I wasn 't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow .
实际上我并不具备 申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。
I lost my card so I have to apply for a new one .
我的卡掉了,所以我 必须 申请一张新卡。
What qualification should I possess in order to apply for this major ?
要 申请这个专业,我需要具备哪些资格?
Contact your school 's guidance office to find out how to apply for credits .
和你学校的指导中心联系,询问该 如何 申请学分。
At a future date managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out
在将来的某天,经理们将受邀 进行管理层收购。
The one you told me to apply for .
就是你让我 申请的那个。
He has to apply for a permit and we have to find him a job
他 得 申请一个许可证,而我们得给他找份工作。
I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship .
我决定 申请奖学金。
Do you plan to apply for a new job ?
你 打算 申请一份新工作吗?
The right to apply for a patent and the patent right may be assigned .
第十条专利 申请权和专利权可以转让。
We have a new project to apply for .
我们有新课题 要 申报。
First of all I have to apply for a passport .
首先,我 得 申请一本护照。
You probably won 't need to apply for planning permission unless you live in a listed building or conservation area .
除非你住在已列入文保名录的建筑或古建保护区之内,否则应该不需要 申请规划许可。
After 15 years in the USA he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship
在美国生活了15年之后,他终于决定 申请美国国籍。
Don 't forget to apply for visa if you go to Malta .
我找到的信息是马耳他和西西里都不用 签证的。
Michael : It 's time for me to apply for some leave .
迈克尔:现在是我 申请休假的时候了。
If you want to apply for a job you have to hand in the information about yourself .
如果你 想 申请一份工作,你得先把有关你自己的信息交上来。
I prepare my records of formal schooling because I want to apply for the scholarship .
我准备学历是因为我 想 申请奖学金。
I want to apply for a library card .
我 要 申请一张图书证。
Am I qualify to apply for this scholarship ?
我有资格 申请这项奖学金吗?
If you want to apply for a job at the office where I work I 'll put in a good word for you .
如果你 想 申请我所在单位的工作,我可以替你美言几句。
See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer
有关 如何 申请这一令人兴奋的工作的详情请参见本页底部。
I need to apply for a new driving licence .
我需要 申请新的汽车驾驶执照。
We should change to apply for a visa should be .
我们应该换一朵,应该 重新 申请签证。
I 'm going to apply for this job as computer operator at this big law firm .
我准备 到那家大的律师事务所 去 申请电脑操作员的工作。我 对 他们 用的电脑软件有很丰富的经验,所以这个工作 对我 来说好像是非常 合适。
I need to apply for a new one .
我需要 申请一本新护照。
I am continuing to apply for jobs
我正在 继续 找工作。
She only made the decision to apply for training after years of agonizing .
多年的苦苦思索之后,她才作出了 申请培训的决定。
Therefore we have reason to apply for your help and support .
所以我有理由 申请 获得您们的帮助和支持。
I want to apply for it .
我 想 申请这个 职位。