to foot the bill

[tu fʊt ði bɪl][tu: fut ðə bil]


  • The footballer can afford to foot the bill .

    该足球运动员可以 承担 所有 费用

  • We will leave but we want our deposit and you ought to foot the moving bill too .

    我们会离开的,但要求退还押金,你还 我们搬迁

  • How long the German electorate will continue to foot the bill for all of this is questionable .

    问题是,德国选民还愿 多长 时间内 这一切 埋单

  • An increasing number of organisations are prepared to foot the bill for career counselling and job searches for spouses and partners .

    越来越多的企业准备 员工配偶和伴侣的职业咨询与求职 埋单

  • But one thing is clear : it is not acceptable for taxpayers to foot the bill for losses in a downturn while shareholders and employees enjoy all the gains as the economy recovers .

    但有一点是明确的:让纳税人 低迷时期 损失 买单,股东和员工享受经济复苏时的所有好处,这是不可接受的。

  • I thought santy Claus was supposed to foot the bill for the tree .

    我以为 圣诞老人 掏钱

  • The catch is that there is no such thing as a pan-European purse to foot the bill for a bank failure .

    可问题在于,没有一个泛欧钱包之类的东西 为某一家银行的倒闭 埋单

  • They aren 't eloping to save money but are purchasing the actual wedding ( catering venue and all ) from other couples who cancel their weddings and don 't want to foot the bill .

    他们不是为了省钱而私奔,而是要从那些取消婚礼、而又不 付账的夫妻那里把婚礼整个买下来(包括酒席、场地等等)。

  • As a result EU taxpayers and those member states currently under attack would not have to foot the bill .

    这样,欧盟纳税人以及那些目前正遭受攻击的成员国,就无需 利息 埋单

  • Who is going to foot the bill for the failure of the new aircraft ? He came back from the business trip and was reimbursed for the air fare hotel charge and car rental .

    这种新型飞机 试制失败,应该由谁 负担全部 费用?他出差回来报销了飞机票,住宿费用和租车费用。

  • They have also decided to foot the bill for a large Namibian presidential palace in Windhoek .

    他们还决定 出资 纳米比亚总统在首都 温得和克建造大型官邸。

  • If the SNP wants to fund munificent statism they imply it will need to persuade Scots to foot the bill .

    他们暗示,如果苏格兰民族党想搞福利优厚的国家主义,就需要说服苏格兰人 为此 买单

  • It is one of the truisms of the eurozone crisis : the reluctance of Germany to foot the bill for saving the single currency .

    关于欧元区危机有一点不言自明:德国不 愿意为拯救欧元 买单

  • The celebration cost hundreds of pounds and I wonder who 's going to foot the bill .

    庆祝会花费了数百英镑,我想知道谁 负担 这笔 费用

  • Although employers like the idea of reducing these holiday promises they will be less pleased to be invited to foot the bill .

    尽管雇主们喜欢减少休假时间的观点,但他们可能更不愿意 为此 支付 费用

  • Ben : Of course I wouldn 't want to foot the bill for a thousand year old mummy .

    本:当然,我才不 为一个千年木乃伊 买单呢。

  • Then a German cleaning equipment company offered to foot the bill and train the rangers .

    后来,一家德国清洗设备公司表示 愿意 支付清洗 费用,并培训公园管理员。

  • I am in a jam because I do not have enough money to foot the bill .

    的钱不够 付账,处境很狼狈。

  • He promised to foot all the bill .

    他答应 支付所有

  • I am glad that I ( as a working taxpayer ) don 't have to foot the bill for this because I don 't yet live in a socialist America .

    庆幸作为一个纳税人不需要为这个(皇室蜜月) 埋单,因为我不是呆在在社会主义的美国。

  • The Young Entrepreneurs'Association declared that it would be fatal for Germany to foot the bill for Greece 's budget chaos .

    青年企业家协会指出,德国 希腊混乱的预算 买单可能是“致命的”。

  • Who is going to foot the bill for the failure of this experiment ?

    这次试验失败,谁 支付 这笔 费用

  • The politicians start the wars but it is the young men of the nation who have to foot the bill .

    发动战争的是政客们,但是要由国客的年轻人 付出 代价

  • While career-services officers say they aren 't thrilled to foot the bill they need students to gain the skills and experience that will eventually get them hired .

    虽然就业指导中心的工作人员说,他们并不 愿意为企业 买单;但是他们也希望学生能够获得技巧和经验,并因此而最终获得就业。

  • Some of the funds could come from Fermilab budget but the lab is likely to need an additional injection of money to foot the bill sources say .

    有动静来历说,一些资金可以来自费米国家加速器尝试室的财政预算,可是尝试室可能需要增添货泉投入 付账

  • This meal is on me you don 't have to foot the bill .

    今天这顿饭我 付钱,不用你 腰包

  • Who 's going to foot the bill for the failure of the new aircraft ?

    谁将 飞行器 失败负责?

  • The local council will have to foot the bill for damage done to the roads in last year 's floods .

    当地政务委员会将 承担在去年洪水中被破坏的道路 修复 费用