to a proverb

[tu e ˈprɑvˌɚb][tu: ə ˈprɔvəb]


  • MAN may labour from sun to sun but a woman 's work is never done says the old proverb .

    谚语 说得好 男人 每天都干活,而女人的活永远干不完。

  • Yes you can make money doing something that you kind of like but are not in love with but to quote a proverb if you love what you do you 'll never work a day in your life .

    是的,做做你有点喜欢,但不那么热爱的事情,是可以赚到钱。但是,正如 谚语 的,做你所爱,你将不再为工作而工作。

  • If they serve capitalism they are capitalist . The present thesis attempted to make a study of the society of the Song Dynasty based on ballad and proverb which were regarded as non-main historical material .

    为资本主义服务,就是资本主义的。本文 试图通过 谣谚 非主流的文献资料,来研究宋代社会。

  • She says that you used to quote a proverb .

    他说你常引用 谚语

  • Killing the chicken to scare the monkey . It is a well-worn Chinese proverb that means a stern punishment in public serves as a warning to everybody .

    杀鸡儆猴是 个人尽皆知的中国 成语,意思是公开严惩一个人,以警告所有人。

  • And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt to be a reproach and a proverb a taunt and a curse in all places whither I shall drive them .

    我必使他们成为地上万国 惊恐、所讨厌的;在我赶逐他们到的各地方,成为被人羞辱、 讥笑、嘲弄、咒诅的对象。

  • According to a Japanese proverb if water is too clean no fish can live in it . If Japan wants to carry on flopping around in clean empty water Mr Kan is the man .

    日本 谚语 ,水至清则无鱼。如果日本想在至清无鱼的水里扑腾,则菅直人较为合适。

  • He is fickle to a proverb .

    他的任性是 人所共知的。

  • That is to say the aesthetic value of a Russian proverb lies in both contents and form of it .

    其美学价值集中表现在内容和形式两 方面。俄语 谚语蕴含着 丰富深刻的寓意,是 人们 生活 经验 总结

  • According to a Japanese proverb If the water is too clean no fish can live in it .

    中国 谚语 水至清则无鱼。

  • In other words they are the ideal chickens to be killed in order to scare the monkeys . As a matter of fact one economist used the same proverb to describe the nature of this story .

    换句话说,它们是杀鸡 猴最理想的选择,实际上,的 确有以为经济学家用这一 成语来描述这一事件的性质。

  • This thesis attempts to make a further study of foreignization and domestication in English proverb translation and contribute to the deeper understanding and translation of English proverbs .

    本文 异化和归化这两种翻译策略在英语 谚语翻译中的运用进行 进一步研究,有助于英语谚语的理解与汉译。

  • We are each of an unsocial taciturn disposition unwilling to speak unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room and be handed down to posterity with all the eclat of a proverb .

    你我的性格跟人家都不大合得来,又不愿意多说话,难得开口,除非想说几 一鸣惊人的话,让大家 当作 格言 流传千古。

  • To kill a snake goes an old African proverb you must first crush the head .

    一句古老的非洲 谚语 ,打蛇先打头。

  • It promises to be a mighty clash since-as the Chinese proverb says-chess is a battle but go is war .

    有望成为 极其激烈的冲突,就像中国的 谚语说的“象棋是一场战役,围棋是一场战争”。

  • This article to brings the principle a word proverb newly to say .

    本文 “拿来主义” 老话 新说

  • Three things are useless : whispering to the deaf grieving for the dead and advising a woman against her will . & Welsh proverb .

    有三件事是徒劳无功:悄声耳语 聋者,伤心哀悼已亡人,建议女人改心愿。&威尔士 谚语