owing to the bad weather we didn 't go to the park .
由于天气 不 好,我们没有去公园。
We closed our offices at 2:00 p.m. to give employees time to absorb the bad news .
我们下午两点就放工了,以便给员工时间 来慢慢接受 这一 坏消息。
The origins of the financial crisis and the Great Recession are widely attributed to ' market failure . ' This refers primarily to the bad loans and excessive risks taken on by banks in the quest to expand their profits .
人们普遍将金融危机和大萧条的起源归因于市场失灵。市场失灵主要 指 不良贷款以及银行业为寻求增加利润所冒的过度风险。
One must be willing to take the bad with the good .
人们 对好事与 坏事都要心甘情愿接受。
It is time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing from our government or from each other .
现在是破除只求向政府和别人免费索取 的 恶习的时候了。
But back to the bad news : Betty is about to hang up her poncho for good .
然后再来看看 坏消息:贝蒂貌似真的要放弃掉她那标志性的大斗篷了耶。是爱是恨?欢迎留言发表你的观点。
Lucky people don 't seem to notice the bad stuff that happens to them & and certainly don 't identify with it .
幸运的人 似乎注意不到发生在他们身上 不 好的事情&当然就不会这么认为。
The personnel of contraction and packing failed to eliminate the bad adhesive tape .
收缩、装箱人员 未能 将 不良胶带剔除。
I was most distressed to hear the bad news of your mother 's death .
听到你母亲去世 的消息我十分 难过。
I think you 've only been exposed to the bad ones .
我猜你看过的都是 些 烂节目。
The scanner can direct a sorting machine to separate the bad apples from the good ones .
扫描仪可以直接一分拣机分开的 好 的 坏苹果。
At last it fell to me to break the bad news to her .
最后,只能由我 把 这个 不幸的消息委婉地告诉她。
To the bad finishing treatment plate quality of Hot Rolling Mill of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd.
针对太原钢铁公司热轧厂精整工段存在 的 问题,研制出一套采用光电编码器的位移测量装置;
If everyone turns a blind eye to the bad side our whole social system will be in danger Liu says .
刘戟锋说:如果每个人都 对阴暗面视而不见的话,我们的整个社会都将处于危险之中。
Now don 't forget to keep the bad breadth out of sight Jo .
现在记住不要 把 烧坏了的 一面让别人看到,乔。
美[tu ði bæd]英[tu: ðə bæd]