TM wave


  • The properties of the weakly nonlinear TM surface wave at the interface of the Kerr-like medium and a linear medium are investigated in the present work .

    本文研究Kerr型介质界面上弱非线性 TM 表面波的性质。

  • Effects of trains in a rectangular tunnel on the cutoff frequency were analyzed by the finite-element method when the tunnel had been regarded as a waveguide . Generally the trains in tunnel lowered TE wave cutoff frequencies and raised TM wave cutoff frequencies .

    将隧道看作波导,利用有限元素法,分析了矩形隧道中的列车对电磁波截止频率的影响,可知列车的存在使TE波模的截止频率降低,使 TM 模的截止频率升高。

  • Analysis of TM Wave Scattering Property by a Two-dimensional Open Cavity Filled with Multilayer Anisotropic Dielectric

    二维开口腔体填充多层各向异性介质 TM 散射特性分析

  • Numerical Stability Analysis of TM Wave Transmission Based on FDTD Method

    基于FDTD模拟 TM 传播的数值稳定性分析

  • Using the definition and character of vector function the field is separated to TM wave and TE wave relative to r without complex vector-differential operation .

    利用球矢量 函数的定义及性质,提取出场的径向分量,将初级场分解为相对于径向的TE波和 TM ,避免了复杂的矢量微分运算。

  • By observing the grid points at the vicinity of connecting boundary for the two-dimensional TM wave the incident wave field components should be added in each sub time step .

    在总场边界附近,二维 TM 的电磁场格点在每个子时间步都需要加入入射波的相应分量。

  • The properties of defect mode in one-dimensional photonic crystal are studied with RTCM arithmetic when incidence angles of TE wave and TM wave are zero .

    利用RTCM算法研究一维光子晶体的缺陷模。研究了TE波和 TM 入射时的情况,通过改变杂质层的光学厚度以及杂质层的折射率从而得出一些有重要指导意义的缺陷模特性。

  • The Transfer Matrix and the Mode Eigenvalue Equation of TM Wave in the Three-layers Plane Waveguide

    三层介质平板波导中 TM 的转移矩阵和模式本征方程

  • The article calculates the perfectly conducting thin cylinder RCS in incidence of TM plane wave by using the two different basis MOM .

    利用子域基和物理模式基两种不同基函数下的矩量法对平面 照射下的理想细导电圆柱的单站RCS进行了计算和分析。

  • By resolving a free oriented magnetic dipole to HMD and VMD a method for resolving the wave of HMD and VMD to TE and TM wave is given .

    给出一种将水平层状介质中的任意方向磁偶极子分解成水平磁偶极子(HMD)和垂直磁偶极子(VMD),并分解VMD和HMD产生的波为TE波和 TM 的方法。

  • In addition different metals were simulated to generate a lower reflectivity of TM wave so as to give further discussion on the improvement and applications of such grating .

    此外,还比较了不同金属材料光栅的 TM 近红外透射特性,探讨了改善其性能的途径。

  • Relying on dispersion equation the refraction angles of wave vector and energy flow of TM wave at the interface between homogeneous right-handed material and hyperbolic uniaxial left-handed material are studied .

    研究了 在各向同性右手介质和双曲色散型单轴左手介质界面处波矢和能流的折射。

  • For two cases of the receiver in and out of the orbit plane the path gain of TE and TM wave is discussed in the procedure of simulation respectively .

    在仿真过程中,假设了接收机在卫星轨道面内和轨道面外两种情况,分别对TE波和 TM 的路径增益进行了讨论。

  • We find phase difference between TE wave and TM wave can satisfy designed requisition at some accuracy in a long span of groove depth which can reduce practical difficulty of etching groove depth but papers issued before always require strict etching groove depth .

    发现在一定精度范围内TE波与 TM 的相位差能够在一段较大的槽深区域满足设计要求,从而降低了实际控制刻蚀深度的难度。

  • The Electromagnetic Field Theory Analysis for the Diffraction of Metal Gratings ( TM Wave )

    金属光栅衍射的电磁场理论分析( TM

  • It was shown that TE - wave and TM - wave were not exactly the same .

    结果显示,TE波与 TM 的情况不完全相同。

  • For guaranteeing the arithmetic accurate we analyze the numerical value 's stability and discussion question of numerical value frequency dispersion to the two-dimension TM electromagnetic wave ( GPR wave ) deduce out numerical value 's stability expression and ideal frequency dispersion relation .

    为了保证算法的精确性,我们对二维空间的 TM电磁 (雷达波)进行数值稳定性分析及数值频散问题的讨论,推导出了数值稳定性条件表达式和理想频散关系;

  • The defect mode of TM wave with thickness of defect look like to present line variety within the scope of certain wavelength .

    在一定波长范围内 TM 缺陷模的波长随杂质光学厚度近似呈线性变化。

  • Surface plasmon resonance ( SPR ) is a phenomenon induced by the polarizing energy coupling and resonant exciting of surface plasmon wave and incident TM light wave .

    表面等离体子波( SPW)可与入射光 极化能量耦合并被共振激发,这种现象被称为表面等离体子共振现象(SPR)。

  • In this paper from the two vortices equation of Maxwell equation group the authors analyze the characteristics of the ground penetrating radar two-dimensional TM electromagnetic wave apply K.

    该文从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)两个旋度方程出发,分析了地质雷达二维 TM高频电磁 的特性,运用K。

  • TM wave in nonisotropic nonlinear dielectric slabs

    各向异性非线性介质平板波导中的 TM

  • The paper analyzes the bistatic RCS of some dielectric cylinders filling with lower loss material which is used in radome and electromagnetic compatibility design in incidence of TM plane wave by the moment methods .

    用矩量法对一些用于天线罩、电磁兼容设计的低损耗介电材料填充的无限长介质圆柱在 TM 照射下的双站RCS进行了数值计算。

  • The polarized scattering matrix of inlet irradiated by TM wave is analyzed and calculated in this paper .

    TM 照射下喷气发动机进气道的极化散射矩阵进行了分析计算。

  • Equations with TM wave will function when the electric dipoles are applied as transmitters and receivers .

    而采用电偶极子作为发射和接收器的时候,则对应 TM 的方程。

  • For the TE wave or the TM wave the reflection coefficient will become zero at a certain incident angle .

    不论是TE波还是 TM ,当以某一入射角入射时,反射系数都有可能变为零。

  • Nonuniform currents on a conducting wedge illuminated by a TM plane wave

    TM平面 照射下无限大导电劈表面的非均匀电流

  • A fundamental method which is utilized to solve the electromagnetic scattering ( TE and TM wave ) from a conducting cylinder covered by lossy dielectrics is investigated by using the lattice theory .

    本文采用格点理论,建立了求解有耗介质涂层导体柱电磁散射(包括 TM TE两种情况)的基本方法。

  • The polarization scattering matrix of jet engine inlet irradiated by TM radar wave

    TM 照射时喷气发动机进气道的极化散射矩阵

  • The results show that the transmissions of TE wave and TM wave are almost the same and with the increase of optic thickness the number of transmission peak increased . The features are useful in making multi-path filter .

    结果表明:正入射时,TE波和 TM 的透射率几乎相同,随着杂质层光学厚度的增加,透射峰数目增加,这有助于制作多道窄带滤波器。