
[医] 正常眼压

  • Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids the content of EPA per unit biomass one of the criteria to estimate the nutrient value of algae was also negatively correlated with that of TN.

    在多不饱和脂肪酸中,EPA含量是判断藻类营养价值的标准之一,其单位生物量含量也与 TN 明显负相关。

  • The water quality was assessed through Massons polluted water biological system method and the composition of ciliata was tightly related with TN. TP and BOD5 .

    并根据Marsson引出的污水生物体系法对水质进行了初步评价,纤毛虫的种类数与 水体 TN、TP、BOD5有着密切关系。

  • The next are concrete blocks bio-ceramic bricks detritus on the removal effect of TN. The concrete blocks have the highest TP removal efficiency and average removal efficiency is 56.96 % .

    对TP去除效果最好的是混凝土块,平均去除率为 56.96%

  • Effluent TN has no obvious correlation with influent TN. Along with change of influent TN effluent TN changes little in the year .

    出水TN与进水 TN没有表现出明显的相关性,在进水TN 波动变化的情况下,出水TN全年变化幅度较小。

  • NCV-N and NH / - N are the main forms in terms of nitrogen losses from farmlands accounted for 67 % of TN.

    硝态 和铵态氮是农田氮素流失的主要形态,在 中占 67%,硝态 中所占比重远大于铵态 ,大 21%

  • Kjeldahl method ( KM ) and elemental analyzer method ( EA ) are commonly used in measuring TN. Their difference however is often overlooked .

    凯氏蒸馏法和元素分析仪法 作为常规方法通用于 上述 领域 全氮 含量测定,但两种方法在 实际应用中的差异却常被忽视。

  • TP load removal rate also increases by power function along with increase of COD / TN.

    TP面积负荷去除率随 COD/TN的增加 幂函数增加

  • It was conducive to the nitrification after dosing filler to aerobic pool and increasing the removal of ammonia and TN. The removal of COD and TP also increased .

    好氧池中投加填料有利于装置的硝化反应,提高了氨氮、 TN的去除,COD、TP的去除率也有所提高。

  • Rhizosphere urease activity of substrate had a significant positive correlation with the removal of TN it can be used as an evaluation index of removal rate of TN. and phosphatase activity had a positive correlation with the removal of TP but which was showed not significant .

    其中根际基质脲酶活性与TN达到显著正相关,可作为评价 对污水中 TN去除率的指标。

  • Results Trigger pain all located in the distribution of TN.

    结果扳机点均位于 TN的分布 范围 之内

  • The decomposition rates and N P changes were decided by the ratio of AFOW to TN.

    分解速率和N、P变化取决于分解材料的烧 失重与总 比值

  • The objective of this experiment was to observe whether there is abnormal expression of TTX-R hNa_v1.8 channel protein in demyelinated fibers of the affected nerves in patients with TN and to explore the relationship between ectopic discharges and TN.

    本实验的目的是观察TN患者痛支神经的有髓纤维脱髓鞘处是否有hNa v1.8通道蛋白的异常表达,探讨异位放电活动与三叉神经痛的关系

  • Otherwise the formation of coupling is related not only on distortion degree of strain release but also on the difference between Ms and tn.

    另外,反 转变与马氏体 相变 能否 紧密耦合,除了与应变释放机制相关的畸变度有关外,还与Ms以点和 tn 之间的差异具有很大的关系