to the full

[tu ði fʊl][tu: ðə ful]


  • I have included a link to the full source code for reddit .

    我附带了 reddit 完整源代码 链接。

  • With the ability to maximize tabbed components to the full screen this method of deployment is also forgiving with respect to accommodating different component layout styles .

    通过将带选项卡组件最大化 屏幕的功能,这种部署方法还包含不同的组件布局样式。

  • If you tell a story you 'd better tell it to the full .

    讲故事最好别 掐头去尾

  • Using c ; in a document will expand to Chris and ch ; will expand to the full Chris Herborth .

    在一个文档中使用c;将扩展为Chris,ch;将扩展 完整的ChrisHerborth。

  • So I always play it safe and assume that all source material was copyrighted to the full extent of the law .

    所以, 为了不冒险,我 总是假定所有的原始资料都是受到法律规定的著作权保护

  • Because the compiler had access to the full program source code the MUDFLAP diagnostics are very valuable .

    由于编译器可以访问 完整的程序源代码,所以MUDFLAP诊断非常有价值。

  • With these simple algorithms for user space and kernel-level code you now have the ability to detect log and respond to the full range of physical input from the user .

    通过使用针对用户空间和内核级代码的这些简单算法,现在能够检测、记录和响应来自用户 各种物理输入。

  • A link to the full list of the available filters is provided in Resources .

    参考资料中提供了 所有可用过滤器的清单 一个链接。

  • Set the trust file name to the full path in the file system of your server SSL trust file ; for example / serverssltrusts .

    将信任文件名设置为服务器SSL信任文件的文件系统中 完整路径;

  • But the possibilities that emerged were not used to the full .

    但出现的各种可能情况并没有得到 充分利用。

  • Direct access to the full glory of a new era .

    直达 光辉灿烂的新纪元。

  • Today let us commit to ensuring that each of us can and does play our part to the full .

    今天,让我们致力于确保我们每个人都能够而且确实 充分发挥了我们的作用。

  • ' And that 's exactly what the term ' living life to the full ' means - it 's getting to that point in life where you are enjoying each moment from the thrills and adventures to the routine of everyday .

    就是 完美的生活所代表的涵义指的正是在生活你是如何享受每一刻的,从惊险刺激和冒险活动到每天的日常生活。

  • He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full

    他是个 尽情享受生活的人。

  • Abbreviations must be added to a synonym dictionary to be mapped to the full term for index and query processing .

    缩写词必须添加到同义词词典中才能映射 索引和查询处理 完整词汇。

  • As a responsible member of the international community China will continue to actively participate in international cooperation appropriately handle risks and challenges and make greater contribution to the full recovery of the world economy .

    中国作为国际社会负责任的成员,愿继续积极参与国际合作,妥善应对各种风险和挑战, 实现世界经济 全面复苏作出更大贡献。

  • This definition change causes the queue manager to publish the changes to the full repositories .

    这个定义更改导致队列管理器将更改发布 完整存储器。

  • For a link to the full list of the available actions and what they do see Resources .

    有关所有可用操作 详细列表及各自的功能,请参看参考资料。

  • Yet it does not give justice to the full scope and impact of a well-functioning IMF .

    但它们仍未体现出IMF顺利运转时 整个覆盖范围及其影响。

  • She probably has a good mind which should be used to the full

    她可能很有头脑,应该 充分运用。

  • A too powerful ego is a prison from which a man must escape if he is to enjoy the world to the full .

    太强的自我是一座监狱,你 若想 充分地享受人生,就得从这座监狱中逃脱。

  • Never making a mistake means never living life to the full .

    从不犯错意味着从来没有 真正 活过

  • British people believe losing a stone in weight performing live on stage travelling to 25 foreign countries and earning more than your age are all crucial in order to ' live life to the full ' .

    英国人认为,减掉一英石的体重、在舞台上现场演出、去25个国家旅行和比同龄人赚得多,这些 对于 完美人生来说至关重要。

  • Make sure to check out the links to the full Graphviz documentation in Resources .

    一定要查看参考资料中 完整的Graphviz文档的链接。

  • A link to the full categorized registry of Eclipse plug-ins is available in Resources .

    可在参考资料中找到 指向 完整的、经过分类的Eclipse插件注册表 链接。

  • You can find a link to the full list in Resources .

    您可在参考资料中找到 完整列表的链接。

  • There 's only one thing we should do with love ; experience it to the full for as long as it lasts .

    对于爱情我们只应有一种态度:趁其尚未消失时 尽情享受。

  • You should enjoy life to the full .

    你应该尽情享受人生 乐趣