abbr.Terminal Monitor Program 终端监控程序

  • The physical and chemical cleaning methods for continuous microfiltration devices were optimized through the research on the TMP .

    通过研究连续微滤装置运行及清洗后的 TMP ,对装置的物理及化学清洗工艺进行了优化。

  • This creates / tmp / RedCloth-3.0.4 / ( unless you have a different version of the gem installed ) .

    这将创建 /tmp/RedCloth-3.0.4/(除非安装了不同版本的gem)。

  • Files in / tmp are considered disposable .

    通常认为 /tmp中的文件在使用后即被丢弃。

  • This code defines a share called tmpdir that maps to / var / tmp on the Samba server .

    这段代码定义了一个共享tmpdir,它将映射到Samba服务器的 /var/tmp目录。

  • We use / tmp / fb_script to refer to the name of this file throughout this article .

    本文使用 /tmp/fbscript表示该文件的名称。

  • You may mount other hard drive partitions as / boot / tmp or / home .

    您可以挂载其他硬盘驱动器分区,如/boot、 /tmp或/home。

  • During this time the / tmp file system is now being mounted to disk .

    在此期间,将 /tmp文件系统挂载磁盘。

  • Now both the graphical logins and the command-line logins result in polyinstantiated / tmp and / var / tmp directories .

    现在图形化登录和命令行登录都将生成多实例化的 /tmp和/var/tmp目录。

  • The / tmp file system is not preserved during the migration of the system .

    在系统迁移期间,不会保留 /tmp文件系统。

  • The MPI code is available in a temporary folder such as / tmp .

    MPI代码可以在临时文件夹中获得,如 /tmp

  • The / tmp and / var / tmp directories do not have to be located on separate filesystems ; they can be directories on a single file system .


  • This section shows you how to enable polyinstantiation of / tmp and / var / tmp directories for users on your system .

    本节展示如何为系统上的用户启用 /tmp和/var/tmp目录的多实例化。

  • Look for your log file in the / tmp directory .

    您可以在 /tmp目录中查找是否有日志文件。

  • With the / usr example above I would create a new directory / mnt / usr . tmp where the new file system would be mounted .

    对于上面的/usr示例,我将创建一个新的目录/mnt/usr.tmp,并将新的文件系统载入到该 目录

  • However in AIX the / tmp file system is not the same thing as swap or virtual memory .

    尽管如此,在AIX中, /tmp文件系统和交换或虚拟内存不是一回事。

  • The PAX file is created in the / tmp / snapcore directory .

    PAX文件在 /tmp/snapcore目录中生成。

  • Notice that USER 's / tmp contains only the newly created file .

    注意,USER的 /tmp只包含新创建的文件。

  • This means that a new instance of a directory such as / tmp is created for each user .

    这就意味着为每个用户创建了一个新的目录实例(比如 /tmp

  • Consider avoiding the traditional shared directories / tmp and / var / tmp .

    考虑避免使用传统的共享目录 /tmp和/var/tmp。

  • Objective To establish a method for the simultaneous detection of amoxycillin and TMP in compound amoxycillin capsules by HPLC .

    目的建立复方阿莫西林胶囊中的阿莫西林和 甲氧苄啶的含量测定方法。

  • Another common mistake is to allow race conditions including problems in the often-misunderstood / tmp directory .

    另一个常见的错误是允许“竞争条件(raceconditions)”,包括经常被误解的 /tmp目录中发生的问题。

  • The user sees a standard / tmp directory and can read and write to it normally .

    用户看到的是标准 /tmp目录,并可以正常读写。

  • Other frequently isolated directories include / boot / tmp / var or some of its subdirectories / usr / local and / opt .

    经常隔离的其他目录包括/boot、 /tmp、/var或其子目录、/usr/local和/opt。

  • This script assumes the name of the audit information storage file is / tmp / ksh_audit.out .

    这个脚本假设审计信息存储文件是 /tmp/kshaudit.out。

  • Here 's an example scenario : let 's say that we have an existing filesystem mounted at / tmp .

    这里是一个示例的情况:假设我们有一个现存的文件系统安装在 /tmp

  • This creates an archive ( snapcore_pid . pax . Z ) in the directory / tmp / savedir .

    此命令将在目录/tmp/savedir中创建一个存档( snapcorepid.pax.Z)。

  • This is especially true for variables with common names such as I and tmp .

    对于使用常用名的变量来说更是这样,例如i和 tmp

  • Upload the installation media ISO file onto the host ( for example in the / tmp directory ) .

    将安装介质ISO文件上传到主机(例如,在 /tmp目录中)上。