to come alive

[tu kʌm əˈlaɪv][tu: kʌm əˈlaiv]


  • You are going to come back with us alive and confess to your climes .

    打算 回到我们 这里一起 生活,并承认你的罪。

  • The city starts to come alive after dark .

    座城市天黑以后便 热闹 起来

  • An Italian inventor has combined faith and ingenuity to come up with a way to keep church traditions alive for the faithful without the fear of contracting & an electronic holy water dispenser .

    为了既保证教堂传统的 延续,同时又让人们免去感染甲型流感的担忧,意大利一位发明家 发明了一种“自动圣水机”,实现了信仰和创造性的完美结合。

  • If our country 's enterprises want to come through the competition alive the only choice is to pay much attention to the continued education in the enterprises and to train well-qualified personnel .

    重视企业继续教育工作, 抓紧培养高素质人才,是我国企业 迎接知识经济 时代全球化竞争的唯一选择。

  • It is said that if one chooses to pray to a rock with enough devotion even that rock will come alive .

    吉兆的 出现 不是迷信,而是 肯定。他们是对决心的回应。据说如果有人选择矢志不移的 岩石祈祷,那么岩石也会 变得生命

  • The phenomenon we call life is something that biologists have almost given up trying to define-instead they 're investigating ways to make different combinations of molecules come alive .

    对于我们称为生命的现象,生物学家已经不再劳神去下界说。取而代之,他们正探讨 若何使分歧的分子组合后具有 生命的体例。

  • By being addicted and continuing to participate in addictive behavior thoughts and beliefs we do not allow ourselves to penetrate our hearts and come truly alive * to life !

    通过沉迷和继续参与沉迷性的行为、想法和信仰,我们就不能允许我们参与我们的心和 真正 出我们的生命!

  • The writer Mary Shelley said she had a very strong dream about a scientist using a machine to make a creature come alive .

    女作家 玛丽雪莱说她做过关于一个科学家使用机器 制作生物的梦。

  • And they did so in unusually detailed anecdotes that allowed the applicant to come alive .

    推荐信中包含许多细致入微的事件叙述,衬托出申请者 栩栩如生 形象

  • I needed to figure out their personality and I hope now I can make them come alive through my hands says Li .

    我需要弄清人物性格。现在,我希望我能通过自己的双手赋予这些 木偶 生命力李宽说。

  • It may have been around long enough for inanimate matter to come alive .

    或许时间已久到足以让无生命物质 发生机。

  • I will apply all my efforts to make my everyday goals and dreams come alive !

    我要 竭尽全力让每一天的小目标和小梦想 得以 实现

  • Thanks to his hands everything seems to come alive .

    幸亏他的帮忙,一切都 似乎 好转

  • To me a great teacher is one who performs a subject in a way that makes it come alive .

    我而言,一个好教师可以把一门课讲 栩栩如生

  • You become so humble Baumgartner said of that moment right before he jumped out of the capsule . You do not think about breaking records anymore . The only thing you want is you want to come back alive .

    你要变得谦卑,他在跳下船舱前一刻对自己说道,你不要再想打破记录的事情了,现在你唯一要想的是,你 活着 回来

  • The concept of a multipolar world to counter the United States is dear to Chirac and he made it come alive with the French-led opposition to the invasion of Iraq .

    希拉克十分重视 美国起到牵制作用的“多极世界”的理念,由法国领导的反“伊战”同盟 便 它的一个重要 体现

  • I never tire of hearing people 's stories or of learning ways to help the creatively oppressed come alive .

    对于听故事,或者 学会帮助那些创造力被压抑的人们 过来,我从来都是乐此不疲。

  • Once the sun goes down though it is an entirely different city and it seems to come alive with all the various entertainment offered to residents and tourists .

    整座城市在为市民和游客提供娱乐的同时也 恢复生机

  • It is exciting to see these releases come alive in the hands of customers !

    看着这些产品 成功 交付用户手中使用,实在令人兴奋!

  • Learn to make God 's Word come alive to kids using all wisdom to help kids love to memorise scriptures .

    学习 如何 生动活泼的教导儿童神的话语,用各样的智慧使儿童乐于背诵经文。

  • After resting on the ocean floor split asunder and rusting for nearly three-quarters of a century a great ship seemed to come alive again .

    尽管有艘船在海底沉睡了将近七十五年,并且已经变成了碎片,遭到了锈蚀,但她 似乎 重获新生

  • They know that we be hungry ; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field saying When they come out of the city we shall catch them alive and get into the city .

    他们知道我们饥饿,所以离营,埋伏在田野,说,以色列人出城的 时候,我们就 活捉他们,得以进城。

  • Does this article in view of the coal enterprise talented person present situation how analyze the coal enterprise with to come alive simply has talented person 's importance as well as uses to apply flexibly the existing talented person .

    文中针对煤炭企业人才现状,简单分析煤炭企业用 活现有人才的重要性以及如何用活、用好现有人才。

  • As she worked with him his mind seemed to come alive .

    在她的悉心教导下,他的思维 似乎 变得 敏捷 起来

  • But financial losses are no longer important we just wanted to come home alive .

    但是经济损失已经不重要了,我们只 活着 回家

  • Not until the19th century did the city again begin to come alive and reemerge from behind its walls .

    直到19世纪才市又 开始 活跃 起来,并从后面的墙壁重现。