to the effect that...


  • He made a declaration to the effect that he would soon resign .

    他发表一项声明, 大意 他将很快辞职。

  • Now about the doubts expressed by some comrades to the effect that since there was no written agreement perhaps there was n 't an alliance after all .

    至于 因为没有明文协定,有的同志就发生疑问,说恐怕不是联盟吧。

  • The model does not tell designers how to design but aid them designing and help them manage and optimize design process to the effect that improving product quality reducing product development cost shortening development cycle and raising product competitive .

    该模型并不是告诉设计者怎样设计,而是辅助他们设计并帮助他们管理、优化整个过程, 达到提高产品质量、降低产品开发成本、缩短开发周期,从而提高产品竞争力的目的。

  • If such an abnormal condition is a recurring problem on a course the Committee should make a Local Rule to the effect that mushrooms on the putting green are to be treated as ground under repair .

    如果这样反常的情况不断在球场发生,委员会应该制订当地规则 规定 果岭上有蘑菇的地方按维修中的地面对待。

  • An entry in the court record to the effect that the plaintiff or prosecutor will not proceed .

    起诉人或原告 撤回诉讼的法庭记录条目。

  • He left a note to the effect that he would not be return .

    他留下一张字条 大意 他不回来了。

  • The title refers to the effect that Song Shijie and his wit and antics have on judges trying the cases that he brings to court including this case .

    该标题 宋世杰和其机智、滑稽的动作对审理宋世杰所起诉的案件(包括本案)的法官的 影响

  • Li : We have an old Chinese saying describing how a soldier becomes a general . It goes to the effect that a general 's reputation is built upon sacrifices of tens of thousands of soldiers .

    李:我国有句古话描写士兵怎样成为将军时,是这么 一将 功成万骨枯。

  • She grumbled something to the effect that Madame ought to have come to a decision .

    她咕噜了几句话 意思 太太早应该有所决定。

  • I have a note to the effect that you owe me a hundred pounds .

    我有一张你欠我100英镑 借条

  • Where the Council has erected a sign at or on a fixed pitch containing a notice to the effect that the use of the pitch is prohibited during such periods as may be specified no Licensee shall use that pitch during those periods .

    凡市政局已在固定摊位竖设有标志,而标志上载有 公告 说明该摊位在所指明的期间内禁止使用,则任何持牌人不得在该段期间内使用该摊位。

  • A copy of the Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association duly signed by the Chairman and one other office-bearer to the effect that it is a true copy .

    一份申请团体的章程或组织章程大纲及章程细则,并须由主席及另一名干事正式签署 以示 真确

  • I say a few words to the effect that all he have told us is already well known .

    我说了几句话, 大意是他所告诉我们的一切早已为人熟知。

  • A bill of exchange is said to be noted when a Notary Public inscribes on it a note to the effect that it has been dishonored at maturity .

    当某个公证人将某一汇票到期被拒付 结果签注在该汇票上时 该汇票即被称为被签注。

  • Saying something to the effect that a Jew should never breach their threshold .

    说话 大意 一个犹太人,绝不能违背自己的门槛。

  • He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour .

    他引用了一个中国谚语, 大意 不应对邻居心存恶念之类的。

  • Heard of the butterfly effect to this matter to the effect that an American one butterfly wings through the layers of reaction can eventually lead to a hurricane in Africa .

    听过蝴蝶效应这个事, 大意 美洲的一只蝴蝶的一次振翅,通过层层反应,最后可以在非洲引起一场飓风。

  • Ironically the enthusiasm for funding more bursaries is partly a reaction to the effect that the years of very high fees have already had on the social mix at private schools .

    有讽刺 意味 多年来高学费已经对私立学校的社会交往 产生 影响,筹措更多奖学金的热情正部分反映了 影响

  • Harry murmured something to the effect that they would all meet Margaret soon enough .

    哈里嘟哝着说了些话, 大意 他们都想尽快见到玛格丽特。

  • They started early to the effect that they might get there in time .

    他们 一早就动身了 以便能及时赶到那里。

  • He added a let - out clause to the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate falls by more than 5 % .

    他添加了一保留条款, 意思 如果兑换率跌幅超过5%, 那么 对付款方式作调整。

  • The output is likely to continue with a message to the effect that the key is not certified with a trusted signature .

    输出结果可能继续是一条消息 大致 意思 密钥不能被一个可信签名所认证。

  • He gxdye a speech to the effect that appreciation of RMB would affect the growth of Chinese economy .

    他作了一个演讲, 大意 人民币升值会影响中国经济的增长。

  • She issued a statement to the effect that she would resign from the post .

    她发表了一个声明 她不会从那个位置上退下去。

  • However about a month after the fall of Peiping and Tientsin an order was issued to the effect that the Red Army was to be redesignated as the Eighth Route Army of the national revolutionary army .

    然而红军改名为国民革命军第八路军的命令 平津失守约一个月之后颁布了。

  • America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories .

    美国按照惯例在对以色列的援助中提出了附加条款, 大意是该援助不能用于被占领地区。

  • He has made a declaration to the effect that all fighting must stop at once .

    他作了宣布, 大意 战争必须立刻停止。

  • The other day Mr. Lin Yutang said something to the effect that womens only career lies in matrimony . Now an eminent French writer declared at a press interview after arriving in Shanghai that men should stay bachelors if they want to achieve success in life .

    前些日子,林语堂先生 似乎曾说过女子的唯一事业 是在结婚。现在一位法国大文豪来沪,对去访问他的新闻记者的谈话之中,又似乎说,男子欲成事业,应该不要结婚。

  • A rumour is going around Shanghai to the effect that there is disagreement in the Central Committee as to whether we should uphold the Four Cardinal Principles and oppose liberalization and that there is therefore a layer of protection .

    上海的群众中传说中央有个保护层,对是否坚持四项基本原则,是否 反对自由 也有两种意见。