to ask after...


  • Mom I have a question to ask you I said after a while .

    过了 一会,我说:妈妈,我 你一个问题。

  • It 's much easier to ask for assistance informally than it is to ask to for help after having an operational error or deviation .

    比起工作失误 再寻求帮助,这样的沟通与交流当然更加 值得 做。

  • Most experts agree the best time to ask for more dough is after you feel your performance has really stood out .

    大部分专家都认为 加薪最好的时机是 你认为自己的业绩表现确实脱颖而出的时候。

  • It was rather ingenuous of him to ask a stranger to look after his luggage .

    一个陌生人为自己 照看行李,太老实了。

  • There will be several minutes to ask question after speech .

    演讲 ,将会有几分钟时间 用于 提问

  • It 's my job to ask questions after nightfall .

    我的工作就是 入夜 这些问题。

  • She thinks it should be Andre to ask her out first after all .

    她认为不管 怎样安德烈应该主动 邀请出去

  • Make sure to ask for another behavior after he is quiet and before rewarding him so as not to reinforce the barking .

    他安静 ,马上 它做另一个指令或互动游戏,再给予奖励,以避免吠叫的增强。

  • Previously the only way to access people 's dreams is for psychologists to ask about them after the event and try to interpret them .

    在此之前,了解人类梦境的唯一途径,就是在人们做梦 之后心理学家 他们 询问,然后试图对梦加以解释。

  • He 'll be pleased to hear you ask after him .

    他听到你的 问候一定会很 高兴的。

  • Don 't forget to ask after your aunt when you see Tom this evening .

    你今天晚上看见汤姆时,别忘记 问候你的姑母。

  • At one point tensions flared when a representative of a small ' foreign ' media group was called on to ask a question after a succession of non-confrontational questions from the official Chinese media .

    在一次发布会上,各中国官方媒体提出了一连串无关痛的问题 之后,一家小型外国媒体集团的代表被叫 提问,现场气氛一时紧张起来。

  • In the course of his brief visit he quite forgot to ask after his niece .

    在这番短促的拜访中,他完全忘记 打听 一下他侄女的情况。

  • I have paid a visit to the Heights but I have not seen her since she left : Joseph held the door in his hand when I called to ask after her and wouldn 't let me pass .

    我曾去过山庄一次,但是自从她离去以后我就没有看到过她;当我 问候她时,约瑟夫用手把着门,不许我进去。

  • I do not want to alarm the others . and my dear I would not have alarmed you by saying these things were it not that I had to explain why I ask you to look after melanie .

    我希望你不要把我这些去对别人说,而且,亲爱的,我本来也不该说这些话来吓唬你,只是 为了解释我为什么 要求照顾媚兰才不得不说了。

  • Then in terms of what you say I think it 's good to listen well to the erm * to the questions to be also prepared in advance . And to prepare some questions to ask after the interview .

    然后,关于口头语言,我觉得好好听问题非常重要,同时也应预先 准备好自己的答案,还得准备一些面试 过后 想要 的问题。

  • I really think highly of him to come up with the nerve to ask the girl for dinner again after being rejected for a hundred times .

    被这个女孩拒绝一百多次 ,这个人居然还有勇气 邀请她吃午饭,我不禁对他肃然起敬!

  • And I 'm going to ask after I reach equilibrium what is the partial pressure of nitrogen hydrogen and ammonia ?

    达到平衡 ,氮气,氢气和氨气的分压,分别是多少?

  • He has the cheek to ask for a raise after a week in his new job .

    他上工 一星期,竟厚着脸皮 加薪。

  • I never knew about them or thought to ask about them but after my father died my mother was suddenly very open about this hidden period in her life .

    我对此毫不知情,也从未想过 起。但 我父亲去世后,我的母亲突然对她生命里这段非常时间毫不忌讳。

  • I burned with the desire to ask after my husband .


  • Or you might unwittingly imply that you 're going to ask for a raise soon after coming on board .

    亦或对方会认为,你在得到工作 很快便会 要求加薪。

  • My baby three months today we go to her DPT vaccination may I ask after inoculation there is any need for attention ?

    我家孩子三个月了,我们今天去 她接种百白破, 请问接种 ,有什么要注意的?

  • Sorry to ask this right after we ate .

    抱歉刚 吃完 就问 这个。

  • He couldn 't help to ask about my income after deep thinking .

    经过一番思索,他终于忍不住 询问起我的收入来。

  • Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the Loud Sigh as she will only tell you Nothing .

    注意不要 女人“大声叹息” 之后关怀她,因为她只会 “没 什么”来回应你。

  • Bentley has decided to ask for a transfer after growing increasingly frustrated with his lack of first team chances at highbury .

    由于 在阿森纳缺少一线队的的机会而越来越感到沮丧,本特利决定 提交 转会 申请